-- Saturday, October 31, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:22 PM
Love Is Tearing Us All Apart.
Lol. Had an urge to blog. But nothing much to blog. lol. Also,
Happy Birthday Papa.I love Daddy too. :) Erm.. So woke up at 1pm plus bah. Then bathe etc went to meet Mum at Compass. Bought present for Daddy. Officially broke, lol.. There's so much I wanna buy. I need a job. Anyone? :( Okay then walk walk, home after that. Nothing much to blog, so here's a quiz.
1. If I were a planet, I would be: Venus.
2. If I were a month, I would be: July.
3. If I were a day of the week, I would be: Saturday.
4. If I were a time of day, I would be: 5PM.
5. If I were a sea animal, I would be: Shark.
6. If I were a direction, I would be: Middle.
7. If I were a piece of furniture, I would be: A bed.
8. If I were a sin, I would be: Lust.
9. If I were a historical figure, I would be: Someone great? lol.
10. If I were a liquid, I would be: Coke?
11. If I were a stone, I would be: A piece of attractive stone? lol.
12. If I were a tree, I would be: The biggest tree.
13. If I were a bird, I would be: The most special bird LOL.
14. If I were a tool, I would be: I don't wanna be one.
15. If I were a flower/plant, I would be: Rose.
16. If I were a kind of weather, I would be: Rain/Winter.
18. If I were an animal, I would be: White tiger?
19. If I were a color or shade, I would be: Black.
20. If I were an emotion, I would be: Happy. :)
21. If I were a vegetable, I would be: Carrot.
22. If I were a sound, I would be: A sound that everyone wants to hear?
23. If I were an element, I would be: Fire.
24. If I were a car, I would be: lol Idk about cars.
25. If I were a song, I would be: I don't know. :( As long as it's sang by my favourite bands.
26. If I were a movie, I would be directed by: People I love.
27. If I were a book, I would be written by: Famous people.
28. If I were a food, I would be: Something that tastes great? lmao.
29. If I were a place, I would be: My home.
30. If I were a material, I would be: Fluffy & soft.
31. If I were a taste, I would be: Sour.
32. If I were a scent, I would be: lol. Idk.
33. If I were a word, I would be: Rare.
34. If I were a body part, I would be: Eyes.
35. If I were a facial expression, I would be: Happy?
36. If I were a subject in school, I would be: Art.
37. If I were a cartoon character, I would be: Domo/Baby Slyvester/Spongebob/Patrick.
38. If I were a shape, I would be: Heart shape.
I AM: Feeling bored.
I WANT: Money.
I HAVE: Nothing that I want.
I WISH: Money can fall from the sky/Everyone could be happy.
I HATE: Too much to list it all out.
I MISS: Happy moments & the past.
I FEAR: Unhappy incidents.
I HEAR: The televison's noise & music.
I WONDER: What tomorrow would be like.
I LOVE: My family and loved ones.
I ACHE: When I sit for a long time.
I ALWAYS: Feel bored.
I DANCE: When I want to.
I SING: When I'm too engrossed with the song.
I CRY: When I'm upset? lol.
I WRITE: When there's a need to.
I CONFUSE: When things just ain't easy to understand.
I SHOULD: Play hard.
I SHAKE: My ass.
Lol. I wanna do more quizzes. Okay bye.
-- Friday, October 30, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:09 PM
I Spent My Time Just Thinking Bout You.

I love you! :D
Oh.. I can't believe I didn't have any tags today. Has everyone died? Why no one tag TT. It's not like I'm away or something! TT
Yeah, I've created Twitter.
http://twitter.com/zihuisays Follow me! :B
Hmm, today. School. Came to school with Huiling. Like finally? Lols. Then erm. Back to class first bah. Don't know do what uhs. Then to hall for DeepaRaya concert LMAO. Damn boliao. Sit for 1 hour then recess at 10am bah. Eat le go back class for report book! Woohoo. Arranged the tables first. Then go collect. Yay! Not bad not bad I'm happy with my results. :3
Then erm. 12.30pm school end. I went home awhile. Then bus to Compass meet Priscilla Lim! YAY. It's like I haven't met her for a 100 years LOL. She pei me look for my Mum's present. Walk walk le then finally bought her a pair of shoes. $ all fly away~ But worth it. Haha. :D So went home lor? Haha. That's it, bye. KEEP TAGGING ME. And follow me on Twitter? :D
-- Thursday, October 29, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:32 PM
A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots.

