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Bad sorethroat.

Am terribly having a bad sore throat. Did not have a very nice sleep as sore throat was disturbing. )':

Woke up and my voice changed completely. Not Zihui anymore. ): Hmm. Very bored. Nothing much to post, lol. Came online. Talked to Teelin. HAH. Play Tic Tac Toe again~ :B LOL. The number of pinches inceased again~ xP Kay lah, end alr. Nothing to post. D:

My life is miserable.

Recently, I have SO many things to whine and complain about. And there's so much things going on my mind. I. Am. STRESSED.

My father just accused me for things I HAVE NOT DONE. And my father said my brother's friend told him everything. Say what, I stead with Malcolm or whoever it is. Malcolm? HELLO? He always disturbs me. And my father screams at me for this and that, accusing me of such stupid things. He'd rather trust someone else than me. Oh. Ok. Go ahead. CAUSE I DON'T CARE. And I screamed so much at him till I'm having sore throat now. And am in a bad mood now. Very bad. Plus you know. I hate life and there's no point in living. I wish to end everything. Nowadays. I seriously have no mood for anything. I have no appetite to eat. Especially after I come home. And now, I realise, that home, is just a place for me to stay, to eat. No love. No nothing. And I have enough.

To Tony: Hey, I hope you understand. I seriously not your type of girl, even though you told me lots of times you like me and want to be with me. You said you like my personality and you told me this "Everytime I see you, I just think this way "OMFG. HOT CHIO BU" I guess you like me just because of my looks or something? And sorry, for every sentence you say, I could only reply lol. Am speechless. Cause I don't even know you that well. You told me lots of things, like I'm your one and only, you'd go for me, I'm your type of girl all that. Honeyed words? I don't know. But I hope you will think. And I wanna repeat, I'm not your type of girl. I'm sorry if I hurt you, ok.

1. What's wrong with having friends that are boys?
Seriously. Whenever I say want go out with friends that are boys, my parents would think all sorts of crap. Please lah. Go out with boy 100% is boyfriend is it? Don't so selfish can? Everywhere I go, everything I do, you would definitely ask me, "Boy or girl?" ... I can only make friends that are girls is it? One boy also cannot? Will die? Can you all please just think for me? Know what's unfair? I walk with boy. You all think is boyfriend. Even Mrs Soh. I hang out with boys, you all say I like to go out with boys. Seriously. How selfish can you all be? Do you like to be accused for things you have not done? Do you all have common sense. What's the little lump of thing inside our skull for? Oh wait. Do you even know what it is? It's called BRAIN. For you to THINK. Wisen up please. Yes. One of your excuses are -- Your worried something might happen to me. Then answer me this. Why are there even couples at young age? Can you just think for me? Don't get the point, that going out with boys, are NORMAL? NORMAL get it? -.-

2. School. Enough of this shit.
Can't you get it? I AM INNOCENT. Can't you see I have not done any of these things? I am seriously trying my best now to change already. You just don't see it. Enough of everything.

3. Where are my freedom?
Saturdays & Sundays, everyone's free to go out. While me, stuck at home like I'm in prison. You always refuse to let me go out. Excuse: Afraid something might happen to me. SAME OLD EXCUSE. So I'm supposed to stay at home forever till I'm about 20? While my brother goes out EVERYDAY, and I seriously mean EVERYDAY. No, no. Don't tell me it's for my own good. Cause I'm GOD DAMN SICK OF YOU ALL TELLING ME IT'S FOR MY OWN GOOD. Crap. -.- No boyfriends. No friends that are boys. No going out. No staying overnight. No coming home late. No complains from school. Everything's a no. NO. NO. About boyfriends. I wanna tell you that. I am human too. A human with feelings. Please understand. I can like someone too. And I really am not stupid to let people take advantage of me or etc. Nvm. -.-

School. Today. Was. Hell. Boring. -.-

Played games in MSN yesterday with Teelin. Lose must get pinched. Lmao. And I lost like more than 20 times. -.- And in school. Got pinched by him so many times. Lmao. No. Don't start accusing me of stupid things again. WE ARE FRIENDS.

