-- Friday, July 31, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:23 PM
You Never Satisfy Me.

Sorry, didn't take pics again. :( Woosh. Time flies really quickly. And tomorrow's the day that I hope is not gonna come: The Hungry Ghost Festival. Ahhhh I wonder how I'm gonna carry out my usual routine. It just affects me in everything I do! For a month.. :( Plus there's no one to accompany me. Eww I feel so lonely, lol! I don't like it. D:
Okay. Back at today. Seems like luck is down on me... :( I met Huiling, while walking with her to school, I didn't notice the bike in front of me and I also got knocked lol. Fuck sia. -.- Early morning like that. D: Then the stupid Huiling at there laugh laugh.. :(!!!!!!!!!!!!! Walked to school, had breakfast.
Today onwards assemble at parade square le... No more back to class. Sigh! Used to going back to class everyday already. D: Also after recess assemble at hall.. Hmm, so ya assembled at parade square. Read books zzz. Nothing do. I can't believe we're taking our temperature there ley zzz. Anthem then back to class.
First lesson was English. Walao, before walking back to class Mrs Soh complain again. Say my hair colour plus my skirt. 1) I already dyed back. Not my problem. 2) My Mum didn't alter my skirt short, but tighten it instead. So what's her problem sia. Everything also cannot. -.- I din't even fold my skirt ley!!!!! ZZ. Then Chinese, haha! So fun. :B Recess, ate. Assembled at hall. Back to class, Lit. Had Lit test. Easy, hahas. Science was next. Ohh Science I was busy reading TSGS from Haresh. :D Haha nice nice. Plus sms-ing Jonathan that small fry LOL.
12.30pm, dismissed. Walked to Plaza with Huiling & ChinTeng. Went to Mac & KFC. All filled with North Vista people lol. So I went back home first. Bathed & etc. The girls use com lol. Prepared alr, lunched at Mac. Hahas. Woah talked about lots of things. ^^ Knew many stuffs too. FRESH ones. Huiling knows it. :) Talked for quite a long time, then we walked to Future.
Played a lot of things, haha. Weifeng & friends were there also. Then around 3pm plus, my Mum called. Zzz she very angry, say Mrs Soh call her complain again. Wtf. She ask me go home immediately. -.- Freaking angry la can. Want explain also cannot. ZZZZ. So around 3.50pm plus, walked back to plaza with the girls lol. Reached home. Well she didn't scold me. But Idk what's wrong with Mrs Soh. You have a problem with people who's hair is dyed? I alr dyed it back liao right? Always ask me dye back, you give me the money la. I very rich is it? Skirt I never fold alr you still cannot. People skirt short also never see you say anything. Pregnant liao still come school. -.- Lazy say her liao la. Tomorrow going out to Tampines library with the girls. To do project LOL. Doubt will do lo! Mostly is go the library at there crap lols. :D Okay, that's all, off to wash my shoe & read my story book. :) And peeps,
TAG ME LAH. My blog feels so dead! :(

-- Thursday, July 30, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:53 PM
No Exit.

