-- Friday, January 30, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:52 PM
Bored day today.... Aiya shall be a short post. Lazy post so much.
And here's my test marks.
Geography: 18/20.
English: 17/25.
So... Really need to brush up on my English. Getting worse & worse. -.- And had another Maths test today. Quite easy. (:
After school went to Compass with Malcolm, Chin Teng, Huimin, Huiling. Actually Marcus also coming. But he go home change clothes. Then want go arcade play. Called Priscilla. She said she going Compass. AHAHA. Met her. :D We go Mac eat. ^^ After that Malcolm left for the arcade with Marcus & gang. Then we walk around. Went to Montique or something. Don't know. Bought a heart shape thing. So cute. Put on bag. :D Then Chin Teng & Huimin go liao. Left me, Pris & Huiling. Go walk around. ZZZ. We go Action City. I saw one of the candy box. So cute. Above there got open. Use 2 fingers. I go press tio electric shock. AH SHIT SO SUAY, LOL. -.- The feeling so... Weird. Ah, had lots of fun la. Then we go... Mini Toons. After that to Precious Moments. See those Valentine's Day card. So cute. Lols. But very ex. D: Then we go library walk walk. Very tired. After that went home. :D

-- Thursday, January 29, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 4:54 PM
Hi. Ya, hi.
Very tiring day today... So uh... Let's skip everything.
After recess was.. Chinese. Yeah. After that was... Science. Ah sian la. Feel like sleeping. I don't get what Mrs Tan was saying. Then ASSEMBLY. Shit. Even boring la... Hear they repeat the same thing again on the first day of school. -.-?
Then after school. Walk to Plaza with Huiling & Vanessa Xingan Baobei. Lols. Huiling is sibei lazy. Eat also lazy. So she went home. Me & Vanessa go eat. At KFC. Ate while talking. Then saw my brother walk pass. Lols. And then there's this boy from my school also keep looking at me through the mirror reflection. -.-...? Ah never mind. Then took pic with her before she went home. And I'm back home too. (:

-- Wednesday, January 28, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:33 PM
Such a... Tired day today.
Had English in the morning. Then PE. Shit PE. Because, we did stupid warm ups again, which is pumping. AH SHIT. My knee hurts. ZZZ. Then we run around basketball court for like 5 mins, which seems to be forever. Then do pumping again. Plus stretching all that. After that. MOST EMBARASSING THING! We hop with 1 leg. -.- Shit sia. So... ZZZ. Pai seh. A lot people watching. Do finish. Then we run around school. -.-
First. Teacher say everyone must be back by 7 mins, if not one more round. LOL. I haven't even run half way alr cannot tahan liao. o.o Ok er. First round I took like 5 mins plus, which is very long. Because I was laughing, talking and walking, when I was supposed to run. LOL. Then uh. Need second round. Sian ah. See Miss Neo. Plus her lanjiao bin. She can simply spoil your mood. Aiya. Why huan lo so much. -.- Heng today she bo catch my hair. (: Then uh... We went for a second round.
Ran with Huiling, Huimin & Chin Teng, same old people. Then on the second round, we lost each other. Except for me & Chin Teng. She was running in front. But when reaching school. I chiong all the way. And came in as the 13th. Took 4 mins plus. STILL SO SLOW. -.- By that time, I was going to die alr. Headed for water-cooler. Then sat down. Back to class.
Recess. Drank Milo only. Then go back hall. Back to class. Maths. -YAWN. Can sleep liao. So sian. AH SHIT!!!!!! ME MATHS NO IMPROVE. Out of 15, I got 5. AH HOW PATHETIC CAN I BE!!! LOL. Hopeless liao. ~.~ Then... ART. AHAHAHA.
Stupid Art. WE DO SKETCHING. HOW LAME. And boring... But uh, that is 20% of CA1. Or something. I don't know. Can't be bothered. And after Art is, Chinese. Ok er. Actually, me, Chin Teng, Huiling & Malcolm plan to pon Chinese ha. LOL. But at last don't have. kk then after school. Go find some counseller. Don't know for what. She ask me lots of things. Lols. I thought I got some problems need counselling. AH SHIT. LOL. What crap. -.- kk then after that went home. TATAS. :D

