-- Thursday, March 25, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:34 PM
Can Time Please Rewind?
Current mood:
... lol. I don't know what's up recently but life sucks. Seriously..
Every morning I wake up and the first thing I think of is:
1. School...? Why is today school again? Why school everyday? What's the point?
2. Miss Goh... How is she gonna torture me today?
3. CCA...? How to skip it today?
Lol, I feel everything is so pointless. Sick and tired of reporting to goh everyday. During school time I be thinking what excuses to give so I don't have to see her. Thursdays and Fridays I be thinking what excuse to give to skip CCA.
Life completely changed... Since 2009. I don't know how long this is gonna go on... But it's kinda driving me crazy.
Today after school I didn't report to her. Now I'm stressed up thinking what she'll do to me tomorrow.
Sometimes I really wonder why am I like a prisoner, having to report to her every now and then, and she's torturing me.. It's worse than hell I swear. It's not like I smoke. I don't do illegal things. Just becuz of attire I'm like getting tortured everyday. It's not like I never change!!! Why can't I be like other students, feeling so free after school, doing whatever they want.
And I'm really down on my luck since the start of 2009. Nothing good's been happening. Only bad things one after the other.
Yesterday morning reported in as late. Cuz had breakfast with ChinTeng. Reported in at 7.45am. Got scolded by goh. Class for lessons. Science, soh came to Science lab look for me give me pink form cuz I was late. ONLY ONCE IN THE SECOND YEAR LEH!!!! STRAIGHT AWAY PINK FORM!!!! Others late so many times also don't need pink form la!!!! I first time only, one chance also don't give!!! Plus she asked us to tick "late for class", not "late for school". When asked, she say "because you both special". Why? I don't see the need. I'm only late once. I've never been late all the time. Everybody was like "walao!" when they heard why I receieved pink form. Even never got pink form one also feels it's unfair la!!! Needless to say me!!!! ZZZ
Then I went to toilet without pass but had permission. I don't see anything wrong. Got scolded by Ms Carmelia. After school went to report. Actually I can go already. Ms Carmelia being a kind soul just had to remind Ms Goh that I went to the toilet without pass. Straight away, reflection 250 words why I went to the toilet without pass. Tell me if this is really worse than hell? Lucky I wrote quick and when she left her office I gave it to her otherwise god knows what time I have to stay till.
Today morning reported in late also. Cuz had breakfast again. Waited for her outside her office. Then got scolded by her cuz she said that we should look for her at the staff room. Wtf? She's like all around the school. Later look for her she say it's truancy. Everything also cannot. Wait outside her office also she say, go staff room also she say. She came up, got scolded by her. Cuz she said that I should've looked for her at the staff room instead. So she said I don't have to go back to class. Then wrote a reflection on why I was late and why I did not look for her at the staff room, 250 words each. (..............) I don't know what to say.
She asked ChinTeng to see her in her office. She passed her phone to another guy, got caught by goh. Then she also checked my bag. What next? Phone got confiscated. I didn't even use it in front of her. I'm not in the wrong. Why should my phone be confiscated? For 2 weeks. zzzzzzzzz.
WORSE OF THE WORSE: goh said I have to make an appointment from form teacher, tell her my phone was confiscated and see when my parents can come down to take it back. Guess what she said?
"-jiao bin- -frowns- YOUR BUSINESS LA!"
WHAT THE FUCK? I also never use right! What kind of form teacher sia! I'M NOT EVEN IN THE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first she buay song buay song then say what 2 weeks later make appointment. CRAZY. Is exactly on 8th May I get it back, still want me wait till after 8th May. During Chinese, got pink form again cuz did not attend CCA.
I have like so much up on my head that I have to take note of. Reflections, homeworks, CCA, other crazy people's faces & attitude. Why!!!!
So tell me why I should not hate school!!
And so what if I hate school, I still have to attend it everyday and see other's faces. SO SICK AND TIRED.
I'M GONNA BREAK DOWN SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm down to depression next!!!!
Entering SKSS was the BIGGEST mistake in my whole life I swear.
Sigh... I feel that I really have to rant.
What to do?
Bye. I'm gonna go sleep.