Sorry peeps, didn't took pic today. So just edited a random pic. Lols. Today seems to be an unlucky day for me... :(
Well.. I got up late cuz I wanted to sleep earlier. Who knows Huiling reached so quickly. D: Then I was packing my bag. Overload already lah, then. Shitz happened. lol. The Domo bag bao zha!!!!!!! AHHHHHH MY HEART SO PAIN SIA.The zip. Pijiak. lol. So sad sia... :( But still, Huiling was waiting, so I got everything and just went to meet her.
Sat down awhile to fix my bag, but to no avail! So sad can. Walked to school, Yingxuan help me to fix. Can already, but Idk what happened to the zip. Some place can zip then some cannot. Wtf lol. Had breakfast, then class.
Mr Tan didn't come. Good good. ^^ Don't need tio gan for yesterday's NDP thing cuz I didn't go lol. Then.. Ey. PE first. Idk what's the teachers name that came to take over. Hockey again, haha. It interests me, currently. :B But, I played with some sore losers and it totally spoils all of our mood!?!? It was the same person. Eww. D:
We practiced passing first. The ball flew to Idk where. While going to retrive the ball, I slipped and fell! EEEEEE LOL. Walao pain sia. :( Not my ass, my knee lol. Then ChinTeng at there laugh. Fuck her hard. D: lol k you all also don't laugh. -.- That's the second unlucky thing that happened to me today! :(
Then teamed up and played. I was with ChinTeng & Shixuan they all, against Meihui & XinChun they all. Ah. Everyone was really violent. Sticks got hooked, people got hit just because of a ball. Ha. Aiya. All like that onez. ~.~ A lot of unfair-ness. I play half way notice we no goal keeper. -.- So I stood under the hot sun to be the goal keeper. :) Very hot siolz. D: Then, I was noticing that particular someone. At first her expressions were okay. But because they didn't score any, her face became VERY black. She started cursing, and then. Again. She played rough, very. And then show attitude. HAIS. Idk how to describe people like her. 玩不起 or 输不起 bah? Then I don't understand why she's in sports. Seems like victory must be hers. Otherwise she gives attitude. Moreover, we're just having a game, not a real match right. Idk what's gonna happen to her when she has a real match sia. Everybody see her face liao feel so disgusted siaaaaa. -.-
Well I didn't get very pissed. Cuz I was just the goal keeper. Didn't witness anything much, haha. But I heard complaints from the other people. o_o PE ended, then went to toilet and change. Our turn to complain lol. Seems like ChinTeng & Huiling wasn't very happy with her either. After changing, when we got out of our cubicle, Miss Neo was standing there. ... 见鬼了吧!? And the first thing that came to my mind was, "DON'T TELL ME CHANGING AFTER PE IS AN OFFENCE!??!!?" I don't get it. What wrong were we in. Everyone else was changing on the first floor. We were on the second floor. And we got scolded just because of changing after PE. LOL ridiculous. Got back to class. She scolded the whole class for changing after PE. She say supposed to change during recess. -.- Scold scold, then she left.
History then. Had test. D: ! Recess, didn't eat much. Then English. Go through the papers. Walaoooz, Haresh threw paper at me I fake fake want throw back got scolded wtfookz. Then I threw at Huiling got scolded LOL. D: Chinese next. ZZZ kena disiao by Huiling & ChinTeng. A little pissed sia lol. Today have assembly... :( Assembly is the stupid NPD thing. STUPID LA. Joined tables for a big space for them to dance LMAO. Then they on the NDP thing. I hear alr getting goosebumps. Idk why. I see them at there dance even worse. Goosebumps all over LOL.
Me ChinTeng & Huiling was watching them dance. Then, I wonder how people dance with an unhappy face. Imagine that. Yes, I'm referring to the same person. There was still the "Yes-I-am-officially-pissed-don't-bother-me" face. And it sucks. Big time. She danced with that face and I was like LOL. Won't paiseh one ah. Dance like one zombie siolz. I know I dance will ps so I'd rather sit down there and watch. :3 Enough of disgusting people LOL. 2.20pm, dismissed.
Walked back home. With same people. I went home to have a bathe & also get money. Got ready, lunched at KFC. When I was walking towards the seats, ChinTeng stepped on my flipflip, and then piak! WALAO I HEARTPAIN DIE LA NB. My favourite flipflops sia! Walao. I always wear it when I go out. :( The beside the strap a bit come out le. The third unlucky thing that happened to me today. HAIS! Sad, very sad. :( Weifeng & friend came, haha. Had a lot of fun. ^^ Then the girls wanted to top of ez-link. Walked to LRT. Then eventually made our way to Future, lols. Omg. Had hell lotsa fun there! Played a cycle thing, going in circle one. Haha the boys pushed. Got very dizzy lol. But very fun. ^^ Played until 6pm plus, home. :D