-- Tuesday, January 27, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:14 PM
And hello. Boring day today.
Early in the morning, mother & father quarreling. Hard to sleep. -.- Then around 12pm plus, brother keep wake us up. Wtf. -.- Then today Mother say suppose to go Grandma house for reuinion dinner. Crap. We ended up going to Changi Airport. -.-
Firstly. I wore like.. Short pants & white tee. Then mother say cannot. Wtf is wrong? I kept changing a lot of clothes. -.- Then wore boyf tee & skinnies. THEN MOTHER SAY NOT GOING!? Angry sia. Just because, my grandpa wants to go Changi, Terminal 3. Then my brother say want take cab. Because take bus there very far. Grandpa got angry and calls everything off. I'm so pissed off. -.-
Then never mind, at last cousin's father come fetch us. Went with, Grandpa & Grandma, Mummy, Bro & his Girlf, plus cousins. SO BORED THERE. My Grandpa go there just to watch the aeroplanes land & take off. -.- So uh. I was hungry. Me, Brother & his girlf. Walk around see got what thing eat.
At last, went to Sakae. No sushi. LOL. Ok erm, I think got. Not sure. I ate... Spaghetti. $12. o.o And they both ate desserts. LOL. I see my bro girlf eat the cheese cake like eat dao very xin ku. She say it sucked. o.o Then I think we eat very long bah? We scared our Grandpa come. Cause scared he scold, we eat dao so ex. Then they really came. Cause they wanna go somewhere else. LOL. We rushed out. The whole table nearly fall. LOL WTF. LOL.
Ok er. Then headed to Terminal 2. I bought. Mcflurry & Fries first. Then bought snacks from Polar. Uh huh, then go food court eat. LOL. So I spent quite a lot today. AND I WANNA BUY NEW WALLET. ^^ AND MAKE NEW SPECS, AHAHA. :D
Ok uh. Then took cab home. Boring day today. o.o Tatas. (:
* And that person, going around using this name: "ZiHiu" , becareful ah. Because I don't think that anyone has such an ugly name huh? And if YOU are reading this, better stop what your doing. Think it's fun? Well, I don't think so. I hope you'll GET A LIFE & GROW UP, LITTLE KID. (:

-- Monday, January 26, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 11:03 PM
Ok er, don't mind this. Just need to make a list of those who has relinked. (:
Those that has relinked, please tag on my tagboard to inform me that you've relinked. Abo Idk ah. And those VANESSA(S), please name out which you are. Lols. Abo I get confused ha. TYVM. (:-




Chin Teng.

































-- ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:33 PM
Today, went to the other Grandma's house. Was bored ah. I LOVE MY OUTFIT. But skirt too short... Need wear tighs inside. Ok Idk how spell. And makes the whole thing look ugly. ):
Woke up at 9am plus. Changed blogskin again. (: Previous ones I did SUCKED. Ok this year's new year was........ Hai. Idk how explain. Just not as good as past few year's. Got ready and everything, headed to Grandma's house.
AhMa so good ploxzx. Reach liao ask me want eat rice or whatever. AHAH I LOVE HER. LOL. And how lame can Jonathan be. Sms me tell me, "Happy new year auntie. Ang pao please." -SLAP JON. LAME LA YOU. -.-
Ok then when reach, Uncle was there. Give red packets all this. Then more & more people came. Father, me, bro, uncles play 21 点. Lols. I won $3. Play until $3 then my father ask me stop liao. NOT FAIR. MY BROTHER WIN $30 plus! ):
And more people came. Gave red packets all that. Mother left, go temple at about 3 plus. And I wanted to go home too. I WANNA EAT PIZZA HUT. But no one bring me go. -.- So took cab home with Bro at around 3 plus also. Then brother help me order Pizza. :D
Reached SK, brother left. To other place. And I went to buy Fries from Mac. Waited for Pizza to come. Paid $15 plus. AND ENJOY THE PIZZA ALL TO MYSELF. WOOOHOOOOOOOOO. Collected a total of $100 plus from all the ang paos. :D And yesterday Kaifeng smsed me. AHA. He's the boy I saw working in Pek Kio hawker centre. No wonder look so familiar lah. LOL. He got my number from my blogshop. -.-
Okeh, endzx. :D Here's some pic. :D

-- Sunday, January 25, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:29 PM
Went to Grandma's house today. Was extremely bored.
Sadly, Yanyan & Jovan plus their little brother has gone before we came. How sad. Okay, actually the purpose of going to Grandma's house was to have reunion dinner. But this so called reunion dinner, is just like having a normal dinner.
Reached there at about 3-4plus. Then have... Lunch/Dinner? Idk what to call it. Just had lunch/dinner at 4plus. Felt hungry again at 5pm plus. Uncle gave me $10 go buy thing. Went with my brother. Go patrol station de 7-11 buy drinks & crackers. Then went to another shop buy sweets. Awhile more, jiu go home liaozx. (: And collected a total of about $50 plus. :D!