Morning. Went school. Saw Kirby while walking. lol he walked very fast. And said I walked very slowly. D: Had lessons. Recess. Went up to assemble. Was about to go back to class. And Miss Neo wants to see me. And finally. She just told me that I did not went for detention yesterday and tell me to attend detention for next week. -.-

By the time I went back, History had ended. Good. Then had English. English ended. Waited for Teelin. Waited for him to eat finish. Then went home.

Raining cats & dogs (?)

Yes, it is literally raining cats and dogs... Just now. LOL. No, I don't mean cats & dogs are falling from the skies. Aha. 8D
So uh... Reached school at about 6.40am plus. Damn early. 6.40 I'd still be making my hair, if not for the stupid Maths Graded Assignment. Oh yes, speaking about that graded assignment. I remembered I owe Teelin a treat. LOL. ):
Oh well. Nothing much today. Bored. ): Skip skip skip. Had assembly. About road safety (.....) So sian lah. Went home myself. Miserable. Before I went home, not much rain. And then Teelin smsed me. Ahaha pathetic him. Miss Neo kept him behind and when he wants to go home it was raining heavily. So yours truly had to go down and walk him to the bus stop cause he doesn't have an umbrella. LOOL.
Met him outside school then bring him to the bustop. :D After that went home luh. Nothing alr. LOL. And I guess, tomorrow there's a great show for me to watch. 8)

Am so friggin' sick of basically eveything.

Yes, I am so god damn sick of everything. EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING OKEH!


Sorry but. I'm just so sick of,
• Sick of you guys telling me to do this and that.
• Sick of you scolding me & sending me for detention.
• Sick of you complaining about my attire.


Yes, I am stubborn. So? I am born with that "Oh-gawd-I-am-so-damn-stubborn-attitude".

Was having PE. Ran for 10 minutes. Ok, it is tiring running for 10 minutes non stop right? Especially for me, when I don't have stamina. Especially for GIRLS. So why can't I take a SHORT, VERY VERY SHORT break and walk for even like 1 minute or so? What's wrong with that? I tried my best to run ok. Never mind. No matter how hard I try to change or improve, you guys don't see the changes in me and shall always leave a bad impression on me. And yes, I am referring to MISS NEO, MR TAN & MRS SOH.

So finished running for that 10 minutes. And then was sitting down. So ya firstly Huimin wanted to sit in front. She even said that herself, just that she's lazy and tired to move. We were asking her to move quickly, for we're afraid we'd get scolded by Mr Tan. And what's the problem? I'll tell you the problem. We are so good enough to ask her to move, cause she said she wants to sit in front. And lastly, we get a good scolding by Mr Tan? Seriously la. What the heck is wrong? She said she wanted to sit in front right? Then now me & Chin Teng got scolded by him. -.-

After that he said he wanted to talk to us. Talk about all those. Better clip up your hair things. He asked Chin Teng to leave. He wants to talk to me privately. So. He began his story with, "Now Zihui, listen. I was your brother's form teacher when he was in sec 2. He did something bad and I had to call your father down. Now what does your father work as? Yes. Electrician. I suppose it's a very dangerous job. And what is something goes wrong when he's trying to pick up the phone call? I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen. And do you know for the next few days your brother did not attend school? Can you please just spare a thought for your father?" .... What. The. Hell. What have I done wrong? I did clip my hair ok. It just falls out when I was running. No, no. I think YOU GUYS should spare a thought FOR ME. You know how I've been all this while? No you don't. I guess I should just SHUT UP. Because whatever I say also no use. And yes. He made me cried. And I think I cried because of I have enough of you all. I don't wish to elaborate further.

Whatever. Forget about that shitty incident. Makes me feel very unhappy ok. -.- Had art. Then Chinese. After Chinese went to eat with Chin Teng. That's it. Bye.