-- Monday, March 22, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 1:05 PM
Tell Me If You Like It.
Hello. There's no school for me today. Woke up late. Ok lah actually I purposely woke up late. Met ChinTeng. She also didn't go school, haha. So we walked around? Uh went to Mac for Mcflurry, haha. Then after that she came to my house. Watched tv awhile, she left. After that. Uhs. lol. Skip bah? So here I am using com. Haven't done any of my homework yet except geography... School sucks.. Art still not done. Wasn't as easy as I thought. -.-
Bought a ribbon rubberband from Montip for school, $4. Today first day use spoil alr. Wtf. $4 quality :(
Anyway. Here's a before and after of my haircut,
TELL ME THIS ISN'T BANGS. -____- I don't know how the hairdresser cut till like that. :( But anyway it isn't that bad, just that I look like a small kid.
Okay... Nothing much to blog already. Just a reply of tags and I'm done.
Tags reply.
21 Mar 10, 03:34 PM
M E L I S S A: HELLO ! Taggies
HELLO! :D Thanks! :D
20 Mar 10, 09:00 PM
Agwtxoxoyou,: Tag! (:
Thanks :D
20 Mar 10, 08:53 PM
Zijun.: Damn the person who used my name to tag, grrrrr.
20 Mar 10, 08:28 PM
Passerby.: Where did you edit your pictures oh? It's nice. o.o
Photoscape and Photoshop. :)
20 Mar 10, 07:19 PM
Thanks :)
20 Mar 10, 05:53 PM
Branda.L ;: Hi Zihui , Relink , tys . Anw , Tagged with luvvszx. [:
Sure pretty :)

-- Sunday, March 21, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:47 PM
Persistance of Memory.
Hi there.
I'm in a very awkward position now. No idea how to draw my art. Anyway, I'm drawing this.
lol. I like. :D Very short post.
Today sleep till 3pm then wake up. Lols. School tomorrow... SIAN. Tons of homework not done yet. I hate school! Oh my.
Okay no time already, gonna start drawing. Bye!

-- Saturday, March 20, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 2:07 PM
Once Bitten, Twice Shy.
OH MY EFFFFFFFFFFFZ. SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE FOR SO LONG! Break record alr, this is my longest time I didn't update. :(
Number of views sure decreased like mad! OMG :(
MY COM IS SPOILED! Uggggghhhh I'm currently using laptop, Don't know when I'll get a new com. This lappy isn't mine, so I can't upload pics into it. Ps.
This holiday was really boring. I rot until cannot rot anymore, Cuz com spoil, so everyday I spent my time watching tv. LMAO so lifeless. -.- Everyone's busy with their stuff, what to do! :( Nobody pei me go out. Fucking sian,
On Sat,
I can't remember, think it's Sat. Met Huiling at Compass, then we headed to Far East Plaza. My first time there, LMAO, Big thanks to MaoMao for guiding me there. :) I thought we gonna buy a lot of things there. Walked the whole Far East Plaza only bought one handbag and bracelet. zzz.
Bugis is still better. :) So went to Bugis, Bought another bag, 2 shorts, one studded high waist skirt, another shiny tank top and heels with Huiling. Haha. Then Mum and Dad fetched me and Huiling home. Left our stuff at my house then went to Ikea with whole family plus Huiling. Fantastic hotdog bun there, haha. Walked for like a few hours, then Daddy sent us back home.
Er, bathed etc, went out again. Went to Daiso with Huiling. Around 9plus home.
Next few days, I feel like I'm being jailed at home, Terrible feeling. :(
One night around 8pm plus went out find Huiling. Bused to her home. Actually wanna go lan! Her father damn fierce don't let her go out. Sit in her room think of how can go out, then failed. Wtffffffffz. It's only 8plus damn early her father say 9pm liao cannot go out LOL. Aiya then I went home lah. -_-
Also same next week days I rot luh? Morning wake up watch tv till go sleep. -.-
Yesterday went out. Was.. very happy. But after that no more. Alright don't wish to elaborate.
The stupid china bitch called my mum say I never go CCA. LMAO who cares?
Don't have anything much to blog already. Later meeting ChinTeng go cut hair.
Holidays ending soon... Time flies.
Okay I'll reply tags now.
Tags reply.
20 Mar 10, 12:37 PM
Cheryl.: Why you never update.
Com spoil. :( I updated already. :)
20 Mar 10, 12:18 AM
: SANDY ♥:
: SANDY ♥: Update :
Updated :)
18 Mar 10, 09:43 PM
huiling: tagged !
Thanks! :D
18 Mar 10, 05:58 PM
....: enjoy your life hope your happy i wish u happiness
Who're you? Thanks. :)
17 Mar 10, 10:08 PM
Daryllllll~: tagg~Goodbye then second chance,tell ms neo goodbye got second chance of getting pink form!^^
You go tell her she give you serious offence form LOL.
17 Mar 10, 08:46 PM
Cheryl.: Your latest post display pix (Y)
LOL? I don't think it's nice.
17 Mar 10, 07:34 PM
Chin Teng: tagged
Thanks :D
17 Mar 10, 12:53 PM
Thanks! :)
16 Mar 10, 04:31 PM
M E L I S S A: Hello ! Taggiesss :D
Hello! Thanks :D
15 Mar 10, 06:41 PM
★KAreN: Hey Zar bor! v long nv see u lao! TAG
Hello! Yeah, see you at the next FPPS event. :) Thanks :D
15 Mar 10, 01:50 PM
huiling: siao eh TAGGED !!!!!!!!!!! so many science experiment thingy . MY CLASS DUN HAV !!! :(\
YOUR TEACHER WHO? AH LAI LEH! "Ok since you all have done this experiment last year you shall not waste your time doing it again." HAHAHAHA how you go through his lesson ah. So boring!
15 Mar 10, 12:55 PM
Kalchun: Sexxxxxxxxxxsee. Tagged .
Sexy! Thanks :D
14 Mar 10, 02:40 PM
Zijun.-Zijun: Don't so boliao use my name to reply others ley whalao.
LOL I thought it was you :o
13 Mar 10, 11:20 PM
Maurice: Wah....i like ur blog heading.So chio.LOL
HAHA thanks! Ehhh you say want bring me go see the world de!! I still waiting for you to take me on a ride in your car hor :B
12 Mar 10, 02:49 PM
wenwei: ^^ TAG!
11 Mar 10, 06:47 PM
JolynCyx's: Darling
Hello Darling! ;)
11 Mar 10, 04:23 PM
=D: thanks;) By the way, which branch you bought it from? Whats the price? o.o
The branch at Hougang Mall. $10. :)
11 Mar 10, 02:57 PM
Thanks! ^^
DONE! Now I'll go get busy with my Facebook. ^^ Keep tagging!