-- Saturday, January 24, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:25 PM
So erm... Today feeling very pissed off. Thinking of changing blogskin, blog url & blog song. I was looking for my blog song for like 2 hours plus. Just for 1 song.
First, I went to Imeem. Found it. Added it in playlist, but when in blog, is 30s de. ZZZ. Cannot find full. Then I ask people where can download. Max give me guailan answer. But thanks to him, I downloaded the song. Then uploaded it to Imeem. AND TADAAAAAAAA. Woooooo~
And this morning, Marcus insisted on buying me.... Lunch? Ok erm. At first he said he'd treat me fries. And I asked him to help me buy McChicken, I'll pay him back later. So uh, he brought it up to my house. And I insisted on paying him the McChicken money, I asked him how much, cause he came with drinks also. And so... He asked me to pay $5. And I was scolded by my brother, because I used his money. Wtfook. -.-
Another Thai girl added me in MSN, and this is what she told me, which I don't understand at all.
- ت {/zihui就是我! says (6:20 PM):
Who you?
- ت {/zihui就是我! says (6:21 PM):
B-BikE says (6:22 PM):
- ت {/zihui就是我! says (6:22 PM):
Erm. How you get my msn?
B-BikE says (6:23 PM):
- ت {/zihui就是我! says (6:23 PM):
B-BikE says (6:23 PM):
- ت {/zihui就是我! says (6:24 PM):
Who are you?
- ت {/zihui就是我! says (6:24 PM):
I don't understand Thai, I'm from Singapore.
B-BikE says (6:24 PM):
B-BikE says (6:24 PM):
- ت {/zihui就是我! says (6:24 PM):
Ok erm. Anyone understand Thai language? If you do, please tell me what she means. Cause the emotions she sent out was........ Scary.
kk, end, bye.

-- Friday, January 23, 2009 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:46 PM
Hello all. Tired day today. Ok erm... About yesterday, I'm still feeling
very depressed about it. Have wild thoughts running in my mind. Actually, wasn't really thinking too much about it. But today, it became worse. I have hallucinations, I have stupid thoughts about this & that. Feeling really very stressed... Hais...
Today, went school. Met up with Chin Teng. Have what stupid CNY celebration. Sit till ass pain. -.- From 7am plus, till 9am plus. Then 9am plus, back to class.
Science lesson. Teacher ask who want go toilet. Quite a lot go. She say give us 3 mins. Have to be back by 3 mins. Went with Huimin, Huiling & Chin Teng. So ya. By the time we were back, we late 1 min. So stand outside classroom till recess time, & I enjoy it. Don't need to listen what teacher saying. What protons electrons. Don't get a shit out of it. Stand outside classroom till recess. Disiao people, so fun.
Recess, ate with Huiling only. Chin Teng don't know go where. Then suddenly Sunny joined us. Ate, then go up hall. Listen Miss Neo talk crap again. Then back to class. History lesson, then English. Go through some things, then had a test. zzz, my English deprove liao sia... 25 marks I got 20. 40 marks I got 31. Shit sia. Need improve liao. 12.30pm, school ends.
Walked with Huiling till somewhere... Idk how say. Then she walk to bus stop, I walk home. Went home first. Then met Pris at Sk mrt. Lols, began chatting all that. Always laughing. Then go back FPPS. Everybody reached there liao, but me & Pris haven't. Marcus called me rush me. Ran to FPPS. Went up second floor. Saw a lot P6 friends. Then went in staff room find Marcus & MISS BAY. I MISS MISS BAY SO MUCH. Lmao. Go in see the teachers together with Pris, Marcus & David. Colin haven't reach. Then security guard throw all of us out. So guai lan. -.-
Got out of school with same people, then saw Colin. Woohoo. Went to Pek Kio to eat. I saw someone that look a lot like the boy that added me in Friendster. Ok didn't care much. Eat liao, go playground there slack. Took some pics.
So er. Went home at about 4pm plus. Ez-link card no money. But never mind, took MRT with Colin till Kovan then took bus home. Waited like so long for the bus. Then in the bus nearly fall. Keep move to the front. lol. Then, reached home. A boy in... Europe added me. Also search my msn through Google. Cool. :D Okay, end. :D