Yes, yes... I know. I look retarded.OMG!!!!!!
Tell you guys something. Today is PERFECT. And I really mean it. The weather is... SO NICE. Today is... SO PEACEFUL & FUN! I played like there's no tomorrow. LOL. Ok let me describe how FUN today is. :D WAIT. Except for the part Huiling made me angry!!! ARGH. She dua me. LOL. Damn angry ok.
Hmm so it's like. Today school? :D Yesterday didn't went school. HEHEH. :D So I sleep like a pig. Me like. :3 Eh so I went to school. First thing is do survey. lol. -.- Then back to class. Hip Hop lessons. Aesthetics programme. HAHA. I like!!! So interested. Parents don't want give me learn. :( Then Huiling still haven't reach school! Pei her sweetheart eat breakfast. LMAO. Then 9am hip hop end. Went to 3rd floor for Guitar lesson. Also part of aesthetics programme. So... Hai hao lor. Learn before le. Got lots of chords and stuffs to remember. Not that fun. D: So... Pictures? :)

The future guitarist. NAH LMAO.

HAHAH. Nice hor the guitar black one! :3 Eh then Huiling still haven't come school! Sms me say she not coming. My heart jitao pijiak.. :( ... She ask me come she didn't come! TT. Aiya then do some feedback thing lor? I see liao confuse all do wrong ZZZ. Aiya then recess next lah. I fucking bought pink dolphin for Huiling and she wasn't here... :( Erm then ate lor? After that went to return skirt to staff room then assemble at porch for swimming! :) Then bus came and brought us to Anchorvale CC. :D
Erm. Because we many times never go so now must go le. D: So yeah... Swimming lor? :( I don't have swimming costume... So I used my mama one. LOL. -.- We beginner group LOL. Damn fun. Sad Huiling wasn't here. LOL. Swim from 11am plus to 1pm plus bah? Then after swimming went for a short bath or something... Erm then because we dismissed late then inside a lot people, so we took our time. Thought our class left. But they still waiting. Lols, so sorry. D:
Erm then we had Mac for lunch. With ChinTeng & Huimin. Haha, the monopoly thingy got me interested! Lol. :B Ok, pictures? :D

Huimin... And me. LOL.

Eh ps I kp Huimin LOL.

I like statue... LOL.

Too close. I know.

HUIMIN EXTRA!!!! D:LOL. We actually had the idea to go back to swimming again. Then nobody want. :( So we called... TEE HUILING DOWN. HAHAHA. She say we force her. Don't force how will she come! :D Eh so we waited for her. HAHAH SHE CAME! Woohoo. So.. We went back in lor? $0.80 only LOL.
LOL ok we seriously had a lot of fun. Pictures! :D

Huimin, ChinTeng & Huiling. :D

The water shape is nice LOL. Eh I look retarded -.-

Haha ok so it's you know who.
We took turns to take pics. :D

HAHAH. Huimin went home alr. So only got us. ChinTeng's friend, Brand took the pic. We had hell lots of fun leh! Wtf. :D From like 3pm plus play till 5pm. OH YA!!!! I play the slide. I knocked my head on the fucking slide. Damn pain LOL. Oh I learnt new stuffs about swimming too. HAHA. Ok seriously I don't know how to describe how
FUN it is today LOL.

So.. Went to bathe again. HAHA. Ps I'm not naked k. Then went to 7-11 eat! HAHA. Huiling's hungry. :) We took kinda long to see what we wanna eat. The fucking 7-11 is so fucking BIG. HAHAH. It even had chairs & tables there. Just like a cafeteria. :) So.. At last we settled for instand noodles LOL. ChinTeng left with Brand. So...

