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Had a week holiday. BORING AS FUCK.

I forgot when I went out. So I won't be saying when?

Went out with Mum to TPY and then to Ikea and Giant. ^^


Was out with Huiling and ChinTeng (OMG EVEN RARE) to collect our stuffs from blogshop. Met Huiling at Jurong East. Bus over to Toh Guan. Collect stuff, mrt back to Serangoon. Ct left to meet bf, Huiling & I to NEX. Walk walk and chilled~

new shoes i bought.

3 connector ring ♥♥♥

After that she came over to my house. Then Dad fetched me and her to Hougang Mall, dropped her off, then I went to buy my camera. Weeeee~ Finally have a camera lol.

So far as I can recall, I think I went out for only 2 days. Rest of the holidays fucking rot at home. ZZZ

This week, just normal studying. Boring like hell -.-
Must say school really sucked. CCA stuff and shit so much problems. Don't even know why I can't have a normal school life like others. -.- Life REALLY started to suck when secondary school started. SIGH. Just taking each day as it comes. Hope this year ends fast.

Well that's all for now. Bye sweeties.

we like to sleep all day, and party all night

6 hours ago, I told myself that I'll start blogging in 10 minutes. I kept telling myself that and now it's already 9.55pm. LOL

So, here's a quick post on what happened last week:

Monday to Wednesday,

Was having elective modules. OMG I love it!!! I actually picked hospitality as my first choice. Ok I thought hospitality was going to the hospital etc but it was actually the kind where you serve people all that. UGH NEVER SAY PROPERLY LOL. I didn't regret getting into this choice actually. Ok I didn't even mention what it was. It's performing musician. Was so fun! Instructor so slack pls, every 30 min-1 hour 10 minute breaks, 1 day 3 breaks sometimes 2 hours LOOOL. Even though it's from 7am to 5.30pm. OH wait he even releases us early :D If school was like that everyday, I'll attend it!

So here's what we did for 3 days:

Yup. lol we don't have the luxury of using proper instruments, used buckets and pails instead LOOL. ok me and ct's and some boys' was proper instruments. ours was the agogo bells! :D Had a performance in the hall on wednesday RETARDED we did so badly LOL. I did feel disappointed okay!

We were supposed to perform for MCYS people too, but they didn't even come -_- well I had hell lots of fun. :) But was sad tho, didn't even see Mr Andre the last time! Oh ya, had a video too okay!

Thursday and Friday was just any normal schooling day, boring as hell!

So here are just some random stuff,

What's on my makeup table? ;)

Did my nails yesterday, was just trying out something I never tried: sponging technique~
I realised it was easier to create straight lines or maybe gradient effects using sponge rather than just brushing it on. Loved the finishing :) SOOOOOO BLING xD

So I'm gonna attempt to do/add some stuffs to my room, gonna get busy!

Gonna buy some felt and cut out those words like the ones above ^ just that it'll be this sentence below. OHHHHHH YEAH LED LIGHTS!!! Still waiting for dad to install them...

HAHAHAHAHAH It shall be a big piece on the wall 8D

Gonna tear pieces of these random papers from magazine and fill up one fricken wall

Hopefully try to redo my accessories corner into something like that, rings all placed out. Rather than it now all in a plate like in f21 LOL


Right now I'm having a holiday. Wait is it even a holiday? Mondays to Thursdays remedial from fucking 8am to 2pm. BUT IT IS still a holiday for me because I am fucking not going back! Fucking hell, it's called a HOLIDAY for a reason! Besides I took so long to do my nails, NO WAY!

So yup, Wednesday I'm gonna go get a camera. YES FINAAAALLLLYYYY
Thursday to Jurong with the 4 girls to collect our clothing and go shopping.
Other days......... I'll think. :)


i'm two quarters and a heart down

"Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but
rather accepting that there are things that
cannot be."

Hello, finally back to blog.

It's March already. Time passes by so quickly!

Regarding school, I got back some of my common test results. And I must say that I've flunked almost all of it. Was done really badly. Have to stop playing and eating so much in class LOL.
I failed English, Geo, Maths, Sci (phy n chem).
So I got 6 for Geo, 4 for Maths, 12 for physics and I think 6 for chemistry also? English not sure. Oh I forgot to mention I didn't attend school today. Woke up with fucking sore red eyes. Fucking hurts when I blink so I didn't attend.

Also, I'm sure I'm gonna fail Art cause I only had one hour to create an abstract from 4 different pictures given zzz HOW TO FINISH!?

So far I only passed one which is Chinese and it was also terribly done, just passed. I don't know when we'll ever get to pass English. Mrs V never lets us pass. -.- My whole class failed and it sucks to fail at your best subject.

