-- Sunday, May 31, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:21 PM
So That's You?

Well as you can see. I changed my skin, lols. And today. ): Bored like saiz. Stayed at home the whole day. Actually going out (?) But then only 2 people. Then forget it. -.- So helped Ben to create blog. Lols. Then I changed mine, plus edit. Dulan like shitz. The post thing always gone. -.- Can someone brighten my day!?! Ask me out!?!? Argh. D: I'm rotting. Growing fungus! TT.
In the few months that I've known you, I always thought that your someone
really nice. But you prove me wrong? From what you've done. You seem to have
totally changed. To another person that I don't know. Where are you? We hardly
talk now. You need time. Take all the time you want. Don't regret when you know
the outcome. I've seen the conversation. So is it my fault for calling you
something like that? Go think yourself la. You just give me the impression.
Little things only want give up. Don't know what the heck is wrong with you sia.
Everytime say until so eh sai, at last? What? I give up. Yeah, everything you
say. I'm just nothing to you.

-- Saturday, May 30, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:36 PM

I seriously need to rebond my hair! -.-
Saturdays & Sundays = Rot at home. Now holidays. I wonder if I'm still gonna continue to rot.
Okay.. As mentioned. Rot at home. It means I didn't go out. So yeah, slept till 12pm plus. Then I woke up. Ate & watched tv first. Then used com. Chat, blog-hop. Nothing to do at all. ): Wanted to ask Priscilla out, but didn't. So for the whole day I was using com. DAMN BOREDDDZ. And I'm looking forward to 2nd June, cause Huiling & Chinteng coming my house ton. ^-^ I'd be riding the bike to school to fetch them. We'd go out instead of sleeping. Ahhhh, so fun. :B And I'm looking forward to meeting Priscilla & Co! Ahhh happy die. :3
Mama found out I had 3 piercings on right ear. Scold me like fuckz. ): And, thank god Huiling finally created a blog & msn! Haha. Helped her edit her blog to kill time. :B Nothing much to post alr. D: Tatas.
And peeps. TAG ME MORE! ):
I miss the past,
Where we all used to be so happy.
And yet things had to turn out this way,
How do I explain how I'm feeling inside?
I don't even know why I'm feeling this way.
And sometimes I'm really tired of what you are doing.
I wish that you guys thinkings are simple, no negative.
What's the point of saying so much,
Things are already the way they are, I can't rewind anything.
I just wanna be happy.

-- Friday, May 29, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:18 PM
Hello. I'm feeling really unwell right now. Idk for what reasons. Yesterday had flu. Today still have. Plus a little fever? Zzz.. Want sick don't want at school time sick, want at holiday time sick. ): Then, SOMEBODY had to hurt me AGAIN. Like it's SO fun. -.-
Today was Parents Meeting Day uh. D: First met Huiling, then went to school. Assembled at parade square first. Lols, for the first time ever, I saw Miss Neo wearing a DRESS. It's pink in colour siol. Plus she had lipstick on. LOL. But she didn't wear heels. o_o Okay, after assemble then back to class. Hear Mr Tan & Mrs Soh talk, lols.
Around 9am, official parent's meeting started. Father came with brother at about 9.10am. Mrs Soh took too long, so he went up with my brother first. Huiling's mother was there, lols. Chinteng's already seen. Heard that Mr Tan nagged a lot to Huiling's mother, even about us. So... -.- Then erm. Around 9.30am I think. My father came down with brother. See Mrs Soh. Ok, skip the part for what she said to my father. It's nothing much. Got back my report book. Now with my grades,
1st Cont. Assess't: 73.9
1st Sem Assess't: 60.0
1st Comb. Mark: 65.2
Combined Grade: B3.
1st Cont. Assess't: 66.4
1st Sem Assess't: 69.0
1st Comb. Mark: 68.2
Combined Grade: 3.
1st Cont. Assess't: 56.6
1st Sem Assess't:
42.01st Comb. Mark:
47.5Combined Grade: U.
1st Cont. Assess't: 63.0
1st Sem Assess't: 54.3
1st Comb. Mark: 57.6
Combined Grade: 5.
1st Cont. Assess't: 66.8
1st Sem Assess't:
45.01st Comb. Mark: 53.2
Combined Grade: 5.
1st Cont. Assess't: 76.0
1st Sem Assess't: 52.0
1st Comb. Mark: 61.0
Combined Grade: 4.
1st Cont. Assess't: 82.5
1st Sem Assess't: 80.0
1st Comb. Mark: 80.9
Combined Grade: 1.
Design & Technology.
1st Cont. Assess't: 66.0
1st Sem Assess't: 66.7
1st Comb. Mark: 66.5
Combined Grade: 3
1st Cont. Assess't: 71.1
1st Sem Assess't: 69.3
1st Comb. Mark: 70.0
Combined Grade: 2.
Total: 579.8/900
Percentage: 64.4
Class Position: 13/41
Level Position: 16/83
L1B2 Aggregate: 5
Yeah, that's my results. So overall I only failed 1, which is Maths! Argh. I nearly passed that subject sia. ): I'm very satisfied with my class & level position, haha! So after the parent's meeting, my father left. Ben & Rongyu came. Went to band room outside cause Huiling & Chinteng wanted to get their band form. I'm glad that holidays are here, hahas. But, it seems like the school doesn't want us to enjoy the holidays. Chinteng & huiling have band camp. While I have Science remedial, dental appointment, a trip to Kallang/Orchard for the sec 1 NA pupils, 3 days of CCA. It takes up SO much of my time. -_____-
After that, went to Plaza to have KFC, hahas. Ate, walked around, then headed to Rivervale Mall, haha. Kinda fun uh. Walked around etc. (: Next, we bused to Punggol Park. Was looking for the swing. Some primary school kids from North Spring damn gl. They were at there playing the freaking sand. They saw us walking towards, they chiong to the swing. All of us scolded them, lol. Then they at there stare stare. Damn gl. ): Saw Irman! He was fishing. Kewl. I never fished before. LOLLL. -.- So we were just sitting there, admiring the beautiful scenery, crapping, and then lastly, finding ourselves THIRSTY. So yeah, we walked to the nearest mama shop to get some drinks. Then we went to.. a carpark to get some rest. Then one of us suggested playing catching in the carpark? So yeah, okay.
Headed to the carpark. I wasn't feeling well, but still played, lols. Okay uh, quite fun. Just that always feel like vomitting, and always get headaches. So after 2 rounds, stopped. Everyone was sweating like hellz. I felt like my foot was on fire, lmao. Okay, never mind. We walked all the way to Hougang Mall. Went to look for ArvinKor first. Lols. Then we had some rest. Then walked around, haha! Was frigging tired. Around 5pm plus, I had to go home. Father scolding, lols. And I also felt worse. So bused home with Ben & Rongyu.