Here we are eating! :D

Ok you see this fucking machine? This fucking machine is pissing me off when I'm eating. There's so damn much noises coming out from it. We're just sitting beside it and it keeps repeating the same thing it totally pisses me off. I feel like unplugging the whole thing. I wonder why & who installed it. FUCKING NOISE POLLUTION. ARGH.
Haha so Huiling bought her ice-cream and the time is about 6pm plus and we left. :) See.. The scenery is just so beautiful.. The weather is so perfect... The wind is so... SO PEACEFUL!?!!? We walked like snail. LOL. Damn slow. Then I told Huiling how peaceful it is and she just noticed it, how nice! Okay we were walking from Anchorvale to Compass Point. Then... BIG FIELD. We stopped by. HAHHA. PICTURES!

The happy photographer, haha! :D

So we decided to take a rest on this BIG field... :D
Oh sorry I shot Huiling while she's talking LOL.

And then to lying down because the weather is just so nice and the...
What? Ok I know I repeated it lots of times. You know it. :D
OH ONE MORE THING!! The sky is so beautiful! The wind is blowing as you lie down there... THEN LIKE. SO NICE ONLY OMG I'M SO TOUCHED I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE THIS!!!!!

Ok that's me.

This is me too. LOL.Ok. So you see why I say today is PERFECT? One of the best days this year, HAHA. :D But I look retarded in today's pictures. :( Anyway the main focus is today is PERFECT. P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Oh ya we talk talk snap snap then 7pm already. Sky dark already. Damn fast. So we continue walk to Compass lor? Chit chat a lot HEHEH. So damn fun. :3
Then reached Compass. Tomorrow my mama's birthday then 31st my daddy's birthday. I go bankrupt already. FUCK. So I was looking for stuffs for them lor. Huiling pei me. :) Know what to buy for daddy alr don't know what to buy for mummy... :( Ah never mind. Then around 7.45pm. Bus-ed back home. Reach at 8pm. :D Oh I'm so hungry right now. Blogged for like 2 hours wtf. LOL. Eh also, tomorrow take back report book! WOOHOO. I'm so happy. :D
27 Oct 09, 09:03 PM
/G's: Quite true, take new photo like the last time that picture. The full body that kind, :/ LOL, thn the border will be suitable. Hahas.
Reply: Very hard to take de leh! Must find nice scenery etc. :(
29 Oct 09, 09:55 PM
huiling: siao za bor !!!
Reply: LOL. I siao you what? :D
28 Oct 09, 09:00 PM
huiling: tagged ! ~~~ :)
Reply: THANK YOU. :D
28 Oct 09, 08:12 PM
Y.: tagged. Loves, yueling here.
Reply: Haha, I know. :D Thanks! :)
28 Oct 09, 05:57 PM
Crystal: Thx 4 tagging:) TAGGED!
Reply: Your welcomed. Thanks too. :D
28 Oct 09, 05:28 PM
Chinyi!: Tagtagtag.
Reply: THANKS. :D
28 Oct 09, 05:11 PM
MinDah: Wah,lucky lor.still gt go museum de.we just see the statues nia -.-
Reply: At least you have statues to see. LOL.
28 Oct 09, 04:11 PM
LILING: Hi, Zihui! :) Still remember me? HAHA. TAGTAG! :D
Reply: Of course I remember you! Your so friendly. :D Link me!
28 Oct 09, 11:05 AM
♥ SANDY: tagtag (:
Reply: THANKS! ^^
OK. DONE! Keep tagging hor! :D
-- Tuesday, October 27, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:30 PM
Not So Pleasant.

HELLO ALL. :D A proper post today with proper pictures! Finally leh. :3
Today woke up quite early also. Erm then school? Meet Huiling then went to school outside de provision shop buy food. Then we late. Gate closed lmao. After singing national anthem then gate open. -.- Then went to assemble. Idk why school don't allow FBT. At least got wear pants right, lmao. -.- I didn't bring skirt, so teacher went in staff room get the skirt for me then I went to the back to put it on LOL. -.- Damn loose.
Erm then got up to bus. Today's excursion is what History thing de. Visit Singapore river & museums etc de. Quite fun leh. :) Pics on the bus:

Second effect's picture damn nice! Not edited. :D Huiling got no face. LOL.