-- Wednesday, July 29, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:03 PM
Everything Was Just
An Illusion.(N o t h i n g ' s g o n n a c h a n g e)
Hello peeps. School is getting really mundane. And I don't enjoy it. First time I came to Seng Kang, I thougt that I was really gonna enjoy school to the max. Everything was the opposite instead. Recently, there's this NDP thing. Every class has to take part in it, and come up with a performance. Like what is it for? I always follow this thinking: We come to school to study, not to (insert whatever here). Isn't it? The NDP thing doesn't help in our studies, doesn't it. We have to stay back for it. And also, there's the Home Econ course work. We're really taking up a lot of our time doing all these. I'd rather have exams than projects.. :(
Enough of rantings, begin with today. Well... Everyday seems the same. NOTHING surpises me. I hope for surprise. :( Haven't had one in a long time lol. -.- Met Huiling again, then school. So much homework to rush. I'm beginning to turn to this thinking: I can't be bothered. I didn't do my Home Econ course work and also my Maths homework. I only care about eating. ^^ Yup, had breakfast. Leaving work aside temporarily. Lols.
Back to class. Waiting for Haresh's Maths work, haha. Didn't have the time to copy all, lol. Then it was.. Lit. Haha I love Mdm Dewi. She shares interesting stories. ^^ She told us a lot, her experiences lol. Science next. Teacher was extremely boring. She speaks like a zombie LOLLL. Did some work, then recess.
Was having health check up today. WALAO ACTUALLY TODAY HOME ECON GOT PRACTICAL DE LOR. MAKE SUSHI LEYS. Stupid health check up then got no shit le la! >:( Went to the Idk where la, the hockey pitch there inside inside for the health check up. Nothing much lo, check eyes then backbone lol.
Went to Home Econ room. I didn't do the Course Work. D: ! And it was supposed to be handed in lol. Went back class to take the paper. But never hand in. Lols. Then aiya go through things all that lah. Back to class for History. So boring siaz. D: Maths next... -.- I hate Maths la always maths maths maths cher won't sian I also sian zzzz. -.- Dismissed at 2.20pm. Before dismiss got scolded by Mrs Soh wtf. Always compare us with N8. Why don't she go teach them if they're better than us. -.-
Actually Home Econ teacher say after school we do practical. But then also have the NDP rehearsal. Lols everyone prefered practical so told teacher after school can. Then Idk for what reason ah, Haresh say both don't need go ah. So I just went out lol. With ChinTeng, Huimin & Huiling. I went home to take money, then lunch at Mac.
Walk walk, bought food for brother, lol. Went to Weifeng's house. So boring. ~.~ Haha, but thankfully I found a TSGS book! Kept me entertained for a long time. ^^ I sat there reading. Very serious. Aiya girls don't be jealous la. Keep say me book worm LOLL. :D Pictures:

-- Tuesday, July 28, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:55 PM
I Will.

ChinTeng, Malcolm & Me. :)Hello peeps! Haha. Eww today was such a tired day. I sleep then cannot wake up already. -.- Met Huiling, school, haha. Mr Tan never come. :) Maths first. I always sleep. I hate Maths! 2 periods of boring Maths! English was next. Did paper work, recess.
Ate. Then was sitting outside class. Miss Neo come tell me a lot of things. ZZZZZ. Aiya she's just trying to say about yesterday lo. -.- She talked to me for like a whole 10 minutes. Back to class for Geography. Then Art. (..........) Art. -.- See the teacher give attitude again. I bet almost the whole class doesn't likes her. Today thoery. Next week test. lol. Hm I'm much interested in her thoery instead of her teaching how to do Art. D:
IT was next. Sorry peeps, I couldn't find last weeks pictures. It was a whole lot ok! All gone. -.- Also, I think the school has locked up lots of applications, eg bluetooth and etc. So I wasn't able to send to my phone. Had to take pictures using phone instead. Sorry! D: Pictures:

He just had an extreme makeover. Plus Elvis hair leh! (If you notice) Too happy liao LOLLL.