-- Thursday, March 11, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 12:52 PM
Baptized In The River,
I've seen a vision of life and I wanna be delivered
In the city was a sinner, I've done a lot of things wrong but I swear I'm a believer.
LOL the picture looks like a ghost. -.- Aiya anything la lazy edit already. I haven't been taking pics lately so I'm using old pics. Ps. :(
I haven't been blogging lately... I don't like secondary school life. Keeps you so busy. You don't have time for anything. :(
So many projects and stuff.. Next week's holiday. Doesn't seem like holiday to me. Still have homework to do. -.- I don't get it, holiday = time to relax and play, why homework is given? Lol, I make sure I enjoy next week's holiday. Haven't been relaxing much. -.-
Anyway, I start my holiday today. LOL. Cross Country, didn't go. Parents don't allow, I also cannot do anything. o_O Tomorrow last day already, lazy go. lol.
These few days nothing much happened uh. Lots of work to do. After school see ... don't feel like talking about her. -.-
Oh ya, remember the Science experiment? Shit I can't believe it

I don't have any crystals at all! Left one is the crystal one. Left one is salt. I got no interest in the salt one. lol, only got 1 period of Science, I don't care I re-do everything.
LOL oh ya, Hafiz was mad. See the bottle inside full of blue powder? That's used to make the crystals. Wtf. Someone spilled everything the floor and table all is the powder. LOL. Then Hafiz dabao some of the powder bring home. Not some. Is quite a lot. What for, don't even have the instruments how to do the experiment at home? Wtf.

Lols, supposed to use one flask only to wait for the water to drip. Aiya, only got one period so I used 3 la. Save time. :D
LOL ct go mix everything together HAHA
Lol this part is so time consuming. I love Science. I love Miss Ong. LMAO. She's the best teacher. :D Also Science = recess. I eat like wtf LOL.
After school was CCM. Boring shit.
Home Econ practical. Home Econ pissed me off.

Made stir-fried mee tai bak. My Mum ate everything. LOL.
After the practical, went to the theory room. Walao, the project we didn't hand in cuz haven't decide on the dish we making. Then we all stayed back, used our recess time to do the fucking project. -.- I'm like the person doing everything. -.- I hate irresponsible members. Then the others went to buy food. Next lesson Science, so I ate during Science. Ok I feel much better completing the project. Huimin was supposed to give the papers to the teachers by 3. She went home immediately and guess what, we got 0. What for? If that's the result I'd have left everything in it's original place and not completed anything. Fucking waste of my time.
Ok yesterday really pissed me off.
Last lesson was History. I thought I could get home early cuz it's Wed, I have nothing on. Fucking History teacher wanted us to do Common Test corrections. WHY? I didn't even take common test! Dismissal time was 1.40pm, I was dismissed at 2.30pm. She just wrote the structure for us and we have to fill in the rest. Wtf? I HATE HISTORY. ALWAYS DRAG MY EFF TIME! I'M A FUCKING BUSY PERSON OK ZZZZZZZZZZZ.
After dismissal, luckily she didn't drag my time. Walked to Plaza find my mum & bro, had KFC, then home. :)
Tags reply.
9 Mar 10, 04:17 PM
=D: Where you bought that top and shorts on your latest post?
Oh, I bought the top from Cotton On. My Mum made my shorts. :)
8 Mar 10, 03:34 PM
Zijun.: Anw, congrats for getting 44 for your Science retest. (:
Zijun.: Heh, because left handed people are lesser than right handed people so i find them v rare and special. (: You look one of my friend when you have gold hair wear sunglasses, LOL!
LOL. Thanks :D
7 Mar 10, 08:11 PM
Priscilla the great: I hate you :( WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :(
Priscilla the great: AND I TAKE DAVID PIC FOR YOU OKAY@@
7 Mar 10, 04:57 PM
Cheryl.: Omg I'm so special I even got a pixx for reply as tag :$
LOL! Just to show you :)
Wtf the tags are so less. MORE PLEASE.
Will blog when I have time or when I can use. BYE. :)