Peektures of the day.
Zomg, my favourite. LOL. :D

So lazy to elaborate bout my day. And I dread going to school. I wish to stop schooling, for goodness sake. Cause,

• I have to wake up so early. ):
• I have to clip up my hair all that.
• Tons of homework.
• Tired till can fall asleep.
• Detention. -.-
• Hear teachers scolding me etcetc.
• Esp tired on Mondays & Tuesdays, cause after school on Monday, have CCM, followed by tuition. Reach home at 9 plus. -.-
Somehow I guess I really cannot take it anymore. lol. I am starting to hate school, and I dread going to school. But I don't have a choice. -.- Ah skip that shit man.
So. Woke up with my hair flying up. Bo bian, spiked. -.- Then walk to school. Walao my hair keep jumping up. Like wth. And today woke up esp early, cause haven't done homework. Chiong to school. Siti reached first followed by me. ZOMG. I'M SECOND. LOL. It's like once in a blue moon. LOOL.
Ah. Then. Was having IPW for first lesson. Go com lab. Lols. Added class mates etc, in Msn. Haresh added all 1N7 students in. Then the Hasrie. Damn guai lan. -.- Anyhow scold people when people not even talking to him. He scolded me babi. ZZZ. Of course scold back lah. -.-
Then after recess, was having Maths. -clapclap. Zalillah ask me stand behind with her. Ended up, Chin Teng, May, Xin Ping, Me & Zaillah stand behind. Same old people. :D Zzz. Walan. We stand behind less than 5 minutes me & Chin Teng go outside class stand liao. -.-
Zzz. Sian lah. I stand until leg gonna break sia... Then Chin Teng pushing me around all that. Miss Neo come down. Ah get scolded. And today have detention. Then Chin Teng also tio detention. YAY. (: LOL. She tio scolded. :B After Maths, was Science. Got 15/25 for test. Shit it. So less. LOL. Better than nothing. Cause I don't even know how to do the paper.
Science finish was Mother Tongue. Ate. Then went for detention. With May & Chin Teng. So bored man detention. Talked to a sec 2 boy. He so... -.- Nvm. After that went home.

Ahh... School is... Boring. Duh. -.- Let's skipzxs. Lazy to type. Lols. During Literature. Madam Dewi said SOMEONE or probably a few I guess, among the girls in our class said the word FUCK in our blogs to school teachers. Omg. Who ah? Wah so bad leh! LOL. Not sure whether it's a rumour or what.

Then after recess, D&T. Heh, made my handphone holder. So kewl. But it's so ugly. LOL. Ah whatever. :B After that was CDI - the most boring lessons of ALL. -.- Mr Tan talked about what respect, blah blah blah. Then Haresh sabo me to read the thing. Walao so paiseh. -.-

After lessons was CCM. AHAH MOST FUN THING. LOL. So I brought lotsa food in to eat, Eat, EAT! :B

Then teacher arranged all our tables into U shape. Wah. Damn hard to arrange. LOL. So I was eating liu yu, sms-ing, talking all the way. AHHH. Relax. :D Ate finish. Pass to wraper to the person closest to rubbish bin. Each person pass one by one. Most funny is, I dropped a few on the floor. I stepped it, picked it up, ask them pass to Mei Hui, the last person, closest to the bin to throw. Pass half way. The liu yu gone. Wonder if they had eaten it. LOL!

After the lesson. Walked home with Chin Teng, Sunny & Huimin. They went to Kopitiam to eat. And I went home to get ready for tuition, then meet them take bus. Took bus 80. Double deck. Went up. Whole thing only got 2 person. LOL. Plus us. Then Huimin needed to get off the bus. We blocked her way. Then she ran down I guess. When she ran down. We heard a damn loud, "WOAH!" LOL!!! DAMN FUNNY. LOL. Then we from the bus look down. Saw Huimin throw her wallet on the sit. Actually her shoe dropped. LOL!!! Ok then Chin Teng left. Left me & Sunny. Chatted with Sunny all the way until Pris came.

Fug. Priscilla's drawing is ugly. LOL. And look at me. Guai kia ley! :D LOL.

LOL. Ate KFC. Saw something damn funny. Pris you know right. LOL. Kk lazy to say liao. End. Enjoy the pics. (:

Left to right; Me, Pris, Marshall, David.
The other pic, opposite.

Lychin & Me. (Left Pic) Ping Ting, Me, Joanne. (Right Pic)

Left to right, David, Zixuan, Marshall, Pris, Me.

Left to right, Marshall, Pris, Me, David, Kahhe, Maverick.

Left to right, Kahhe, Marshall, Maverick behind Marshall, Pris, Me, David.
Zomg. He's my boyfriend. Hawt eh? LOL. Joking.
Though he said I'm his girlfriend. LOL.
Left to right, Pris, Zixin, Me.