Haha! Eww very dark. Aiya don't like don't see. Then I saw some ugly people's picture inside! :( Spoil the computer LOL. See liao blind la! So black plus fat. Cue cue de hair. EEEEEEEEE. D: I wonder why she likes to bully Daryl. Sec 2 liao leh!!!!!!!!! Please la. Older than us leh. Bully liao go tell Miss Neo we bully you LOLLLL. Ridiculous. Lmao let's drop this subject otherwise I'd puke. Dismissed at 1.40pm, had lunch in school.
Wasn't able to go home. HAD LITTER PICKING. ZWTF!#!^@#! What for we have litter picking sia. :( Go out there let Derrick see he say me kio sai wtf. -.- Was in groups, even numbers. With Huiling! :D So funny, LOL. Went outside to pick. Pick in school so paiseh! D: Outside very hot. VERY TIRED. Picked so much yucky things LOL. But still, had fun, haha. About an hour later I think, back to school. Rest, out again to futher blocks, pick up litters. ZZZZ SO TIRED. D:
Back to school at 3pm. Rest, walao they never let us wash hands one sia. But got gloves la. Did some reflection. I slept for a awhile. Dismissed at about 3.45pm bah, haha. Went to Plaza with ChinTeng & Huiling. They ate, I didn't. Then to Future Park. Slack slack until 6pm plus, home.

-- Monday, July 27, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:37 PM
Hey, Like I Said,
I'll Have The Last Laugh.

This part is for SOMEONE that doesn't knows what he's got until he's lose it.
Don't tell me that lying is a SMALL thing. Don't say I never tell you before. You ask me to give you a chance, I give already. Once someone breaks the trust that I have for him, I'll find it really hard to believe him already. But I gave you that fucking chance unwillingly. I was stupid. I didn't even wanted or bothered to hear what you have to say that time. You begged me to give you a chance. And hello, siao eh. This IS what you told me hor,
"Ok if I PENGWEI again, then you can treat me like as if you DON'T know me." Uh, hey. Congratulations, I've found out that you lied to me once again! And your prize is, I'm gonna take it as I don't know you! Yup, as days go by, you keep on telling ChinTeng that you regretted what you doing. What's the point to regret when you've done it after that? You don't cherish what you've got. When I say it, I mean it. I will take it as I don't know you. I won't reply you. You won't see me again. Even if you do, I'll just take you as a passerby. Stop telling me that you regret, and becuz of a small thing I treat you like that. I won't care, because that's exactly what you said. You don't cherish it, and now that you've lost it, then bye bye.
Hmm, life hasn't been that well for me since 2009 started. School problems. I usually get what I want. But now, everything seems to have changed. I never get what I want and worse still, it's hard to get. Maybe it's time for me to learn to fight for the things that I want. :) Shall look at it in a posivite way. But as for school, it's a big no no.
Well today, I met Huiling, then school. Daddy was coming to school to complain regarding what Mr Tan & Mr Raj said plus did. Shall elaborate more later. Lessons first. Maths. Eww I fell asleep. Mondays are the most boring in the whole week! Geography up next. Boring too... :(
Recess, Science. I was doing some work, then someone called me out. Yeah Daddy was in school already. He was talking to Mr Tan, Mr Raj & Miss Neo. Finally I have a chance to say what I want. Daddy said lots of things. He put his work aside just to come to school to help me with it. Yay. I luv Daddy. :) Talked about a lot of things. From Science lesson until 2 Chinese lessons ended lol. Then I cried WTF. I should be laughing leh. -.- Hahaha, other than that, I get to change my CCA. Who asked Mr Raj to talk until CCA there. I say I no interest. All 16 CCA, nothing interests me. So he say can change. YAY. ^^ And then I said a lot of things about Mr Tan! >:) Daddy talked to me after that. Haha. Aiya it's not that I don't want follow the rules la. Who ask them always pick on me. -.-
Back to class then, lol. CD lessons. Wow. Mr Tan became such a good person. There's always attire check for CD lesson. Finally nothing was ticked under my name! :3 And, all those things that I named out, Mr Tan act accordingly (I mean it in another way). HAHAHA IT TOTALLY FEELS GREAT. >:)
CD lessons ended, went for a break. Bought some chips, ate at some play ground. 2.15pm, bought drinks at school then back to class for Maths remedial. Ew, someone at there show off about her grades when she was a student. So stuck up lol. z_z Remedial ended at about.. 2.45pm bahs. Went to Plaza de Mac with Huiling, ChinTeng & Huimin. Ate, lol. Then we did homework, unbelievable! lol. Then walk walk la. Went to a lot of shops. Ey, pictures:

Not much. ._. About 5pm plus, the girls wanted to come up to my house lol. Ya they used com. Blog-hopped for an entire hour, lol! Huiling very funny, hahas! Huimin left first, around 7pm plus they left also. That's it. :)

-- Sunday, July 26, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:30 PM
Nothing Seems Right.

