-- Monday, November 30, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 2:08 PM
I Need A Replay.
Tags reply.
30 Nov 09, 02:32 AM
pb: u think the song is all urs mehh?? " ugly b!tch
Reply:LOL. You retarded or what?
No 1. I didn't say the song is mine. TSKTSK.
No 2. This is MY blog. People want ask me what, I got the rights to fucking say no. Who are you to talk here? And are you that pretty? No then stfu? :D Different people think differently, they have the choice to choose what they want. You think you ask what everybody will tell you? You think everyone must let you ah? Then I ask you your cb/lj got hair not, tell me? Anyway, the main thing is,
This is MY blog, not yours. I say I don't want to tell my blog songs, then just beat it.
So just fuck off, I don't need your comments. Retarded bitch. :)Melissa (:O: LOL followed le (:(:
Melissa (:O: anyway , tagged ! ;D
Melissa (:O: LOL ur post real big ahas , lol same . I hate ppl asking mi for blogsongs ^O^ so annoying .
Reply: HAHA. Yeah same. I'm glad you think the same as me ^^v Thanks anyway :B
28 Nov 09, 01:46 AM
Priscilla: TAG ME HOR. HOR. HOR. later my blog die :(
Priscilla: LOL. TAG ME YOU FOOL!!!
Reply: LOL. Ok.
27 Nov 09, 11:46 PM
YourHighness: eeyer ! Dowan bow ! I ask my lai ren ah , come smack you uh
YourHighness: Yohyoh !
Reply: LOL. Tell me why I must bow first? :3
-- Saturday, November 28, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:13 AM
Kiss Goodnight.

lolz. Time check: 7.14am. I haven't slept for a while. I still feel energetic. Have been watching 想握你的手. Wanted to watch 当我们同在一起 also.. But wanted to continue watching the other one so I haven't watched that. lol. I don't know why I don't feel like sleeping at all. :) Now brother drawing his design for his bedroom. Helping him out. Also searching for designs that might help him.. And now I feel like doing my own one too!!

So chio right!! Omg. Might edit this post later. :)
EDITED @ 7.05pm.LOOK.
Although I have a lot to rant about this but. I'll keep it short.
DON'T ASK ME MY BLOG SONGS. And others right. I don't need you to help me fucking reply. Like what's your problem? I already said I don't and don't like to tell people my blog songs right.
This is fucking big and noticeable enough.
-- Thursday, November 26, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 9:14 PM
Bring Me The Horizon.

Hello. ;) Sigh. Sore throat sucks... Makes talking difficult.. Plus I have to drink water mixed with salt.. But it does work. :)
Omg.. I've not been blogging for 3 days.. That sucks. I tired to blog yesterday but the uploading of photos took decades, and that pissed me off. So I decided to update today.
Yesterday, went out with Priscilla & David. She had to go to KK hospital to check up.. So I went with her.

In the lift.Woke up at around 7am plus bah? Darn early... :{ Then I prepared and stuff.. Mrt-ed to Farrer Park. Walk to somewhere near her house and met her. Then we walked to KK hospital. Went to the clinic inside there then get the number and wait. Called David cuz I'm too bored. And. Priscilla suggested a change of doctor because... It's a HE and most of all is a Indian. LOL!! But she went in first. And then.. The doctor detected Pris got 2 byebyes and 1half ass. So she was brought to the children's surgery place.

So while waiting for her ass implant and removing of the extra byebye we took pics? :) LOL ok below we used different frames to take pics. :D

LOL. I like the afro hair one. :B Okay after Pris' surgery, paid $, then left. I tell you the whether is fucking hot. Sizzzzzzzzzling HOT. Feels like your in an oven. -_- So we walked back to Pris' house, waited for her to take her stuff then walk to the MRT. Mrt-ed to SengKang.

Hmm, so. Hungry alr. Then went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Had to wait very long then can go in. :{

David. lol.

lol. Pizza Hut damn nice. ^^ I like what we both are wearing! :D Then after that, we bus-ed to Priscilla's school. Cuz she had to go to the dentist.

lolz. I look like crap. Then, PRISCILLA IS A FUCKER!! She went to the dentist and left me and David outside the scorching sun. FUCK HER HARD!!! We nearly became roast pigs. Then we bus-ed back to Compass. Damn boring luh. Then Sesame street (elmo etc) came. Performing at Compass. lol. I did take pics but not nice. Cuz the kids taking pics with them. So I didn't upload. Cookie monster damn cute!! Very fatz LOL. Then to the library..