Left to right, Maverick, Zixin, Me, Pris, David, Zhao En.

Guess who's she?

Woke up at around 7 plus. Get ready everything meet with Priscilla & David. Marcus meet his girlfriend. -.- So forget it. -.- Then reached Farrer Park at around 8am plus. Damn early. LOL. Was having hell lots of fun. EH PRIS. TIO HEAT STROKE SIOL. See that jiao bin of yours. Ahem. Mine also. LOL.

Trained all the way to Toa Payoh. With the 2 of them. LOL. Reached TPY station, went to buy Mac. HOT CAKES. Very hot indeed. LOL. Ok took bus. Walao waste money. One stop nia. LOL. Ok reached. Talked to Miss Bay & old friends. Oh. Fazil still as short as ever. Never grown tall. o.o Took pics there, as shown above. Fought with Marcus. So unreasonable. Just because of his girlfriend. Fought with Marcus(P). No longer friends. Because of his girlfriend. Eh girl. You SHORT. Is a fact. We taller than you. IS A FACT. Pris say you look like P3, so? Fact what right? Even I think you look like P3. What's there to get angry about? Can't take jokes? And Marcus(P). One day, you will come to realise we are right. Because. I doubt you both will last long.
About 11 plus, left. Went to the mall there with Pris & David. Slacked. Took pics. Then after that went somewhere. Reached home at 5 plus. :B

LOL. Damn hyper with Pris now. LOL. OI PRIS. ATTENTION, ATTENTION! Your spending too much fucking time on the computer! LEAVE NOW! LOL!! LEAVE LA. GET IT. LOL!!!! BYE. JUST SMILE. AND WAKE UP!!! LOL!!!!!!

Oooooooooooooo~ So tired. ):

Went school so early today. Just to pass up homework, LOL. I guai one okay. Scared teacher scold one. ):

Hoho. Go back class. ARGHHH All my books were lost. We had Maths as first lessons. Ok damn fun. LOL. So er. Mrs Soh. She say those no books go back of class. ZZZ. Hello. She kept all our books. She kept pupil's books, who left their books under table. Walao. Quite a lot people stand behind. There's like. Xueqi, Huimin, Me, Chin Teng, May, Xin Ping, Zalilah, Marcus, Shafiq, Malcolm & other people lah. Forgot. Then Mrs Soh ask us who take our book. LOL?

Then was having Science. SHIIIIIIIT. Got test. Idk how do. LOL. I anyhow do all. Sure fail. ): Then went for recess. AHAHA Funny. Saw Zalilah then keep saying CHOCOLATE CHIP. LOL. Bought mee rubus. Stupid lah. Chin Teng no money. I treat her. LOL. Nehmind. :B All eat mee rubus. Bully me. Took my mee rubus. Then all left find place sit. )': LOL. While eating. I saw Derrick smack Malcolm. LOL!!!!!!! With Josef. LOLS. Ah must be yesterday that thing. He ask Malcolm say sorry. LOOOL. :D Must thank them hooooo. (: Malcolm really said sorry. o.o

Was having History. Stupid la. My books. Still not with me yet. LOOL. Then don't need study lo. o.o Then English. I was like. Very pissed off. Cause teacher say thing the class don't understand. The boys at there huh huh huh. Huh what ah huh. Damn noisy la. -.- The voice loudest one is Marcus & Kenny. Then the stupid Kenny. Still throw rubbish at me. Like throw pieces of eraser & paper. Throw in my shirt. I like. Wth. Sure is Kenny. Sibei guai lan. -.- I got damn dulan. Then I scolded him. -.- He still deny. Aiyah. Then scold until he admit. LOL.

