-- Wednesday, June 30, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:45 PM
I've got nothing much to blog about today, but here are some videos to share with you guys. :D
-- Tuesday, June 29, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 3:37 PM
I'm Gonna Leave The World Outside.
First day of school was like
x1000000000 thumbs down.
Yeah. School sucks.
I'm no longer excited when school reopens. Which means I used to be.
I'm sick of hearing the word school.
I'm sick of waking up so early in the morning.
I'm sick of getting scolded when it's the first day of school reopen.
I'm sick of hearing "do you want me to expel you/suspend you" and "you can transfer school"
I'm sick of always being the one getting picked on.
I'm sick of always having to avoid teachers.
I hate being unhappy in school.
I feel that school is a waste of time.
I feel that I go school not to study but to get scolded.
I no longer enjoy school.
Who in the world invented SCHOOL??????
I would like to burn down my effing school.
Yeah my day at school sucks yesterday. Which is why I didn't went to school today. I don't know why but I'm constantly giving excuses to skip school. Sorry, but I really hate school. I wish I could just go to work and forget about school.
Just the first day of school and what?? Miss Neo. Ah I'm sick at the sight of her. Mind you, she didn't pluck her nose hair. It's sticking out of her nose, GROSS. If we laugh, she'll say we're immature. I really wish I could tell her, "Excuse me, your nose hair is sticking out of your nose. Would you like to go and pluck it out first? :)" LMFAO.
I only slept like a few hours. zz. Damn tired at school. Nothing to do also. AND IT'S FUCKING HOT. School time table changed also. Canteen always packed with people. I don't know WHY they always allow upper sec to have recess with lower sec. THE CANTEEN IS FUCKING SMALL. The size of a few classrooms ONLY. Not like the canteen is fucking big right? Always no place to sit. _l_
Don't wish to talk about school anymore.
Went to Plaza with Huiling & ChinTeng to eat. KFC. After KFC, wanted to go home, but they say want go Compass. lol. Ok so after Compass, home.
I prefer staying at home. Rather than school.
Oh yes, bought a new nail colour.
Metallic Silver!! OMG! Looked nicer in rl.
Finishing product!! I'm so loving my nails 8) lol I know my toes look ugly. -.-
Went to Expo at night... Cuz bro was working there. Piss me off sia. lol. Saw like hell lots of cosmetics there. ZA, Loreal, Revlon, all fucking cheap. But I had no money!!! Mum don't wanna buy!!! zzz. And the fucking heels, tore my skin. FUCK IT. Home at 9plus.
Tags Reply.
29 Jun 10, 03:45 PM
passerby: Hey why i cant see your post? What i aw is all black colour ..
What browser are you using? I tried Google Chrome & Mozilla both works. Or maybe it's loading? Mine is okay.
28 Jun 10, 04:01 PM
ArvinKOR: mei how are you heh , looking prettier eh ! hahs , tag me soon . your blog too , really rockin' nicer then mine
Haha. Thanks. :) Will tag you.
28 Jun 10, 09:43 AM
☺FANGz.: Hi, passby and tag
Erm, do I know you? Thanks for the tag anyway :)
28 Jun 10, 03:14 AM
huiling: wa ser hwee got play maple last time ! so bo liao ehs u .
27 Jun 10, 02:24 AM
Marshall: Wth . eu like alrdy stead wif David liao lo . JyJy . !
lol wtf.
26 Jun 10, 09:41 PM
psby: hey. just voicing out my opinion, i feel that the pictures on top are too big, maybe you can put them in boxes. haha no offence:)
Boxes? Like how?
26 Jun 10, 07:04 PM
maurice: LOL at those secret u had
26 Jun 10, 09:10 AM
gt: i still think u wear specs nicer, in my opinion. hehh but you look good without it though
I see, haha, thanks! ^^
25 Jun 10, 10:15 PM
Chin Teng: mars, nice blog yea (: and to the eew. did she said that she's chio? i think you should have an eye check up
Thanks :D
25 Jun 10, 06:21 PM
Meiko: Not bad ah, .
25 Jun 10, 03:20 PM
KArEN: Relink!
Ok :)
25 Jun 10, 01:37 AM
Vanessaheartzx: HAHA. You can be those models for those blogshop de! haha. nice header btw
LOL. Thanks :)
24 Jun 10, 02:51 PM
Priscilla: Nice blogg.
Thanks :D
24 Jun 10, 03:52 AM
huiling: wth ! ur pic so funny i was laughing when i read it . i DUN HAV SO UGLY AND NV VOMIT SO MUCH !
23 Jun 10, 09:04 PM
Thanx. :)
Ending here.
-- Sunday, June 27, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:13 PM
We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time.
HELLO! Just back from Hougang. Food at Kopi Tiam sucks balls. That's why I never eat at kopi tiam. Same price as fast food, why not eat fast food!
Damn, school starts tomorrow!!!! Can't seem to switch back to school mode. Still got a lot of things haven't done, gotta finish this post quick.
Blogging for yesterday now.
27th June, Saturday,
Out with Hweeling! :) Met at Hougang Mall first, to have lunch. At Long John. Haha. Then MRT-ed to Clark Quay. On MRT saw this:
LOL TOTALLY UNGLAM!!!!! What has picking nose got to do with littering??
Bully EVEN has got nothing to do with littering. LOL
Actually going to Vivo. But we stopped at Clark Quay to get the Sticky sweet. Haha. Got my smiley face. ^^Cute x1000000000. Went out and the weather IS A MOTHER BITCH! So hot sia!!!!
So only took one pic. Same old thing.
Left for Vivo. Ah. We took the wrong train. Took to Punggol instead of to Habourfront. LOL. So we went to the 3 storey This Fashion at Plaza Sing. BIG. But nothing to buy. Waste my $ tap in. -.-
Left Plaza sing, mrt to Vivo. lol. Searching for wallet. Nothing much there... :( Today I didn't buy anything, all my money is spent on food. :(
At Habourfront Center. The air outside is fucking polluted. All smokers. Step out only smell the second hand smoke. ZZZZZ.
Walk finish Vivo & Habourfront Center, actually thought of going home. But we went to City Square Mall. LOL. COTTON ON!!!! HAHA. Cousin was there. Oh sorry I made a mistake, he wasn't my uncle, he was my cousin, LOL!!! OMFG. YESSSS I FINALLY BOUGHT THE SHIRT I WANT. :D Bought a shirt and a vest. No need to pay. Take and go. LOLLLL. I told him my daddy will pay him back, he pay for me first. WOOHOO. :)
Um, home after that! :D
Not replying tags, gonna go pack my stuff and iron my uniform now. Bye!
-- Friday, June 25, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:03 PM
Build God, Then We'll Talk.
HELLO! Back to blog. :) It's 1.46am 26th June now.... And I'm blogging for 25th June. Feels weird. lol.
Okeh. So I went to collect my lenses today. Have to learn how to wear it. lol. I kinda fear wearing it. Seems so... disgusting?? lol. Like coming into contacts with the eyes... Touching the eyeball... Ugh. Sensitive. But to look good it's definitely worth it 8D So... I tried and tried and well getting used to it now, no longer find it disgusting. :)
After learning how to wear, can go already. Went home first. Pris wanna go out~ :D Pris and David came to my house. Then to Punggol Park! Woohoo!

No it's nothing, I nearly fell and he held onto me!
Love these!
And this! Fat face though...

lol, got dark, 7am:
Love me nails~
LOOK STUPID X10000000000000 HERE.

We parted ways... I walked home from Punggol Park. TT.
lol I spent hella of a time on sending the pic and uploading them. AH!
Off I go now! ^^