-- Thursday, May 28, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:11 PM
I wanna be the kid without any worries.Wao, my counter has hit until 30k already, so fast! ^^ So erm, today Huiling came to my house. She's been coming to my house for the past few days, lols. Got ready, then left house. Reached school, had breakfast. Was pointing middle fingers, lol. -.- So erm, there isn't any lesson. Lols, Mr Zul came in, and then he talked to us. I only remembered the funniest part he said, which was "You know I'm very busy? I've got so much things to do, you want to help me out? Option A is Pick up litters for the school. Option B is Pick up litters for the school. Option C is Pick up litters for the school." Then he asked Malcolm which to choose, LOL! Okay er, after that we spend the whole day in class doing our own things. But at around 9am plus, there's Chinese Calligraphy lesson. Just 2 classes for $37!? And I don't even learn a shit? -_-? Bo bian, school suckz money again. -__-
Then was recess, ate, lol. Then back to class. Felt really sleepy, so was sleeping. Then after that, was feeling really unhappy about some stuff. Took a really long time to sort it out. Science Lesson, we need to copy the corrections for Science exam. was really busy, cause need sort out the problem. -.- Oh well. Was much better after that. Then went to hall for assembly. The teachers said it was really very important, must go. Then when we reached, they talked about the same thing, the MOST boring thing that no one wants to hear: School vision, mission, respect, integrity etc. They've been repeating this for Idk how many 238172348783 times. Don't they ever get SICK!? -_____- Then, they congratulate the sec 3's that have gotten their IC. Lame la can? They make it sound like a really big ceremony. They made slides, then link the issue of "taking IC" to the issue of "BIG VALUES" again. -.- Like, what should you do in school, home, outdoors when you've got your IC? What the hell is the link!?!?!?!?! I've even got sick of hearing it. They called all sec 3 chairmans to come up and collect their freaking ICs. Wow, such a BIG ceromony siol. -.-
Was released at about 2.30am. Gave Guzheng a miss, lols. Bused to Kovan to meet Ben & Rongyu with Huiling & Chinteng. Lols. Didn't ate much, cause got no money. @_@ Then we walked around, hahas. Chinteng left. Then we walked around, awhile more we bused home. (:
This might be your one & only last chance.
It all depends on your attitude & behavior now.
Cherish it eh.

-- Wednesday, May 27, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:49 PM
The End Of The Show.

Don't put up a show to convince me,
I don't fucking need that shit.Official 300th post! :3Helluuuuuuuuu. :D Finally a proper pic hor? Hahas. Today ah. Had school, the very very usual routine which everyone has, haha. But you know, I'm so
sick of school. ): I couldn't wake up today for school ya know! -_- Huiling came to my house in the morning, :B Then we walked to school together. Reached, ate breakfast. (x Then assemble at parade square. Vanessa.L aka XinganBaobeh no come!? Pon school siol. LOL. Idk lah. Didn't see her. ): Then, heard Miss Goh talk crap. Zzz. She gave $5 to people who answers her question? Lmao, too rich liao. After that, back to class.
First lesson was English. We ain't studying at all. Exams over liao mah. We were watching Korea Shows. Lols. Was feeling really lethargic. After English, was PE. Playing captain's ball. Okay.. A little bored. Followed by recess. When we were entering the canteen, Miss Neo saw us. She called us, but we walked away, purposely one lah. She keep calling, then no choice, walked back lor. She made us stand one straight line. Zzz. Friday sure die! It seems like pointing middle fingers are the new trend!? Cuz, I walk pass Derrick, he point me middle finger. Same goes to Haresh, Chinteng & Huiling. Kewl, so that's the
new trend~ Back to hall, Derrick was showing my all sorts of stupid faces & pointing _l_, kinda funny, LOL.
Back to class, Maths. Walao, Maths is the only lesson where we have paper work sia. Other lessons we crap, do own things. ZZZ. After Maths was... Art. Lols. Went to Art Room watch Harry Potter. Chinteng & Huiling pon Art. I don't wanna pon liao. Scared tio suspension. -_- Both pangseh me, zzz. Then was Chinese. Relieve teacher came, lols. Do own things. Was feeling unhappy & a little buay song over some things. -.-
After school, we (Me, Huiling & Chinteng) bused to Vivo, from our school. Was a long ride. One sentence to explain the ride: "My ass hurts". Yeah. Really hurts, lol. Went to Daiso, haha. Ben & Rongyu came. Then again unhappy. ZZZ. Cause of someone there(?) Then we continued to walk around. Around 5pm plus, went to Subway to have lunch. First time to Subway you know? I know I suagu. ): Okay, ate, then continued to walk around. At around 6pm plus, trained home. (: Aww, my Mum force me go learn manicure. ): Who wanna be my first customer when I've learnt it? LOL. Gonna learn in June holidays. Learn for free siolxzs. :D So many events coming up in June! ):

-- Tuesday, May 26, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:44 PM
Break The Silence.

I'll give up all I have just to breathe
the same air as you till the day that I die, I can't take my eyes off you.Sorry peeps, for posting all this random pictures. Have not been taking pictures nowadays, lols.
Today.. Went to school, nothing do one! ): Reached school at about 7.10am I think. Cause I forgot to set the freaking alarm. Thankfully there's an sms, lol. Then er went to school lor? Lols. Ate, then went to class. Anthem, pledge. Teacher gave us a paper to confirm our marks. And oh, forget about the results I posted on yesterday. Mrs Soh let us see the proper one, and I realised most of the subject's marks were higher. I forgot how much. Will post it again when I get my report book on Friday. BUT I'M SURE FOR LIT I GOT HIGHEST!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH&^#&!^@! LOL. But then, I've got a fair conduct. Must come to school on Friday. -.-
I forgot to bring my allowance today! Zzz. I owe so much money sia. ): Only drank, don't feel like eating. After recess was Maths? Didn't really do anything, lols. Then it was Science. Wrote reflection & stuffs. Followed by Chinese. We were gonna learn Calligraphy!? Lmao, okok la, quite fun. Lols. Lesson haven't end, me, Chinteng & Huiling ran out of class liao. Saw Mr Zul, ran back to class, then ran out again LOL.
Walked to Plaza with same people plus Chengyao. Went home to get some things. Ate at McDonalds. (: Then we walked around, :D. Next, we bused down to Rivervale Mall. Walk around etc. Hahas. Chinteng had to go home, lols. So we took the bus bus as here, alighted in front of my school. Bused down to Hougang Mall. Hahas. Walked around also? Huiling left. Left me & Chengyao, lols. Slacked awhile, then went to take bus. While walking, I saw ZhiXin! From my primary school. I miss that green green school. ): Talked awhile, then bused home. :D

-- Monday, May 25, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:41 PM
Satisfy My Needs.