The house is so special LOL.Ok then we reached the Singapore river. Got worksheets to do. Haha. But we busy taking pictures. The scenery damn nice. :)

Huiling. :D



High-5! -.-

Nice head. :)

LOL. My turn for hi-5 LOL.

Look like my Mum hor. Nah MY MUM NOT THAT BLACK!! :D
My Mum more chio than her :3 LOL.

Newest fashion of shoes leh! Nice hor? :D

LOL. Derrick. LOL. So cute only :3 Realised he's chubby also ^^v

Then, I wonder why they must have hand signs. First picture shows a 2 second shows a 3. LOL.
Singapore museum was just a walk away. So we walk there la? Lols. Then got tour guide with us. :) So the tour guide brought us to many different sections of the museum? Haha. Pictures. :)

This emperor sibei dua-jiak (big size) hor!

China time's. Their badges. LOL. So big. -.-

The old old books. :D

Found the book special. :)

Ok. I wanted to capture the thing behind. Mr Tan walked past. So.. Yeah. :D

Okay the actual one. :)

Calligraphy tools. :)
Ok then went to the Southeast Asia part. :) PICTURES.

Very old... Statues or what? I forgot the word for it. lol.

Poor people from the past. Carved every thing from there LOL.

I don't like him!!! See he take the phone like so stuck up. LOL. HAO LIAN ONLY!!!!
Oh... He's inside a computer de. LOL.

Haha, erm the first one (left) is standing de. Damn big-size!
The Indian one is like.. Cloth? Haha. :)

Hindu god's pet. Or what they call "vehicle" LOL.

OHHH I love the sedan (left)! Damn unique! Eh the right one got face one. Too black le. LOL.

Tea, anyone?


Reflection.Oh er then went to the Philippines section. Also got Christian statues all that. :)

Oh the painting... Is cool. lol.

Old clothes & other instruments. WHAT SIZE IS IT!?!?!Ok then erm. After everything, assemble outside. Then bus came? Go back school lor. Hahas. :) ChinTeng was waiting outside school. Erm then we went back to class to finish reflection first. Very tired! D: Then Mr Tan say 10 mins let us go. He keep talk & talk very long then let us go. -.- Huiling want me pei her eat, so we asked ChinTeng come to school. Then after Huiling eat finish, me & ChinTeng left for plaza. Went to NTUC lah check for chalet food de price and other stuff. Home after that! :)
27 Oct 09, 06:34 PM
Chinyi :D!: Grats, ! Promote to sec 2 lerhs. !
Chinyi :D!: BUBU's owner, tagtagtag! Your bubu is cute w the red dot eyes.!
Reply: THANKS! Haha. LOL.
27 Oct 09, 04:09 PM
maurice: LOL....eyes hurt?Go put eye drop.Hahas =P Btw suggestion frm ur pic?I think previous de better.Hehe =D
Reply: EEE why all previous de better. :( Will think about it again.
27 Oct 09, 02:55 PM
/G's: Ohyah! Suggestion for the picture above, i think hor. The last time one more nicer! Cos this picture v small.
/G's: YAHLAH! You smart lah! Can read my mind thru comp. LOL!!!
Reply: OF COURSE! Who am I? ZIHUI LEH. :3 LOL. I also know is small. But then cannot make bigger le. :( I got sick of the previous pic so decided to change. :)
27 Oct 09, 02:05 PM
AhBennn :DDD: Hey girl , relink is needed
Reply: Okay relink soon. :)
26 Oct 09, 10:17 PM
huiling: kp sia u yup what ??? 0.o the meaningful chinese words larhh . U asking me i saying tat anot mah of cos reply yup right
Reply: WHAAAT? YOU SAY I KP!?!!? I cry give you see. You then kp la. I asking you only you say I kp. Fuck you man LOL. How I know you say which WORDS. Got so MANY WORDS!
26 Oct 09, 10:04 PM
chin teng: no luh, dun feel really bored (:
Reply: LOL. That's good. :D