-- Saturday, March 6, 2010 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 11:02 PM
So I'm Gonna Give All My Secrets Away.
HI. ZIHUI IS BACK. Actually this post should be published yesterday. But when I'm uploading the pics the com keep shut down. So yeah I stopped using. Tired also.
So ya. I got back my Science common test results. It's a retest. Guess what. 44/50!! HAHAHAHAHAA. MUHAHAHAHAHA. LOL Nothing much these few days leh. School and school. Thursday gave school a miss. HAHA I lied that I had tummy ache. Enjoyed sleeping like fuck. :3 Then I went to meet Huiling. That bitch is back. :) Friday, school. lol. Oh ya. I got a pathetic 2/10 for my lit test. Another test I forgot how much I got. lmao.
Woke up at 9am. Freaking 9am. Text Pris, ask her where she is. SHE IS FUCKING WAITING FOR HER BREAKFAST WHEN WE'RE SUPPOSED TO MEET AT 10 WHICH MEANS SHE'S NOT PREPARED AT ALL. UGHHHHHHHH. So I waited. She said meet at 11. 11 she still at Mrt. ZZZ. I waited for the bus freaking long also. So I also late. :( Oh ya I said so much but I didn't told you where we were heading to.
We're going to..
At Anchorvale CC. With just Pris and David. :D Cuz stupid Colin complain no $. At last going out with friend. I WANNA TEAR HIM APART. If not for him we'll be swimming at Jurong. Jurong one so fun! So anyway. Changed into swimming costume, then go play water. lol so shiok! the weather is so fucking hot. lol.
Er we stayed there from like.. 12plus to 1plus. Then we bus to Compass. Thought of eating Sakae sushi. Then don't want cuz I suddenly crave for Pizza Hut. So we're at Pizza Hut! :D
LOL pris kept taking pics of David

And at last he's terminally depressed LOL

Black out

Shit hair after swimming.

Pris' LOL. Like a pile of shit LOL

LOL. Pris don't blame me for editing your pics. Cuz you also post my ugly pics!! LOL
At first thought of going to Vivo to catch a movie. At last didn't. lol. So we went to Sculpture Park. PICS! :D
HAHA. After she send me all the photos, went home. :) Had hell lots of fun today. :D
Now, I shall reply tags :D
Tags reply~7 Mar 10, 11:33 AM
Ty. :D7 Mar 10, 11:06 AM
Timmy.: Your science lab nice, my science lab sucks. :( Anyway, hope to meet up soon, want want?
LOL. Don't know.6 Mar 10, 09:31 PM
Chin Teng: tagged ^-^
TY C-COLI :D6 Mar 10, 10:43 AM
Wenwei: Tag ^^
Thanks :D5 Mar 10, 09:14 PM
Branda.L , ♥ ;: haha , your memory is good . ^^
^^ relinked you5 Mar 10, 08:57 PM
Edan: TAGGED! X)
Thanks! :D5 Mar 10, 07:55 PM
LILING: Your seating arrangement and all the experiments are the same as mine in chem lab!!!! ;)
HAHA. :) Best to sit at the last table. :)4 Mar 10, 10:06 PM
Zijun.: Ha, i'm scared of secretive people, ;p You're a left handed?! O: I like left handed people! O:
LOL! Yeah I'm left handed. Why do you like left handed people. LOL. 4 Mar 10, 09:45 PM
BABE. YOUR EXCEPTIONAL. :)3 Mar 10, 09:07 PM
Gracia.: You look nice when you wore that today . :)
Thanks. :)3 Mar 10, 09:05 PM
his is a toga dress. Haha. Just focus on the top part. :)I'm done. :D

ALRIGHT. BYE. I still love this pic. LMAO.