Why can't I be like everyone else?
... I hate. Today. It totally sucks. I don't even know how to describe today. But the part I went out with Huiling was quite thrilling...
Woke up. Parents kp me. (...) Say after exams already I still go out so early. Wtf is wrong. Why can't I go out early. ._. Meet friends then go to school together also got problem. -.- But I didn't care, bathed, got ready, went out to meet Huiling. Hahas. Walked to school. ^-^ Was crapping with her, very funnnnnnny. :B
Then, back to class. Got back my results. Utter disappointment. I failed Geography & MATHS. MATHS YOU KNOW!?!?! _l_ -.-
Here's my results.
Paper 1: 36/60 (Not sure)
Paper 2: 39/50
Total: 75.
Paper 1: 36 (Not sure)
Paper 2: 48
Paper 3: 12/20
Total: 60
Paper 1: 23/50
Paper 2: 14/50
Total: 37. -'-
Section A: 17/30
Section B: 21.5
Total: 38/70
Section A: 9/15
Section B: L2/4 = 4 marks.
Converted: 52.
I know. My marks suck la ok? It's not up to my expectations... Especially for English & Literature. English Idk who highest. But Literature I know I was second... ): HOW CAN THAT BEEEEE! I was so fucking confident ok? Fuckkkkkkxzdiadjhjfas! I almost had a freaking heart attack when my papers was given out. -.- I'm sure I have to go for Parent's Meeting on Friday. My conduct sure FAIR. For the first time of my life. A FAIR!? ZZZ. Ever since I enter SKSS lorh. -____- I can't help but complain, the world is going against me!
After that, checked everything, then it was recess, lol. Ate, then erm. Had D&T. Also nothing do. Hear teacher nag about the importance of CCA thing. Then me, Huiling & Chinteng was crappingz. Lols. Damn funny, :D. Then Haresh aka HUHU made me angry! Grrr. -.-
Then back to class for CDI. I hate CDI. HATE HATE HATE! ZZZ. I have to look so freaking nerdz. -.- Mr Tan lie one lohxz!? Say ask us do spot check. We don't even see him in class. -.- Hmm, so after CDI. Met Ben settle some stuff. Don't wish to talk about it. Really very angry. Then after that, me, Chinteng & Huiling bused to Compass. Ate KFC. Then Chinteng left. Me & Huiling went to library to return books. Then we shopped around in many places. So fun! :D Ha, about 7.15pm, she took the same bus with me. Then alighted at my house there de bus stop. (: Then we went to some other shops..? :D Then, send her to bus-stop, saw she went in the bus, then I went home. Reached at 7.30pm. Damn tired! ):
And... I can't believe HUHU said my face like sleeping beauty cuz I luv to sleepz?! LOL#&^!&^@#
Sorry peeps! I fly through Vanessa.W's blog, and realised that she left my name there to do the quiz. So yeah, here it is! :D
Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
Who was the last person you took a photo with?
I forgot.
Would you consider yourself to be spoilt?
A little.
Would you ever donate blood?
Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Do you want someone dead?
What does your last text message say?
"Ehs, call me when you free uh."
What are you thinking of right now?
Rebond my fucking hair and dye it.
Do you wish someone was with you right now?
What time did you go to sleep last night?
Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
Is someone on your mind right now?
Who was the last person to text you?
10 people tagged to do this quiz:
1/ Priscilla.
2/ Meiko.
3/ ChinTeng.
4/ Arvin.
5/ Vanessa.L
6/ Mandy.
7/ Jonathan.
8/ Cheryl.
9/ Chengyao.
10/ Chinyi.
Who is 2 having a relationship with?
She's single.
Is 3 a male or a female?
If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing?
... Er?
What is Number 1 studying about?
Studying about... How to love zihui more. :D
Is Number 4 single?
Idk leh.
Say something about Number 2?
What do you think about Number 3 and 6 being together?
Not good.
Describe Number 9.
Hilarious at times.
What'll you do if 6 & 7 fight?
LES? No.
Do you like Number 8?
Gan Mei, yeah hahas. :D
Once again, want do tag me or tell me in MSN. I copy paste give you. Don't want then never mind. :D

-- Sunday, May 24, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:34 PM
It's Hard.

I fucking hate liars. _l_
Hello, lol. Today nothing much happen. Cause this pig here woke up at 5pm. ): lol. I thought it was only 12pm! Argh, lol. So yeah, I woke up and used the com, lols. Was flying from blog to blog.. Nothing to do. There's school tomorrow! ZZZ. Not fair, my brother don't need go school. >:( And also tomorrow getting results... Gonna get a heart attack. -_-
Went to a blog, and saw some quiz thing. So yeah I did a few. Cuz I was extremely bored. ):
You Should Get An Asian Inspired Tattoo
Mysterious and expressive
You like to show off, but you also like to keep some allure
The Simpsons Personality Test
You Are Krusty the Clown
You were the class clown as a kid, and you still entertain people.
From faking your own death to getting a wacky boob job, you'll do anything for a laugh.
You will be remembered for: your face being everywhere, from cereal to home pregnancy tests
Your life philosophy: "I heartily endorse this event or product."
Your 1920's Name is: Georgetta Pearlie
You're the Bee's Knees
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
You Are a Dynamo
You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.
You are always on the go, but you don't have a type a personality.
Instead of channeling your energy into work, you instead go for fun and adventure.
Witty and verbal, you can have an interesting conversation with anyone.
Your strength: Your larger than life imagination
Your weakness: You tend to be pretty scattered
Your power color: Lime
Your power symbol: Lightening bolt
Your power month: March
What Year Should You Have Been Born Under?
You Should Have Been Born Under: Rat
You are quick witted, charming, and bring luck to all who know you.
A bit greedy, you tend to go after what you want - with success.
Clever, you seek out knowledge... and eventually use what you know to your advantage.
You are very loyal, and you treat your real friends like they are family.
You are most compatible with a Dragon or Monkey.
Your Makeup Look Is
Dramatic Eyes with Naked Lips
You rock an edgy, modern look with feminine grace
Haha, ;)
You can go do if you want, to kill time, lol.
http://www.blogthings.com/ :D
Bye, off to watch A Series of Unfortunate Events, (x
Wtf is wrong with everyone?
Why must you all lie?
When I rely & trust you?
Are you there to destory the trust I have for you?
And you had to lie to me about such SERIOUS things?
Why must you resort to lying?
I hate people who lie to me.
Don't be the next one.

-- Saturday, May 23, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 2:29 PM
I Need You.
Where were you when I needed you?Hello peeps. ._. Was feeling kinda pissed today when I woke up... Cause yesterday felt really sad.. lol. Then when I was enjoying my beauty sleep, my father had to come wake me up to go eat. ZZZ. I was damn pissed. Then, I continued to sleep. Phone rang, Ben called my house. He asked me can go out. I somehow scolded him...? :/ Sorry! I was feeling pissed then, lols.
Woke up, used com. Very very bored! ): Called Priscilla ask her can go out eat, she can't. I'M ROTTING! ARGH. Oh well, was chatting with Girlf, which is Meiko. Kinda funny, LOL.
♥我不懂怎么解释我心里的感触. says (2:29 PM):
♥我不懂怎么解释我心里的感触. says (2:29 PM):
- Z/ -- Your the heartbreaker. says (2:29 PM):
- Z/ -- Your the heartbreaker. says (2:29 PM):
♥我不懂怎么解释我心里的感触. says (2:29 PM):
the polkadot bg is i do one;D
♥我不懂怎么解释我心里的感触. says (2:29 PM):
- - xiangwaiwai again.
:B I realised that Huiling is so good to meeeeeee. :D She always reminds me to do stuff, which I always forgot. Lmao. :D luvdieher. :D
And, this is the quiz Xueqi asked me to do.
1 thing that you want the most
- Someone.
2 things that you want to achieve in life
- A better person in society. (When I grow up)
- Be smart.
3 things you are thinking about now
- Someone.
- Eat.
- Shopping.
4 wishes that you will make immediately
- Be with him?
- Meet up with Priscilla & Co.
- Have super powers. :B
5 things you live by
- Friends.
- Family.
- Him.
- Gans.
- My com. LOL.
2 emotions you just had
- Happy.
- Bored.
3 people who sms-ed you just now
- Huiling.
5 words you would say to a kpkb person
- Idk leh? Stfu & gtfo? lol.
16 words to say to the person you love
You are the oxygen that I breathe in, so how am I gonna live without you?
Tag 6 people to do this quiz
- Priscilla
- Chinteng
- Jonathan
- Meiko
- Vanessa.L
- Arvin
My blog can't highlight, so yeah. If you wanna do then tag me, I copy paste give you. Don't want then never mind.

-- Friday, May 22, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:00 PM
The Carpal Tunnel Of Love.