Around 5pm plus went home alr. Pris kept saying she wanted to go home!! Argh. So ya went home?
Tags reply.27 Nov 09, 12:03 AM
Melissa (:O: TAGGED ! (:(:
Reply: Thanks! :D
26 Nov 09, 06:25 PM
Psb,: Hello. Can i know ur first blog song ? Just th first one only x.x Please ? ;xx
Reply: No.. So sorry. :( I really don't like to tell people my blog songs. Sorry.
26 Nov 09, 12:52 PM
T;: NoirDevoo tagged le btw
T;: oh. Thanks for tagging btw. Tagged =)
Reply: Thanks dude. :}
25 Nov 09, 09:35 PM
Kalchun: Hello sexy ~~ wee u weet ! ~ Haha . Tagged . :D
Reply: HAHA. Hey there sexy~ Thanks eh :)
25 Nov 09, 01:27 PM
YourHighness: Hi, bow for YourHighness. LOL, nevermind. Tag.
Reply: Don't want bow leh!!! :P HAHA thanks :D
25 Nov 09, 01:00 AM
Melissa (:O: TAGGED ! ^^
Reply: Thanks ^^
25 Nov 09, 12:24 AM
Priscilla: I LOVE TODAY MAN!!! WOOTS. LOL. damn fun xD
Reply: Yes I know. Sentosa next hor!!!
24 Nov 09, 10:49 PM
crystal: tagged :D
Reply: Thanks! :D
24 Nov 09, 12:32 PM
Cheryl.: Tagged
Reply: Tytyz. :D
24 Nov 09, 10:48 AM
Meiko (: heyyo girlf, long time no tag le. ^^
Reply: You also know ah. :} Thanks.
24 Nov 09, 10:44 AM
Chinyiz: Tagged. Hi btw ^^.
Reply: Hello~ Thanks :D
24 Nov 09, 02:20 AM
Wong: Ello.Tagged!
Reply: Hey. Thanks :D
24 Nov 09, 12:01 AM
passer: oh , then nevermind , thanks alot ;DD
Reply: Your welcome. :)
23 Nov 09, 07:54 PM
Priscilla: THAT PERSON IS MEEEEEE!!! LOL. tmd zihui. ilook damn _ .
Reply: Chio right? Told ya! :D
23 Nov 09, 05:58 PM
huiling: u edit till like tat also dun knw who lai de . tat persn is going to kill u uhs ! ;D LOL ! ?\
Reply: Won't la! That person also edit my picture lo!
23 Nov 09, 03:04 PM
daryl: taggs!
Done! Keep tagging. :)
-- Tuesday, November 24, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:33 PM
Cuz' I'm Closing The Door, I Ain't Coming Back.

HELLO ALLLLLL. Sorry the pic above too bright. Was even brighter 100x before edit. Tried my best o_O.
Ok. As usual. Today went out with pri school mates. Pris, Colin, Marcus & David. :D
Er, I met with Pris first, because I wanted to go to the This Fashion in Little India. :) So I met her at around 10am plus.. Then we train there. This Fashion still not opened. lol. So we went to the nearby mall? Walk around etc. Later a bit then went there. So around 11am plus we go there uhs. Meeting the others at 12pm. Quickly look around. Bought a same piece of shirt with Pris. :D!! In total I bought 1 shorts 2 shirts there. :B lol then David was waiting for us.. So we train-ed to City Hall together. Saw Colin. Still waiting for Marcus. After he reached, we walked to Peninsula. ^^v!!!!
Uh.. So we went to see what we wanna buy luh? I wanna bought my new school bag!! YYYYAAAAAAYYYYYY. :D Wanted to get some tees there too... But thought about heading to Bugis next, so forget it. I'm near to broke anyway. :( So erm after a long walk in Peninsula (cuz Kopi & David keep trying out the bermudas and didn't buy any!!!), we headed for Bugis. :D
Erm. We bus-ed there. Also go walk walk lo. Wait Colin try his berdumas again... -_- Then I walked around to search for tees and shorts. Bought one red shorts and black flip flops. :D After that, felt hungry... So went to Mac. :D lol crap so much luh.. After eating. Went to the mall walk walk. Then went to buay hiao gan, (BHG. Thought by Colin) LOL. Er... Only 2 pics.

lol. So after walking, we went to the library. :D Tell you Bugis' library is the biggest library I've ever been to!!! OMGGGG. 14 storeys... Seriously big. -.- Then we went to 10th floor... And out you go there's this sort of like garden thing. Idk how to describe. Just.. nice? :D Ok pictures!!

Idk why my hand's in this position... LOL

Too dark D:

See my jiaobin LOL. We were standing there preparing to take pic one. Then Marcus said something that made Pris wanted to hit him. She raise her hand then smack dao my specs LOL

So.. (big reaction from the both of them LOL!!)

I kp them.. LOL

Now I don't know what I'm doing. LOL. David captured everything. -_-

Oh ya Colin came cuz he went home for awhile. Ask them take pics they lie down on floor :{

Okay using timer to take pic... A lot of this shots!!

I feel I look all the same on the next coming few pictures LOL

I like Marcus' face LOL.

Then here.. Uh.. All said don't want take pic. Then Colin suggested helping us to take lol.

See I got lots of jiaobin LOLL

I'm talking to Pris LOL

I'm sleeping here LOL

See this I damn sad luh!! LOLLLL I didn't know Colin took this..

UHHHHH I didn't want to post the pic on the right luh I looked like poo -_-

HAHA. We took hell lots of pics there. Then... While we sat on the 10th floor so called garden place, I saw... ILUMA. Omg I've never been there before. LOL!!! Noob me. :) So we went there la? OMG!!! And you know what. Iluma is boring. Nah.. Main point is... I SAW VENDETTA IN PERSON!!!!!! OMG. Not really in person though.

HE LOOK SO SEXY!!!! Very shuai right!!!!
♥ I love those pink (because red blush on face is common!!) blush on his face LOLL. Ok la actually I think that's a mask. I forgot all about the show!!! And fuck la how can it's/his hair be straighter than mine lor!!! I'm jealous... According to the show I don't think it's a he... It's a "it" ok LOL. Means it ain't human o_O. I LOVE IT'S NAME!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i'm so crazy bout Vendetta!!!
♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOL

Fuck man. I didn't dare go near this dude. His face is so screwed!!! Like which mother fucker did this to him la. The reason why I didn't go near him is not really because his face is screwed.. I was just afraid that he would jump up all of a sudden and the next thing you see is I'm on my way to the hospital.

LOL YOU SEE THIS GUY. HIS GLOVE DROPPED OFF. ON THE GROUND LOLOLOL. His hand supposed to be red la. But it's human hand LMAO.
Er okay then we walked around the whole Iluma. Big la, but fucking boring la. Nothing one. -_-

So.. We got out of there and back to Bugis. The mall. Walk around. Then Pris had to go. Others continued walking around. :3 Around 6.30pm plus we went home. ^^

Last pic. :D