Sec 3 life sucks. Especially with ms goh's enrichment programme plus tutoring and mentoring for sec 2 students OMG PLZ SUCK DICKS U SUCK. Have to stay back once a week to tutor students for an hour. I COULD GET SOME SLEEP AND FUN WITH THAT AMOUNT OF TIME. It's like every day it's packed. We're students going to school to study not to tutor people!! HELLO, we pay school fees!! I don't get it, why are we born to have such a tough life, and end up dying, leaving all our loved ones? Why is some born rich, with a silver spoon in their mouth, and some suffer? Everyone should be born to live a good life. No one should be working or studying. It should rain money, not water. EVERYONE SHOULD LIVE A GOOD LIFEEEEEEEEE~~! *plays One Republic - Good Life*

This few weeks, I've been:
Going to ChinTeng's house for like almost everyday LOL for..

I realised I am actually addicted to it.

Baked cookies a few days ago at her house with Karen & Huimin. Later on I'm gonna bake it again ughhhhh

OKAY now I'm gonna do this.

Day 1 - your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Hm, my thoughts on single life? Yeah sometimes it's pretty good. :D No quarrels, no one bothers the fuck outta you, you're happy, problems are reduced lesser. But sometimes when you feel like shit, you need a shoulder, you need a hug, no one can actually give you one. Weekends are sometimes boring, everyone is on a date, you're at home sinking into your sofa munching on crap. Valentine's is worse, I don't need to point it out. :) But hey, as long as you got your good friends, being single doesn't matter 8D

Day 2 - where you’d like to be in 10 years.

Married, living a really simple and happy life. :)

Day 3 - your views on drugs and alcohol.


Day 4 - your views on religion.

Sozzzzzzzzzz, i'm not into this kinda stuff.

Day 5 - a time you thought about ending your own life.

It was a few years back, when life was REALLY shitty. Didn't pass my exams, life at home was really shitty. Oh I actually even agreed with my friend that we'll go jump off a building. LOL YES PLEASE LAUGH, CALL ME CRAZY. Now I feel so stupid.

Day 6 - write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

• My last haircut was 3 years ago.
• I hate green tea. Or tea. Just TEA.
• I hate sweet stuff, prefer sour more.
• I'm really really bad at Math.
• I love reading up/watching documentaries about: Egypt, American History, Greek Mythology, human body, unsolved mysteries, all the weird stuff and famous serial killers.
• My idols are: Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn, Julian Casablancas and Brendon Urie.
• I absolutely love vintage stuff.
• I don't have more than 10 clothing that are of bright colours, mostly the neutrals.
• I love rocker and scene looks.
• I have a really bad temper; I get irritated easily.
• I love love love leather studs diamonds sequins, glossy and ripped stuff and swallows. Also almost anything that blings~
• I love music.
• Actually I love to read. YES DON'T SEEM LIKE. Only about the stuffs I'm interested in.
• I don't like to dress too casually.
• I like Chanel & YSL.
• I like the names BlythE and Casablancas.
• I don't like to be in crowds.
• I don't eat my veggies.
• I realise I can't handle the really long slides in the swimming complexes, my heart beats really fast and I can't breathe when I'm on the slide. MAN, I'M GETTING OLD!
• I used to love gore movies, but now I can't really handle it too. LOL. Extreme ones I can't!
• I think that boys who ask for intros is automatically sending me a signal that: "I am looking for a whore" you can kindly gtfo.
• I think that girls shouldn't have short hair and boys shouldn't have long hair.
• I can't stick to something for a long time, I have to replace it.
• I'm really absent minded, I could walk inside a room and forget why I was there.
• I hate short nails.
• I MUST wear a ring, necklace and bracelet/bangle when I'm out. It's a habit.
• I bear grudges.
• I love chicken wings and pizzas :3

Day 7 - your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

My zodiac sign is the Rat. Eh I've actually never thought about this. I think it kinda fits. I'm timid like a rat sometimes LOL

Day 8 - a moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.

How can it be just A moment? There's lots. And I can't remember any omg. Spare me, I'm already killing so much brain cells thinking bout the ones above.

Day 9 - how you hope your future will be like.

Have a job I'm satisfied with. Hopefully marry a rich/caucasian husband HAHAHA. No la, just a simple life? Get married and have kids?

Day 10 - discuss your first love and first kiss.

Can I skip this? Ok yes I can.

Anyway, here's something for ya'll

It alternates slapping hands when you look at the face but when you look at the hand it's not moving.. ONLY ONE HAND SLAPS. MINDFUCKKKKKKKKKK!

HAHA, that's what I see too! funny much :3

Finally, I don't feel guilty of not blogging for so long anymore. BYE! :D

I'm Zihui. How bout you, stranger?
Trapped In Another Dimension...


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