Helloooooo! :D Hmm, today went to Vivo. Woohoooxzsv. :D Woke up at 8.45am. I couldn't wake up. ): Then erm. Was busy recieving phone calls about the outing, lol. Then went to bathe, get ready etc. Hahas. Around 10.45am, Huiling was at my house downstairs. We crossed to the other side, then bused to Compass. Hahas. Met Chinteng & Crystal there.
First, went to Montique/Montiq (I forgot) to buy sex bands. Lmao. Now got 30. Still kinda less... -___-lll And bought same ring as Huiling & Chinteng. ^-^ Then next, went to Mac to eat. Whole Mac filled with North Vista people. ~.~ Then was waiting for Crystal's stead to come. Finished eating, trained to Vivo.
The first place we went to was DAISO! Woohoo. iluvdiedaisoxzsv. 8D Shopped for quite long. Crapped a little too. :D Bought... Like 3 things only. ): Pok alr. TT. I bought some kind of very high socks, colour pencils, and some kind of Panda thing for my brother. xD THOUGHTFUL RIGHT!?!? Lmao. -.- Chengyao came. Hahas. Then continued to shop. Haha. After that, went to Sky Park. ^-^ Took pics too. :D

Here's one only. Lazy to upload the others, lol. Then we continued to shop. Went to theatre to buy pop-corn & drinks, but didn't watch movie. LOL. The pop-corn sarks. -.- Then went to Mini Toons. o_o Was having lots of fun. xD Next was to Vivo Mart~ Bought chicken wings. Then drinks. :D Crystal, her stead & Huiling had to go home. Sent them to MRT. Then me, Chengyao & Chinteng went back to Vivo. o_o Lols.
We went to the.. Idk how to explain sia. lol. Like some kind of place to sit one, then can watch people perform de. AIYA. Idk how explain siaaaaaaa. Lols. Ate, watched people practiced their following performance. Break-dance. Kinda nice. xD Spend quite a long time there. Then we went inside to shop around.
Went to ToysR'Us! Damn fun can! LOL. Was playing around with the toys there. xD Here are the pics taken. (:

I look like a farking nanny on the right pic! ZZZ.
lol. So fun there. :D Crapped a lot. xD And then...

Here's introducing...
Chinteng went to squeeze some sort of sunblock thing in my hand. LOL. Too oily, so went out the playground there to wash my hand. xD Kept playing, and time really flies very quickly. 6.30pm already! ): Then we went home already. Chinteng dropped at Outram Park. Me & Chengyao alighted at Seng Kang, then went to Compass, bused home. (:
I never thought you were someone like that.
You lied to me about SO MUCH things...
You were actually someone like that.
So I guess I've seen your true colours.

-- Thursday, May 21, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 9:35 PM
You Suck Big Time.
Hello peeps. Lols. Today, met Huiling, walked to school together. :D Had Maths Paper 2 & DNT today! ): Lols.
Maths Paper 2 started first. At 8am I think. Lols. HARD SIAAA. ): Ended at around 9.30am. Then we had break. Lols. :D Then D&T paper. ARGH. For one hour. Also very hard. ): Sure fail le. TT. After our paper, me, Shiting, Huiling & Chinteng went to look for Mr Tan. ZZZZ. He ade me & the others gan pissed. Keep asking us clip hair. Then call other teachers come see. Plus get nag from teacher. Still need write reflection. We went there at around 11.35am. Then he talk talk talk, ask he redo our hair etc. ZZZ SO SICK OF IT. I still tio another form. Everytime same. See the questions jiu sian diao liao. -.- After writing reflection, Mr Tan's mood suddenly change dao like very happy siol. -.- Then he let us of at 1PM. LIMBU GAN HUNGRY LA!!!!!!!!!!!
Chiong to KFC with same people except with Shiting & Crystal. GRRRRRRRR. Ate, then Chengyao came. The other 2 left. Lols. Finding place to go. Then we bused all the way to Vivo City. LMAO. Long sia. 1 hour plus. Also quite fun lah, lol. Plus boring. ~.~ Reached alr. I went to toilet. Then bused back to Seng Kang. Just plain boring. LOL. On the way back, I sit until my ass pain siolxzsv. ~.~ Then some people cause me no mood sia. -.- Never mind. Was back at home at around 6pm. :D

-- Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:50 PM
I Am Just So Tired...
Today Science exam. Met Huiling, walked to school together. Me, Chinteng, Huiling & Shiting all had our exams outside class. -.- Science was hard... Finished the paper at 9am. Mr Zul walked pass.. Then all got scolded by him. -.-.. 9.30am exam ended.
Bused to Compass with Huiling, Chinteng & Crystal. Had Long John for breakfast. Then waited for Chengyao to come. Followed by Ben & Rong Yu. Then the girls went home. We trained to Kovan. Went to the bowling place. Didn't play. Watched them play. Fought with Ben. Was okay after that.
Chengyao went on with his friends.. Rongyu, Ben & me went to Heartland Mall de KFC to have lunch. Then went to Comics Connection, then Popular. Rongyu very funny, haha.. Stayed in Popular for quite a long time. Then suddenly Chengyao & Jeremy came? Another fight happened? Don't wish to say. Around 4pm plus, bused to my house downstairs find Desmond. Slack awhile then home.
Eh, cb la hor. What's wrong with you? Firstly, I
I DON'T FUCKING ENTERTAIN PEOPLE. THEN EVERYDAY FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. NOW EXAM PERIOD, WANT REST ALSO CANNOT. EVERYDAY AFTER PLAY COM, NEED CALL YOU BOTH. SWITCH HERE SWITCH THERE. WANT KUP ALSO CANNOT KUP. VERY TIRED, NEED REST, WANT SLEEP ALSO DON'T LET. YOU GUYS THINK I'M SOME KIND OF MACHINE THAT NEVER GETS TIRED? LET ME TELL YOU, I'M NOT. I HAVE FEELINGS. EVERYDAY SEE YOU BOTH AT THERE MOODY. I WHAT? VERY HAPPY SIBO? Sometimes, I just want to relax after a long day. But what do I get? Attitude? Faces to see? Fights? Different problems everyday? Wtf is this? Back to just now. Let me tell you. I DON'T THINK THAT I HAVE DONE ANYTHING WRONG. IF you had just told me about it. The outcome WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS. Never mind la hor. You already say end what. Everytime say end end end, I try to save it back, saved back, same thing happen. I'm SO SICK of doing this ALL THE TIME. I tried. I REALLY DID TRIED. But this few days really suck. Because of you two I cry like one stupid baby. I NEVER CRY FOR PEOPLE. And I guess I DON'T. After you both see this post, again say want MIA. I tell you.
You all don't MIA, don't fight in front of me, don't buay ge yan each other, don't always moody one corner, I HAPPY LIAO. Understand mah? I want de is just this simple. Why you all must like that? Why you all must everyday cause troubles for me? You all only care about how you feel inside is it? Then I tell you all now la hor. I'm feeling
MUCH MORE WORSE, WORSE x100000000 THAN WHAT YOU ALL ARE FEELING. I feel like I'm WALKING ON THIN ICE. It could just break ANYTIME. Please, don't threaten me anymore with such stuff. I cannot take it anymore liao. I've never undergone so much stress before. I really really did tried to go and understand what you both are thinking & feeling. I'm finding ways to make you both stop feeling so unhappy with each other. But how much further can I go? How much can I do? My patients has it's limits. I always felt that you both have crossed it. CROSSED IT LONG AGO. But I hold back, I try to stop thinking about it. I bear. I BEAR WITH IT. I try to give in. I TRY. I always try to make you both happy. One happy, one at there sad. One sad, one at there happy. I'm always switching sides. I really don't know what to do.
我尽力了, 我真的尽力了。
Cause you never know what might happen tomorrow.After you both have read this part. The least you could do for me is,
don't have any negative thoughts. Because I really cannot take anymore heart-breaking words. I really feel that I can break down just anytime. Please just spare a thought for me. I really can't take the pain anymore.I guess I will be seeing you no more from tomorrow onwards.
Everything you told me was total SHIT from the start.
If you really loved me, you wouldn't have given up SO EASILY.
You wouldn't have hurt me so much.
You wouldn't have fought with me over such little things.
Just use your brain to think.
Whose fault is it. If it's mine, give me a simple explanationAnd I will think through it. I will apologise if it's my fault.
If it isn't. Go think through what you should do.

-- Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:07 PM
I've Lost.
Met Huiling today downstairs my house. Went to Mac to buy ice-cream. No change for brother's allowance. -_- Walked to school together.. Then nothing to do lor. So bored. Then had assembly, followed by Maths Paper 1. Lols. Quite easy, but not confident of getting high marks.. Lols. Exam ended at 9.30am. When we went out of class, Me, Chinteng & Huiling got caught by Miss Neo once again... -.- Tomorrow the 3 of us take exams outside class. -.-
Went to Plaza with Huiling, Chinteng & Crystal. Met Ben while walking half way. Then Ben gave me tortoise which he caught in Malaysia! :D I mean the soft-toy one, lol. The others went to the playground, me & Ben went to take coupons for... KFC? Lols. xD Then we sat at playground, watching other kids play. Then suddenly one group of kids come, from the nearby nursery. AHHH THEY'RE SO ADORABLE. :D We kept laughing & laughing. xD
Then around 10.50am, went to KFC. Wait & Wait. The boards change to lunch thingy, chiong go buy. LOL. The Auntie say our actions very fast. xD Ate, then erm. We bought things, slack slack. Chinteng went home. Followed by Crystal. So left the 3 of us. We bused to Rivervale Mall. :D
Bought a elmo ez-link card sticker. And Domokun card holder. Ben & Huiling also bought the same card holder. Then we went to slack... Walked around the whole place. Then Chengyao came... -.- And he did something that totally pissed me off. I didn't talk to him since then. Well, was waiting for Rong Yu to come. The Stamford Raffles, lol. Then we were walking. Huiling was turning around all the time, she didn't saw what was in front. Then she bang dao the wall, LOL. We kept laughing, damn funny. She say is her file bang dao, lmao. After that, we bused down to Hougang Mall.
Slacked around. Chengyao don't know go where. -.- Then we went to Popular etc etc. That moment was... ah. Idk how to explain. Well then, after everything, it was like about 5pm alr? Lols.. After that bused home with Ben & Rong yu.
So many things are happening in such a short time. Too much things for me to handle, the stress, it's just too much. And I totally hate what I'm going through. But people around me ain't helping, instead they're adding on to the stress. I hate everything. I hate what I'm going through. But tell me, who can understand? You only know how to add on to the troubles. I feel like I'm gonna explode anytime. Because all this is just too much. I can't take it anymore. I hope that you, you & you, will understand, and stop doing things that will eventually cause my stress to increase greater & greater. I feel that I'm totally rushing through everything in life at this moment. Exams, this & that. Someone save me? I know that sometimes I may not be someone good, I might not be able to understand what some of you are thinking or feeling. That's because there's just too much, too much things on my mind. How do I concentrate on so many things at the same time? Sometimes I feel that my mind just goes blank. Idk what I'm thinking or doing. This feeling, I can't explain. Cause I myself don't even know what's happening. I just hope that time will stop at a certain time where I'm always happy, and things would remain the same as they were. I realise that I need more time, & I should learn to take it easy.

-- Monday, May 18, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:09 PM
Nothing Can Touch Me.
I Just Wanna Do What I Want.
Hello. Within this period, there's only exams, exams, & exams. -_____-lll And recently, I've been so obssessed with Britney Spears. Smexi lah she. :3 Her songs are wonderful too~ And then now it's like suddenly one Derrick Barry popped out, impersonating Britney Spears, lol! He looks exactly like her, although he is a boy. o_o Uhh, *snapxzs, back to what happened today. (:
Woke up, checked my phone recieved 180 messages. The messages extremely cute! Mashymallow. Elephantloads. Truckloads. LOL. All from Ben. xD Prepared, then went to school with Huiling today. She said that she was at the bus-stop downstairs my house. So er, I went to meet her. Downstairs nia, :D Then we walked to school together. And I totally hate my hair. It sucks. BIG TIME. -.- So er. Went to school. Then was busy writing letter. Didn't revise for History. Then went back to class.
Before that was temperature taking. I had a sudden urge to vomit. -.- Then my stomach hurts a lot, lol. I quickly walked to the toilet. I felt like I was going to vomit alr. But I can't possibly vomit in public!?! lol. Reached alr, I didn't vomit. !%&@#&^ Lols. Then went back to class. Temperature taking. Awhile later, exam started at 8am. Hmm, was quite easy. :D Exam ended at 9.15am. Lols. Went to Plaza after that, with Chinteng, Huiling & Crystal.
We reached at 9am plus, didn't want to eat breakfast one also. I went up to take the coupons for KFC with Huiling. o: Then came down. Chengyao came after his exams. Lols. He ate breakfast. We were drawing & crapping at McDonalds? Lols. 11am le, went to KFC. Ate. Lols. Eat dao about 11-12 plus bah. Lols. Went to toilet. Then saw some shop or something selling lots of things. Bought a notebook. Share with Huiling & Chinteng one. (: After that, the 3 of them went home. The 2 of us slack awhile then home.
Oh and, someone called my house, & said she's looking for my Mum? Lols. When my Mum answered the phone, the person said, "Cool eh, 我怀孕了, 你老公的." My Mum said wait, don't kup, then she kup. LMAO LA. Somemore called Meina? Which bitch so bo liao. o_o Worse is I can't imagine she used the word COOL EH? LOL. W/e it is, I just hope my parents don't fall a part, lmao. Kk, end.

-- Sunday, May 17, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:04 PM
Hey, I'm Sorry.

Thanks to Arvin Kor!
♥ :D
Hellooooooo. :D Hmm, today did went out. :D Woke up at around 8am plus. Checked my phone. I recieved a total of 447 messages, LOL. Chua tio siolxsxc. 200 plus was from Chengyao. The other 200 plus was from Ben. He went to Malaysia today. And will be back today. Lmao. So erm. I was still lazing around in bed. Listening to the radio, hoping that I would find the song that I was finding for a long time. Well. No luck. And I was then starting to feel pissed too. So around 9am, I got up. Bathed.
Then went online. Lols. Chatting with people on MSN. :D Hmm, then I went on to do my hair, put on some make-ups etc. Lols. Was meeting Huiling at 12pm at Hougang Mall. I just finished doing my stuff at 12pm. LOL. Chengyao was waiting for me at my house downstairs. o_o Done everything, went down. Bused to Hougang Mall together. Lols. He gave me those kinder joy toys. Cute! :D
Met Huiling at the top floor. Then we went to Mad About Shoes. Obviously is to buy shoes? Lols. Bought same shoes as Huiling. The person there thought we're sisters? She said what, "Meimei buy, Jiejie where can don't buy?" LOL. So yeah we bought the same shoes. After that, went to McDonalds to eat. xD Was having fun there.
After that, went to. Ah. Popular to buy some pens. (: Then hmm. Huiling went home. ): She could only stay for 2 hours. D: So me & Chengyao went to library to slack & read some books? And then. Home at about 4pm plus. Home alr, went to KFC to have dinner. Saw Brenda & friends. :D
Hey Teelin.
I'm sorry.
So so so sorry.

-- Saturday, May 16, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:23 PM
Say Goodbye.

Hello peeps. Extremely boring on Saturdays & Sundays. D: Was sleeping half way, when Ben spammed messages. Lols. Recieved a total of 115 messages. ~.~ Plus some others. Woke up at around 1pm plus. Nothing to do one. ): Was chatting with people in MSN. Lols. Finding songs, etc etc. How boring!?!? So I slept all the way till 1pm lor. Can't go out also. ):
Well, while chatting, Teelin asked if I've eaten. Said no, I was gonna save up all my money till the end of June holidays. And then. He bought me food. All the way from Woodlands to Seng Kang. ~.~ Big big thanks eh. :D Got nothing to do now. ): Also nothing to post alr. D: So uh. End. :D

-- Friday, May 15, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:29 PM
Ugly, Period.