So er. School ended at 12.30pm. Go take book from Mrs Soh. LOOL. She say what. Want then ALL take together. If not don't take. Heng I got prepare one ho. PLASTIC BAG. LOL. AHAHA. Then go in take our books. 2 big boxes. All bring out. Put on table. Took mine. Friends took theirs. Walan sibei heavy. Walk all the way home. Sadly no stead in school. Abo ask him help me take. Lols... Aiya, kept complaining it's very heavy luh. Really very heavy ok. Keep dropping then make my hands got a lot of scratches. ): Finally reached home. Huiling, Huimin & Chin Teng come my house. :B

Changed & everything, went down eat Mac. Can't stand Huimin sia. She's behaving like a 3 year old. Still so immature. LOL. Ate for like quite long lo. Huiling needed to go back school for NE Champ thing. Chin Teng go find stead. Huimin go with her. Only me. No stead. So pathetic. )': Aiya never mind. Lols... I lied to Huiling. Cause yesterday Neo caught me, I think she said ask your friend (Chin Teng) to watch out or something. Huiling asked me who is the teacher for the NE champ thing. Me & Chin Teng said Miss Neo. She was like chua tio. AHAH. LOL. Then I lied to her, I say eh you better watch out. Miss Neo now watching at you liao. She say your skirt too short. She waiting for chance. To SEND YOU TO DETENTION! She actually believed. LOLS. Sad for her. Our acting too good. :3 LOL. Walked with Huiling to school. :B Went to buy something then went home. :D TATAS.

Could you, tell me why.
Cuz, I just don't understand why.

Wow. Today actually nearly don't need go school. Forgot set alarm. Thankfully, Huiling smsed me & vibrated. Otherwise will never wake up. lol. Ok erm. Nearly late. Don't care lah. Hais I seriously very tired of going to school.

Was having History. My group was with, Malcolm, Chin Teng, Gautham & Gautam. Ok. The 2 G ones. Different people ok. So there's 5 people. Then Malcolm disiao me. He kept saying that time Me & Marcus at camping. We go toilet. Walao. Please lah. Is I needed to use his phone ok. Plus we went with Chin Teng. She go find friend. AND. We didn't go to the toilet. Just water cooler there ok? Please get this right.
Big enough? So you guys. Shut your bloody mouth up. Stop saying I like Marcus. Then. Malcolm told Gautham & Gautam. They at there disturb me. Say eh you all to toilet do what ah? Do what? Say leh. Eee you all hor. At first is sua, never mind. But you guys gone over board ok. And I cried. -.- So... I guess boys are really afraid of girls crying. To make it scarier, Malcolm told the both of them, "Orh hor she cry liao. You die liao. Later she ask Derrick & Panda they all come down you die liao." LOLS. Then they got like freaking scared and kept apologising. Sorry ho, no cure. I ignored them all the way.

During Science. I really felt like sleeping. So tired. Then I was playing with my file. Ring file. I was playing with the clip thing. Keep open then clip back. Clip clip then PIAK. Clip dao my fingers. AHHH WAS BLEEDING. Very pain sia. LOL. Nearly fell asleep. ):

Then. Assembly. In classroom. Sian. Aiya did some stupid defence thing la. Then hair not clip la. Then Mr Tan pick us go see him la. Sat outside staff room la. Tio scolded la. After that don't know where the hell Huiling went la. Went looking for her la. Found liao then don't know where the hell my phone go la. It's actually with my brother la. Then kept pestering Chin Teng & Huiling to faster la. Cause I wanted to get my phone back la. Went out of school la. Took my phone from brother la. Then heard they say Derrick check my phone. lol. Kk never mind la. Then me & Chin Teng go plaza eat la. Then I became very poor liao la. Some girl named Priscilla in our school, her house tio burned down la. I donated $0.50 and now I no money eat liao la. Ok la I know I stingy la. Ok whatever la. LOL.

So reached Mac. Lent money from Chin Teng. Was eating. Ate finished then talk about people. Then suddenly Brenda sms me. Argh. Idk which is her. Aiya Idc la. She don't want tell me then sua lahhhhh. So went home at around 4pm. Reached home saw brother friends in house. LOL. They asked me who made me cry. o.o Explained. LOL. Aiya post very much sia. Kk end. :3

Why do you care about me?
I thought you had forgotten about me.
But seriously, have you?
I don't know. I don't know what to do.

See that. Special post for you 2.


Stop your nonsense ok. What I don't love you liao hmphsxz. Sorry lar Mei I love you okay.