I feel like shit. Something seems to be missing. I feel so empty. I don't know what's wrong... :(
I woke up at around 3pm plus. 有多久就睡多久. :3 Anyway also nothing to do. HAIS. Got work to do. Art. Need redo. HAIS! Then Mr Tan's work. The stupid gulf war thing. So ZZZ. I feel so bored... Nothing to do at home. Okay, short post. Nothing else. Byebye.

-- Saturday, July 25, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:29 PM
Our Love Is Just Heaven Sent.

Hello babies! :) Today's trip is really really fun! And, blogger is back to it's old self! Finally! :D Hmm.. Also, today is my Xingan Baobei's birthday! So...
Happy Birthday Vanessa Xingan Baobei! ♥
Old liao, like me. :)Okay, let me start off. :)
Woke up at around 8am plus. Actually, today we're going to Escape with Daryl, ChinTeng & Huiling de. But then Daryl couldn't make it! :( I went to get ready, and ChinTeng came up to my house while Huiling is getting ready. So there's only 3 of us today. Me & ChinTeng was calling people, asking them who can go with us. But there's no one. :( So never mind, headed for Escape.
We aren't sure of how to get there, lol. So we walked around, and then called Daryl. So tired ley. D: Then we took bus 89. :D The trip wasn't long, haha! Pictures:

Hmm, didn't take much pictures on the bus, haha. Reached, walked there. So excited can! It was really early when we reached. Around 9am-10am plus. So there wasn't much people. First game was pirate ship. Sat in it 3 times continuously, lol! I felt nauseous when I got out. Crap lol. Then the next game was some sort of kiddy aeroplanes and the little roller coaster. Inverter & Rainbow was closed! RAH. Huiling & I were totally excited for it! And it was closed. D: Okay then it was the superman. The yakult thingy one, lie on it then fly fly, first time ley, haha!
OHHH. The next was the Wet&'Wild! FUN, FUN! There wasn't much people, so don't need waste time queue up. Still can continue. :3 Then erm.. I began to feel really uneasy. Felt like vomitting. So I was resting. Went to Orange Juicis or something to eat. Didn't feel like eating. But then after that still ate. Felt much better already.
After eating, the girls suggested Haunted House. Have never been there before.
AND THAT WAS THE BIGGEST REGRET I EVER HAD!!!!!!!!! Fuck man. Only the 3 of us went in. Inside fucking scary la nb. I felt them so tight, I was walking in the middle. So dark, then a lot of stupid scary things. A lot of creepy noises. We anyhow walk then at first got person following us behind to guide us de. Then we walk walk, a lot of scary thing pop out. Walanz. I CRIED SIA. I CRIED WTF LOLLLL. We walk until don't know where, got one door. But it wasn't the exit! Fuck sia, I was dying to get out. I could only catch a glimpse of ray from the outside. I banged on the fucking door and then scream LET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT GO OUT, NOW. NOW, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANT PLAY LIAO, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! LOLLLL#&!^&@ Walao, then the person following us never come sia. SO HEARTLESS. LOL. It fucking scared the shit out of me la!!! Fortunately, there was a group of people walking around also, trying to look for the exit. Before that when there was only the 3 of us, the place freaking scary I tell you. We walked pass some creature that was inside a cage. WHEN WE WALKED PASS IT SCREAMED LIKE ONE FUCKTARD AND THEN I THINK I BEGAN TO CRY LOLLLLL. Also got light flash flash show how hideous the fucktard was then walao those light flash here & there show all the ugly things LOL. Then still got one toilet there, got pontianak, got skeletons, got this shit & that shit, A LOT OF THINGS!!!!! NOT FOR THE WEAK AT HEART & PEOPLE THAT ARE EASILY SCARED LOL. Luckily nothing grabbed me sia. LOL. Then we followed those people and then went out, wtf sia. But one good thing was, after I came out, I was totally fine already. No more nauseous LOL. I don't think that I'll be going in there again unless if with a group of friend or maybe
boyfriend? HAHA! LOL. ENOUGH OF THIS!!!!!!!!! :(
We went to the boat, circle circle one, shoot shoot thing, haha! It was beside the haunted house.
VERY FUN. We spray until very very wet, haha! Then we went back to Wet&'Wild. So fun ley, ^^ Back to pirate ship. :) Time was going kinda slow, haha. Then went back to the boat thingy. :B Very wet, then went to toilet to change & dry ourselves. Pictures:

Went out. Had some rest. Bought things to drink. :) Crapped very very much. :) Pictures:

There's a fucking red dot on my face! And I don't know if it was a mosquito bite or pimple. Yucks. :( Haha, after that went to play Flipper. The one like a cup one, and then it turns & turns. Played for 2 times. Very fun. :D Saw Yueling there, if I'm not wrong cuz that's what ChinTeng said lol.
Left Escape at around 4pm plus. Walked to somewhere... Idk where. Had lunch at Mac. :D After that, was actually was going to E-Hub. Then change of idea, went to Pasir Ris Park. VERY FUN ALSOOOOO. :D Went to rent bikes. Only me & ChinTeng. Huiling don't know how to ride bike LOOL. Then erm she went to somewhere to sit first, then me & ChinTeng ride around. :B After riding, went back to look for Huiling. Pictures:

Yup not much. :) Then went to the beach! YAY. :D Took a lot of pictures, but mostly solo ones. Paiseh. Ya hmm we crapped a lot, haha! Stayed there for quite long. Again, pictures:

Ey. 6pm plus, had to go, cuz the rental's time was up I think. Went to return the bikes, then we walked to the bus-stop to take the bus to the bus interchange. Bought bubbletea. ChinTeng left. Me & Huiling took the same bus. :D Talked about a lot of things on the way home, lols. Then, reached at around 7pm plus. :D

-- Friday, July 24, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:59 PM
Drown My Sorrow.

Hello all. :) Hmm, finally today felt like everything was fine. The sun is shining brightly today (maybe not), school wasn't that (kinda) boring. We didn't buy 4 packs of clips, we weren't picked out today, everything was perfect. :) Great, I enoy days like this. :)
Met Huiling, haha. It was raining. SO COLDDDDDDDDD! :( Then we walked to school, haha. Had breakfast etc. Then back to class And here Mr Tan comes! He has nothing to say at all. :D All clipped up, perfect. He could only watch & watch. ^^! Sang anthem, took temperature.
English first. Paper work, haha. Then Chinese. LOL. I luv Chinese. :D We crap so much, and the teacher is still as adorable as ever! (Except the part when he asked me to keep quiet when I said I wanted to go to the toilet, #!^%@!%@), ^^! Did some work, recess.
Lit up next. Some work, then Science. Ew Science is really really boring. I get no shit into my head, and it is really boring. But good thing is that I used to crap a lot, haha! :) Started on new chapter, then revised on on things, cuz there's a test. Common test, lol. Shit I totally flunk it. What density volume all that. I don't even know what is density. :(
Dismissed at 12.30pm, then me, Huiling & ChinTeng walked to Plaza, KFC to have lunch. Huiling wanted to meet someone else, so she left. Me & ChinTeng walked to Future. Slack slack. D:
Then erm saw Weifeng they all. Slack together haha. A lot of people uh. Then Darren brought so many of his friends there. -.- Daryl came also. Then met Jonathan for a little while, went back. Was having lots of fun there. :) Then Huiling came back again! :D Talk talk, then left. Then Jillian say her friends wanted to ask something, then ask us go back zzz. Then they just wanted to ask if I Panda's Mei. (...........) Aiya never mind then we walked back to Plaza.
We walked all the way to Rivervale Mall. WALK. ZOMG. -___- Walk walk, then erm. To Mac for a little rest. Daryl left, then we went to some void decks, haha. Pictures:

Then, around 4pm plus, bused back to Plaza. The girls wanted to use com at my house. So yeah, they used until around 6pm plus, then home. :) Tomorrow's trip to Escape with ChinTeng & the others! Excited yeah. :) First time with sec 1 friends, haha! :D