Eh fuck. Cut my hair just now. Fugly la can? -.- I look just like a boy. ZZZ. Never mind. Wait for it to grow longer. Today, had Lit exams. Very easy. :D Exam only took 1 hour. 8am to 9am. :D After that, I went home. Huiling & Crystal came to my house. Chinteng bused home to prepare.
After I got ready, bused to Hougang mall first. With same people, but plus Teelin. Then went to Hougang meet Ben. Saw Marshall after I alighted! So long didn't see him alr. Luckily he called out for me. Then went to cut hair. Didn't went to the usual shop I always go to. ZZZ. Not opened. -.- So went to another one lor. But the standard like shit can. -.-
After cutting, Chinteng came. Lols. Slacked around Hougang mall. Fun fun. :D And, I'm sure I'm gonna be really happy on this year's birthday! ;) Hmm, after that went to KFC to eat. :D Then we bused down to Compass. Lmao.
Met Desmond & his friend there. Then went to library. Read books, lmao. :D Spent like about a few hours there. Idk why I was feeling pissed. Maybe they too noisy le bah. Can't read properly lol. Then erm. Bought drinks. Continued reading. Lols. Then went to walk walk lah. Sibei bored. Went to Popular. Read some TSGS books, lmao. -.- Then Chinteng, Huiling went to buy ice-cream. Desmond & his friend followed. Only to know they never came back. -.- Chinteng called to say Huiling went home. But never say she went home. We waited for her at Popular for so damn long.
So erm. Left me, Ben, Teelin & Rong Yu. Went back to library. Cause I wanted to read TSGS. Lols. Then instead, read some superstitious thingy, lol. Kinda scary. Rong Yu at there disiao, lmao. Read till 6.30pm, then bused home.
Not... Important...
How could you say that.
It still matters a lot to me.

-- Thursday, May 14, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:58 PM

Hello all. :D Geography exam today! Totally flunk it, lol. Damn hard can? ARGHHH. Was walking to school. Then started to rain. ZZZ. Reached school, all drenched. z_z Then I revised Geography. Unbelievable, lol. Then waited for Huiling to come. Went to toilet to dry myself. Then bought food to eat. Went to class.
Exam started at 8am. Argh. Sibei hard lah. Couldn't remember what I studied. Some question I gave some ridiculous answers. Like, "How does plant growth contribute to weathering?" My answer was, "It grows on the rock, help to save space." LMAO LAAAAAAA. Better than not leaving blank. :D After the exam, had recess. 15 mins nia.
Bought drinks. Then went to hall for Chinese Listening Compre. Okok la. Quite hard ley. 10.40am, ended. Then went home. Lols. Chinteng, Ben & Desmond Idk go where. Take bus go home I think. Huiling & Xueqi came my house. Lols. I bathe, get ready etc, went to meet them. Lols. They took cab. Then met them at taxi stand. o:
Took taxi to Chinteng's house. Hahas. Then to Compass. Went to Mac to eat. Jerome came. After eating, was going to put contacts. Chinteng first. Desmond help her put. Dropped, then she accidentally stepped onto it. Obviously pijiak la, lol. Kk never mind. Didn't put alr. Arvin Kor came. The UNCLE. Followed by Chinteng's friend, Ivan they all? Lols. Awhile later they were gone.
Went to 77th street. Chinteng pierce. Lmao. After she pierce, Ben treat me pierce. THANKS. ♥ Third hole. Damn pain. Sibei near the bone, zz. After that. Erm erm. Went to library. Before that, went to Comics Connection with Chinteng. Bought some sort of pen. :D LOUSY ONE. Always no ink. -.- Then went to Value to buy chocolate. :D Then back to library. Hahas! First time I concentrated so much on reading a book. On draculas, ghost etc. Damn interested in them. :D Borrowed the book. Then took other books. Haunted places one. So interesting laaaaaaa. xD
After that, hmm. Went to Kopitiam to eat. Then went back library. Mum asked me to help her borrow books. Lols. Was finding & crapping. Arvin Kor la. Stupid sia. LOL. After find, went home le. Took bus with everyone. :D Took pics too. :D

-- Wednesday, May 13, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:54 PM

Done by Cheryl Mei! Thanks a lot. Luvchuxzs. :D
Hello all~ Erm. Today. Went to school. Had English first. Followed by PE. PE nothing to do. Saw Chengyao after he came out from the dentist. Then he pei me & Chinteng chat chat. After that, he went back. Then we waited for Huiling to come back from her retest of 2.4km run. Lols. She took very long. 19 mins plus. Failed again. After that was recess. Ate. Hahas. Went to assemble at parade square. (:
After that, back to class. Was Maths. -___- Yesterday Surprise test. Today get back results. 6/15 I think. NEARLY PASS! WTF. Kk never mind. Then after that was Science. Got back results also. Yesterday test. Lols. Also nearly pass. ZZZZ. Art lesson, teacher didn't come. Lols. Then everyone was drawing wishes on passing exams. Classmates wrote for me, so I wrote back too. Was damn busy. >.<>
Went out of school. Saw Miss Neo come the coffee sop beside our school. Everyone zhao. Within 2 mintues the whole coffee shop nobody one. LOL. Then, Eileen told us that she didn't want to meet her stead. Then her stead de friend come fetch her. LOL. Then Chinteng ask is which one. She point at Jerome, Desmond & their friend. The 3 of them. Then Chinteng told her they're her gan kor. Eileen ganpua paiseh. She say, "Huh... Orh... Is it..? Idk leh..." LMAO SO FUNNY LA. BIG JOKE OF THE DAY LOLOLOL.
Then we went to KFC. To have lunch. Joked around, hahas. Funny. (x Then around 4 plus, went home. :D

-- Tuesday, May 12, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:00 PM
What Have I To Say?