You guys wanna play I love you you love me? Ok kindly go back to your own blogs and do so.
Meiko(:: Marcus kor, you good lo. Don't love you alrd!! HRMPFHZZZZ
xMarcus ♥: mei . i love you la !
How many times have I told/warn you guys to stop it?
♥Z, - Meiko(:: Aiya. You all want love or no love, want fight or whatever. Please do it in your own blog. Not in mine. I don't like it.
♥Z, - xMarcus ♥: Again. I said. WANT LOVE OR WHATEVER. GO YOUR BLOG LOVE LA. NB. -.-
Can you imagine it is YOUR blog & put YOURSELF in my shoes? How would you feel? Ya go think about it.

You wanna love here & there? My blog is NOT for you guys to tag this. GET ME. Stop this crap. What you think huh. Go back to your blogs to love each other.

I have enough of you two you get me. And you guys are really testing my patience. Sorry. You have crossed the line. Better stop it.

And as for Meiko. Yours, plus another one. I guess you know what it is. And I guess you'd stop it too. I'm telling you kindly. Since you said you don't like it. Neither do I. So please stop it.

I ain't jealous of them loving each other or whatsoever. I DO NOT LIKE MARCUS. So please don't think I'm jealous or what, so I do this. If you think so. Go jump off the building.


Sian... Very tired sia go school. Don't feel like going. Reached school, had lessons all that. T.I.R.E.D.

So. During English. Teacher talked about cannibalism. It's in the news. Or something. Like eww. Why would humans do that. For goodness sake. ): Just like the show I watched in the past, cannibal. Kewl. That man ate the other man's brain. O_O And well. If ya don't know what's cannibalism. It's humans eating human flesh. Get it? lol. Might sound disgusting. o.o

PE was... Horrible. Well. Kept running round the hall. AND I WAS CALLING FOR MARIA~ To drive the car over cause I really CMI(!!!!!!) But hell ya Maria. She continued running and left us all at the back. ): Ok we were actually calling for Huimin. LOL.

1.05pm, Chinese. Teacher never come. :D HIGH LIAO~ Go out of classroom, go toilet all that. Should have bought something to eat lo. ): So was sitting somewhere in classroom all talking around. So high ho. :D But someone is such an eyesore. Had no idea why they kept turning around to look at us. -.-

So 2.20pm. Chinese ended. But had some sort of workshop. Had to stay till 6pm ._. So tired. Hais. But was fun lah. Sat in front of Haresh & Hafiz. Sat with Chin Teng. Beside me was Sunny & Shafiq. LOL. Shafiq so stupid pls. o.o How spell his name ah. I not sure correct or not. o.o Kk. Had some sort of like word search thingy. Finished. YAY. I got prize. Oreo. LOL. -.- Then had 20 minutes break. Bought things to eat. Then went toilet. Well. 20 minutes sure passes very quickly. Me, Huiling, Huimin & Chin Teng were the last 4 to reach class.

Then. We were like. Picking people to say 3 things that you can do well. So... Xin Ping was first. Then teacher chose till Haresh. Because I kept Haresh's pencil case, he sabo-ed me. He called me out. LOL. Walao. So pai seh la. I nothing good about me he ask me go up. Then the teacher keep asking me. -.- Then she ask the class what's good about me. They said a lot of things, like, "Ah Lian, Arrogant" all that. Walao. LOL. -.- At last she told me to say, "I LOVE MYSELF!" Like... LOL? So er... I opened my mouth big but nothing came out. LOL. I kept saying I then laugh laugh. Couldn't say out. And the whole class was like laughing? Then she say ok never mind later come back. NO WAY. I just quickly said I LOVE MYSELF LA OK. LOL! So pai seh pls. -.-

After that. Had some sort of drama acting. Formed into groups. My group was, Haresh, Chin Teng, Huimin, Huiling, Hafiz, Firdaus, Sunny & Me. Our theme was to. Act like... A few of us were gangsters then some people stare us we beat them up. LOL! So uh. Gangsters were Me, Chin Teng, Haresh, Firdaus & Huiling. LOL. So bo liao la. Sunny, Hafiz & Huimin like those guai guai one. So they be the one that stare us. Aiya at last also Sunny get beaten only. -.- So bo liao.