Hello all. lol. I'm so sick of... School. -____- I think the teachers made me feel so sick. o: None of this would happen in primary school. I loved primary school. ;) W/e. Say so much also no use. -_- I can't rewind time. D:
About yesterday, I was totally pissed. Sorry if I've offended my group members. But I wanna tell you guys this. Eileen, your powerpoint totally sucks. You jump from slide to slide. For example, your slide is about exercise. Then you jump to consuming food stuffs, then jump back to exercise. I just couldn't stand the sight of the powerpoint. No pictures. ALL WORDS. So dull. Even the background was sucky. And some rubbish was included when it wasn't even needed at all. Why would you teach someone to do what stupid aerobaic or w/e stretching exercise when our main topic in on healthy lifestyle & mostly based on the info we get? I edited the whole thing alr. Presented it today. I guess if I haven't edited it. We might have got below 5. I know I sound cocky here. But seriously. It totally pissed me off. And I was trying to think of how to describe how the work was done. Sorry if anyone was offended.
Well firstly, Eileen somehow
snatched my job of being the interviewer? Look. You told me that you'd give me the dates to interview. You said you needed time to get info & print the papers out. But what happened? You've already completed the damned interview and I was still in my own world waiting for your stupid stacks of paper. And then, I took your damned thumbdrive home, only to find out how the powerpoint looked like. Oh. How nice can you be? Help Chinteng their group do their powerpoint. Results? Chinteng told me it was like the same? -.-? You so nice dao hor, our group de report & reflection haven't do? Then help other people do? That day, you asked me to write SELF-REFLECTION on what we've done in this group & learnt through this project. I was stunned. Like wtf did I do? My interview job you snatch. What shit was there for me to do? Kio sai sibo? -'- Oh, never mind la. I've never felt like I was in your group also. Why bother? ;)
Then, I told Jowell that I've re-done all the slides. I said that we needed to have conclusion & the survey that other students had done, needed to be written in the slides. What fuck he told me? Ask me go redo, when my brother was using the com. Fuck you all la. And another one. Weihong. Gong dai dai. Everyday at there gan people. The only thing you know how to do is kp la hor. -.- I went online yesterday, & send Haresh & Chinteng my group's powerpoint. Fortunately I've good pals like them. They helped me to add on the slide on the survey. Thanks a lot eh guys. And back to what happened today.
Didn't liked today also. Total crap. Went to parade square assemble. Sat for like 3 mins then they announce say go back class. -.- Then we were supposed to sing national anthem. Mr Tan come scold us say cannot hear we sing anything. Then he started to scold us, tell us that singing national anthem is basic respect for the country, etcetc. -.- He wanted us to sing again. Sing alr, he say he can't hear the girls sing. He want us to sing at parade square AFTER SCHOOL. Made me ganpua dulan siol.
Then we having IPW. Time to present our work. -.- I sat there to press the next slides. Weihong was reading. At first he didn't even want to read. We all kp him back then he read. Cause he did nothing I guess. -.- And he still dares to scold me for not bringing teh stupid file. -.-! After that, went on with lessons. Geography. Teacher didn't come. So I just did my History & some card for people, lol. Then was recess.
After that, back to class to assemble. It was Maths. Had another surprise test. -____- Oh. And I got back my test marks. 0/14 or 20. Kewl eh? LOL. I didn't know how to do at all. ): Then it was Science. ZZZ. Another test. Sure fail. I don't even know a thing since day one lah. -.- Followed by Chinese. Got back exam results. OMG DAMN LOUSY. I don't wanna say out the marks. ): But at least I beat SOME people. 8D Was doing corrections. Then Chengyao keep come disiao. He got scolded by teacher. Damn funny LOL.
Was having History remedial today. Siannnnn. We went to buy things to eat outside. Then had History remedial. Hais, sibei sian. ): 3.45pm, end. Jerome & Desmond come find us. Went to Plaza together. With Chin Teng. Ate at Mac. Hahas. After that, home. (:
続けて, 私を無視してください。
そして私は理解して, 世界は変わっていて, 皆が変わっています。
全部が, 私が間にあって反応するために速やかに速く起こりすぎすぎています。
Hypocrites, 裏切り者, 他の何か?
戻って私は過去を逃して, それらが欲しい。
私は, その皆が知るわけでない他の誰かであるために回っていますか?
私は, 起こった全部で疲れさせられるように感じます。
私は, 単に全部が同じのままでいることを望んでいます。
私は, 単に皆が幸福であることを望んでいます。
いやはや, 私が叫ぶには, 泣いてください。
おお, 私の愛, 「さようなら」と言ってください。

-- Monday, May 11, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:13 PM
I'll Be Your Shelter When You Cry, Cause You Are My Everything.

Hello peeps. Miss me? :D Am feeling so much better now. Thanks to those that gave me advices. (:
Today: Hmm. No school today. Well. Woke up at around 9am plus bahs. Can't wake up, lol. Today's outing was with Chin Teng, Huiling, Ben, Jerome & his friend Desmond. Lols. Father was still at home. Needed to wait till he went out then I could go out. D: Means I sneak out lahs. ><>
Met Jerome & Desmond there also. Hahas. Waited at Mac for Huiling to come. Followed by Ben. Then we went to buy contacts. Woohoo. So kewl manxzs. (Don't copy. LOL.) I bought blue, Huiling purple, Chin Teng cat eyes which is brown. xD I wanted red colour de lor! But don't have. So took blue. ~.~ Ben paid for me. THANKS. :DThen we bused to Compass.
Reached alr, we all went to handicap toilets to try to put on the the contacts. Were very scared uh. ><
Hmm. Then Vanessa left. The stupid librarian come kpkb at us. Zzz. We left also. Went to toilet again, took out the lens. :D Then erm. Went home. Chin Teng, Jerome & Desmond bus home. We different bus. Ben send me home. Huiling ownself take bus. Lols. Reach alr, Ben treat me McFlurry. THANKS BENNNNN. (: After that, home. :D

-- Sunday, May 10, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:59 PM
Nothing much to post today. Bored. Can't go out. Stuck at home all day. And then there's so much things for me to worry. The following part, I guess no one will be able to understand. So just ignore it. Sorry for today's short post.
しかし今夜, 私は事〔物〕が変わると思います。
そして 私がどのように感じたか理解していてください あなたがたを常に考えられてください あるいは?
冗談はさておき, 私はあなたほどは幸福ではありません。
誰か, 私を救ってください。
Tell me what to do.
Please try to understand how I'm feeling right now.
I didn't meant to show any attitude or anything else.

-- Saturday, May 9, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:37 PM
Hellos. Today woke up, use com, hahas. Then around 2pm plus, went out to find my mother. Met her at Boon Keng MRT. Then bused to Geylang, lol. Today Vesak Day. Need to baibai. Lols. She say very important. Must go. Ganpua lazy laaaaaaaaa. ):
Then reach alr, need to walk so damn long. Don't like. ): Reach alr, need to take those incense paper. Then lit joss sticks. Pray. HAIIIIIIIII. Then it's like there's a bottle of oil thing. We shake it, it becomes a mixture. Then you pray for 3 things you want, then pour it over the god statues. So cute. LOL.
Father was waiting for us outside. Then he drove us to Kovan, to have dinner. PIZZA HUTTTTTT! Woohoo. ^^ Finish alr, then Mum bought sushi for brother. Home alr. :D

-- Friday, May 8, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:01 PM
Just Close Your Eyes. We'll Hope It's Not For Nothing At All.

Yeah, hello peeps. Today had exams. English one. Hahas. Morning had compo & letter writing. Okay. Not that tough. Hahas. Ended at 9.45am. And I was just wondering how dumb our school be. No time management at all. They let the sec 1-4 I think all come down to recess. Cause I saw a lot long pants one. Chengyao also came down. Stupid or what? Canteen so small still let so many people come down sia. Their canteen is like so damn small la can? Smaller than FPPS one by Idk how many times lor. I couldn't have recess properly. Just buy some little stuffs sit outside class eat. Fuck sia. -.-
So erm. Ate outside class with Chin Teng, Huiling, Crystal & Huimin. -_____- Lols. I was having flu. Once again. After recess was having English exam. Before that was just compo. Quite easy uh. Just a few pages. Done within 45 mins. Then I slept. Really fell asleep. Then Gautam/Gautham S/V woke me up. He drag his chair. Wah cb, I jitao just woke up. Ganpua du lan LOL. Then went back to sleep. Lie too long on hand. Hurts a lot. ><
Exam ended at 12.30am. :D Then went to Plaza with Huiling, Chin Teng, Chengyao & Crystal. Met Ben & Qianhui somewhere outside school. I went up to take sandals/slippers for Chin Teng. Then everyone went up. Lols. Crystal left for home. Ben wanted slippers also. Oh, Jeremy which is Chengyao's friend came. So after they took alr, was at Plaza de bus stop waiting for Zen to come. To bus to Punggol End. Beach. Zen was in bus 82. He asked us to take the bus also. When on bus, we realised we took the wrong bus wtf LOL. Then we got down. Walked to the nearest bus stop which is opposite. Then took bus 82. Reached Punggol end.
Wah, there SIBEI sian I tell you. -____- Nothing do one. Qianhui, Jeremy & Zen at there play play. Ask them come over play they don't want. I screaming my lungs out for them they continue at there play. Ganpua dulan I tell you. Lols. Then we ownself at there play lor. Chengyao & Ben at there emo... -.- And these are the pics we took. Don't wanna upload much.