6pm, walked round the school with Chin Teng & Huimin. Walked to Plaza. Waited for Chin Teng to finish eating. Then went home. (:

Girl. Please don't show me that disgusting look of yours. I cannot stand you alr, seriously. You think you very chio/cute? Well let me tell you. Your not. And although your eyes are BIG. BUT YOUR STARES DON'T KILL. You get it? So stop looking at me or my friends. When we weren't even looking at you. And don't get the wrong idea of us staring at you or whatever. The sight of you irks me. You don't speak bad things about me. Neither will I. So if you are reading this & know who you are. That's great. And if you continue to do what your doing. Well.
Get it?

Overdued pics. LOL. Was high today in school. :B STUPID. I got into Guzheng. While Huimin, Huiling & Chin Teng got into band. NOOOOOO. >:( During recess. Damn funny. LOL. When we ate finish. Everybody threw the bowls aside. Then. Suddenly Chin Teng called for, "MARIA"! Means maid. Cause most maids have the name Maria or something. Idk. LOL. Then we took Huimin as Maria. Kept disturbing her. In the end I became Maria. I go put the bowls. Wth. LOL.

While eating, got caught by Miss Neo. Opps. Assemble, go piano there find her. At hall. LOL. We kept laughing. And kept calling Huimin Maria. Then. Tio scolded lah. Need put hair behind like idiot. Then aiya stupid lah. Lazy say. Just tio detention. And when Miss Neo asked Chin Teng to go outside hall to unfold her skirt. I can leave alr. She ran to me and we ran down to class. LOL.

So er. Was having Maths. Then Science. Had Science remedial after school. Well special me. Due to detention, only need to have 15 mins of remedial. :B Then Chinese. Hyper again. LOL. Walao. I was doing art. Chin Teng help me do. Kena teacher caught. Teacher took. NOOB LAH CT! LOL. I was supposed to collect from her after school. Cause need to hand in tomorrow. ):

School ended. I FORGOT TO COLLECT FROM HER! LOL. Go Staff Room, she say I need take my work exchange my art work. Like wth? Kk never mind I went back to class. I tore out the piece of work. Went back pass to her. She said she don't want one piece of paper want one whole book. EH! I BRING TO YOU ALR V.GOOD HO. But never mind. She passed me back my art piece.

2pm. Detention time~ Lols. Went in. WAAAA ENJOYED THE AIRCON. x3 :D And killed time, did all my homework in school. WOOOHOOO. Plus. Miss Neo talked to me. :B She speaked so softly, so nicely to me. She told me, "Ha, don't follow the upper sec girls okay, I know your a nice girl ok. Be good ah, clip up your hair oks! (: " LOL. Wow. She said I was a nice girl. -snaps. DUH, OF COURSE I AM A NICE GIRL. LOL! So er. She asked me to copy certain stuffs and I can go home! (: LOL. So after that, went home. :D Saw Daniel Kor. o:

Left by Pris. Right by me. LOL. Tsk. She combing her hair then I took down the pic. (PIC LOOKS UGLIER THAN THE ONE I DREW) LOL.

LOOOOL. Having hell lot of fun. Lessons ended at 1.40pm. Walao. During CDI. Socks & hair got caught. Met Mr Tan outside with other people that got caught. Bought socks and hair clips. Wasted my money. -.- Then had Malay lessons. Ate. LOL. I bought like 10 packets of liu yu. Or what, Idk how to say. Like the one in the picture. Where I balanced on my lips de above there, made it like moustache. LOL. And I bought like about 3-5 packets of KUKU CRUNCH. LOL. Aiya. Damn hyper sia during Malay lessons. Ate like a pig, laughed like a mad woman. Then had 15 minutes break. Chiong out buy liu yu again. Then balanced like moustache. Damn fun lar. And Chin Teng wanted to eat KUKU CRUNCH. And ya, I bought KUKU CRUNCH again. LOL.

During class, I kept balancing the thing. Teacher saw she laughed at me. LOL. 4.30pm, lessons ended. Huiling came to my house. Kekezs. Copy answer and use com. I bathed and get ready for tuition. Called Pris. She cannot meet. ): Felt so sad! So about 5 plus Huiling had to go. Me & my Mum went down to buy things. Ate, 6.30pm left for tuition.

7.10pm, reached. Late. Lols. Pris reached at 7.30pm. o_o After tuition, took pics, ate, then went home. :D

I'm Zihui. How bout you, stranger?
Trapped In Another Dimension...


Since 270708.

been here.


Yours Truly edited everything 8D