Beautiful scenery eh. Then we bused back. To Hougang Mall. Look for mother's day present. At the same time slack yixia. :D Chengyao went for tuition. We went to Mac. To eat. LOL. And do take note for this alien down here:

Ahem, let me describe. This alien is called Zen. He goes around with his hair tied like this. (Sometimes might change) Then, he would find people with bad offences. Then, he would say: "You are so bad. Would you want to turn over a new leaf? One leaf at $0.50 each. PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME BUY. I need to support my father, mother, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa. PLEASEEEEEE!" *Zen picks up a leaf. And, when you have said yes, he would tell the person this: "Now, please turn over the leaf." *The person turns over the leaf. And Zen the alien goes, "WOOOHOOOOOO! Congratulations! You have turned over a new leaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *CLAPS & CHEERS. LOL. And if you don't buy, he would say, "OK YOU GOOD. YOU WAIT. I ask my laopei sue you. WAIT FOR MY LAWYER LETTER!!!!!!!!!" So do keep a look out for this alien. The above picture is how he looks like. LOLOLOLOL.
Okay, erm. Eat alr. Chin Teng went to Cameleon to buy her Mother's Day Present. Don't know when I'm buying mine, lol. Then erm. Continued to slack. Chin Teng & Huiling went home. Hahas. We went to the library. Jeremy damn funny la. He at there read book, then change the words to horny stuff, ~.~ LOL. Was laughing my ass out, hahas.
Then erm. Qianhui went home. We went to Popular. Lols. After a while, walked to bus stop. Zen the alien sibei funny la. I laugh dao stomach pain siol, LOL. Then erm. Waited for Chengyao to come. Zen at there sell leaf. LOLOLOL. Then took bus 82 back to Plaza. Zen left. LOL.
I went home to take money. Then came down to have dinner with Chengyao & Ben. After eating, then home. Hahas. :D

-- Thursday, May 7, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:41 PM

Hello all. Ahhh. Today no temperature taking siol. Assemble at parade square. (: Then erm. -.- Mr Tan pick on our attire again. Me, Chin Teng, Huiling & Shiting get caught. Then he bring us go Miss Neo. Crap. Then tio scolding. Walao, this time no chance sia. Jitao say go for detention. Walan ehhhh. -.- Spoil my day sia. May also say she want tio detention. lol. Really tio. Then erm. Back to class.
Was History. Lols. Teachers arranged our tables. Exam format. 6 by 7. ~.~ Then erm. Hahas. My seat at the back woohooo. ^^ Chin Teng & Huiling change place come sit with me. ^^ Haresh made me envelope, with letter inside of course, lol. Hahas. Then pass here pass there. ^^ Lols. After History was Geography. So sian. ): Then was Lit. lol. Then was recess.
After recess. Eh. Had Chinese. Went to library again. Chengyao came again, lol. Then he left cause his recess over. Then we were crapping there. Damn funny sia. I disiao Huiling again. :x Chinese period over, task not done. Paper still blank blank lmao. -.- Then back to class. :D Was Science. Eee. Hate it sia, lol. Science retest, I got back 14/20. FUCK!?!? -.- Never mind.
Then had assembly. Sibei sian. I hate assembly also. Lols. After assembly, ate then went for detention. Walao damn sian la can. The teacher ask us write reflection, which I hate also lol. -.- Then the air-con there freaking cold laaaaaaaa. TT. 4 plus, released. (:
Chengyao waiting outside for us. Went to Plaza de Mac. Ate my lunch? Idk LOL. Then Huiling & Chin Teng left. Ben & Zen came. ^^ Slack slack awhile. (: Was having lots of fun. At Mac they both took out my shoe then tickle my legs wth. Damn itchy ley, lol. Slack dao 6pm plus then home. (:

-- Wednesday, May 6, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:02 PM
Sweetie, You Had Me.
Hello all. Erm. Today ah. Was raining. Lols. Walked to school. Was a little drizzling. Walked to school. I reached school quite late, lol. Took temperature. 37.1 lol. -.- Then had lessons. Bored la, hais. Was English first. Then PE. Played Captain's Ball. Hahas! Sibei funny la. Also very fun. I keep disiao Huiling. >< After that was recess.
Then. Erm. Maths. Have Maths test! Die die. x_x Damn hard. Confirm fail liao. ): Hmm. After Maths had Art. Art was in class today. Hahas. Fun fun. :D Was passing letters etc. So busy. ^^ Hmm, after Art was. Chinese! :D I was eating Kinder Joys & Kinder Buenos, LOL. Muhaha, so shiok ley~ Then we went to library for Chinese. Chengyao came also. LOL. :D Did some sort of stupid thing la. Idk how explain. Was crapping in there. ^^
After that, dismiss at 2.20pm. Bus to Compass with Huiling, Chin Teng, Vanessa & Huiying. :D We went to KFC to eat first. Then Chengyao & his friend Jeremy came. Zen came. Qianhui came. Ben came. lol. Saw a lot of people in KFC, hahas. Then erm. We all went to slack. Took pics. Then Chin Teng said her friend Melvin ask for my number? Lols. He asked Ben also. Don't think they gave, hahas.
Chin Teng, Huiling, Vanessa & Huiying went home. Left the few of us. We all went Metro play play. Lols. After that, Qianhui left. Hahas. We 4 walk walk. Go library. Damn fun. Muhaha, I borrowed 2 books. I know I v.guai lah. LOL JK. :D Then erm. After a while, bused back home. Reached at about 7 plus. (:

-- Tuesday, May 5, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:41 PM
I Really Need You.

Why did you tell me all this,
When all I ever wanted wasn't just as I thought?
It all went absolutely wrong...
I felt like you gave me false hopes.
It's ok. Take care.
Hello. Yesterday I felt really terrible. When I was going to sleep, still talking on the phone, my eyes started to itch. Then it was swollen. I rubbed & rubbed. Then swollen dao... HAIS! I was trying to get to sleep. But really can't. Then flu, cough & sore throat. Lols. Flu dao, my nose blocked, resulting... Me not able to breathe wtf LOL. Yesterday night was hell manxzs. But I feel happy that so many people care. ^^ But I still managed to go to sleep. At around 11pm plus.
Lols. Woke up. Eye felt better. Lols. Getting ready to go to school. Applied some make-up. I felt like an ugly monster. -.- lol. Then went to school. Met Chin Teng at the traffic light. Then walked to school. Reached. Need to take long way to reach class. Wtf. -.- Ahas. Chengyao bought 3 Kinder Bueno, 2 Oreo & 1 push pop. Ah, how to finish. Still have Kinder Joys. ~.~ lol. Then erm. It was IPW. They presented their projects. I slept all the way through. Really not feeling well. Eyes like got worse. lol.
Then, it was Geography. Changed seats. Then recess. Followed by Maths. Then Science. Science had a re-test! That time I got 7/20. LOL. Then now retest. SURE PASS ONE. >:) LOL. Then was Chinese. :D
Dismissed at 1.40pm. Chin Teng went to do D&T. Waited for her outside the D&T room with Huiling & Chengyao. After she did finish, we went to KFC to eat. I went home to take Kinder Joy for the rest. Then ate at KFC. Then Ben came. After that, slack awhile. Chin Teng & Huiling went home. Left the 3 of us.
Zen called. Say want meet. He said meet at Bakau. We train there. He say he at Rhumbia. Kk he said he don't know the name of the stations. Nvm. Qianhui came also. Slack awhile. Then went home alr.
Advertising time!
Authentic Gucci Wallet, at $250. Still in good condition, 8/10. (: Warrantee card w/e still there, LOL. Brother wanted me to help him advertise. So yeah, anything contact me @
fcukthis--love@hotmail.com OR 91226644. :D