-- Sunday, November 30, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:54 PM
Haha. Yesterday laugh like hell when posting that gay's pic.

Today, woke up at 4pm plus. ~.~
Sian please! Nothing to post at all.
Haha, your not the lousiest among us all le. LOLS.
Next time we go East Coast to skate okays?
Oh ya, go out often lehs! I scared next time no chance to go out le. ): !
Haha, if you find any of that gay's pic, MUST REMEMBER SEND ME OK! :D

& I'm
bored, BORED! ): ! 
Com nowadays getting more & more bored.

Lols, no stead seriously very lonely.
But never mind. Got friends. :D
O_O I'm being lame.


-- Saturday, November 29, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:54 PM
Hello peeps.
I'm back in action. LOL.
Well, I have a pic of this lovely lil' boy herezx. Interested in seeing? He's 101% very sexy pls. (:
Credits to Priscilla for finding this pic! Yay!
I SO-LOVE TODAY'S POST! :DYaya, am I right? Sexy? Oh, it's cute too! Well. To me, it's not sexy enough. So it went through... EXTREME MAKE OVER!
& credits to me for editing this pic. LOL! :D
" tiiss iiss miiee. . att moii cousiinn huss. . "
w0w, uiie are sh0 handshome nehhhsx!! hehehsx.
Credits to Meiko! For editing dao so sexy! Yay!
w0wx, uiiex shld be h0n0ured!! uiiex bec0me shoo sexy!! :D
LOL. He twits man! SO DISGUSTING! Oh well, it's ok. FOR
After the make over, does it look better? Defintely, with my help. -teehees. :D
Well, I'm not being lame but, this guy seriously owes a beating.
He is... A gay. Because he told my friend he loves a boy from 6/4.
Oh, I believed. Because all his actions looks girly. Ahems, or should I say, she?
He shouts like a girl, kpkb a lot. People accidentally push him, he screams damn loudly, saying " WEI! WHAT LA! PUSH ME FOR WHAT! "
LOL. & when we hear him saying " WEI! " With that pissed off face of his, me & my group of friends would say, " WEI! " then wtih that hand sign like a gay. (:
That's called, an eye for an eye. For what he did to us.
First, he asked me to play Audi with him. He noob than me, he say I hack all that.
I kept winning, he said it was a bad omen, & expects me to let him win. This guy is really crazy.
Moreover, ALL his Audi accounts were girls. He dressed up like 1 gey lang chicken in Audi then find couple. He told me, " Faster play la. I want find my dear. " EWWW! Go take a look in the mirror yourself la. Dear my ass manxz! His dear really pa jiao. Oh, cannot blame his dear! When he meet
him her he sure chua tio dao go hospital.


People never kp with him, after his so much nonsense, alr very good. He still at there say people. In real life, his appearance can make you laugh like hell + his actions. He wears VERY tight pants. & VERY tight PE shirt. Omg. O_O.
& there was once in P5, my friend was sitting beside him.
She told ALL of us, that when he has flu, he digs his nose, & place the dirt under his table.
In this class, news passes VERY quickly. Soon, the whole class knew. Even in 5/2. Omg.
Everyone was VERY afraid of using his table. The whole class, which was us, quickly crowded around his table. All of us looked under his table. OMG THERE REALLY WAS HIS DIRT.
-PUKES. So gross please! LOL. Everyone took out phone, take pic. LOL! Miss Bay, our last year teacher also, came back. That gay wasn't in class, he was in toilet. Because we just finished having PE at that time. Miss Bay saw us crowding around. OF COURSE WE TOLD HER WHAT HAPPENED!
& when that Gay came back, Miss Bay scolded him for being SO unhygienic. LOL! That's great. (:
& there was once, he said us. Me & Pris. We see him very buay song alr. He say, " WHAT WHAT! BEAT ME LA! " That time we walking down the stairs, going home time. Colin they all behind us. LOL. We beat him. Not really beat. Me & Pris pushed him. He nearly fall. :D Reached 1st floor, he quickly ran away. We couldn't find him. LOL! HUM ACT! Still kp so much. Act hero say what come beat him. -.- It was twice, when it was without Colin they all. We pushed him, beat him. Lmaos. He deserves it please. Since he asked us to hit him, we did him a favour by doing so. :D
He is one BIG LOSER. Heng we going sec 1 alr, not seeing him anymore. & I can't believe someone told me he likes me. Ekkks!

You can say I'm mean. So be it. I'm getting revenge, for goodness sake! After what he did to me everytime. & my friends.
PRISCILLA LIM JIA LERK!I know you love your boyfriend la. ):
& I don't have one! LOL.
I can live without one please~ LOL.
You still promise to stay single with me! -sobxz.
Ok la, I also happy for you.
FINALLY found a boyf. LOL!
Ok, last forever alrights.
Any prob tell me. I help you.

What he so kawaii!
moiix m0re kawaii pleashhhsx! :D
whyye uiie lyke lyke himmx! ):
uiiex ish it pa jia0xx!! ):
All the love we made, can never be erase. says (11:54 PM):
hiis hand nuhh paiin ? x{
All the love we made, can never be erase. says (11:54 PM):
mwiie xiinqtonq .
maii xiinqt0nq . ): hex sho er xiin! whhye uiie xiinqt0nq! ):
-- & '
♥ L. Z-i Hui {!} - says (11:55 PM):
All the love we made, can never be erase. says (11:55 PM):
whhat .
All the love we made, can never be erase. says (11:55 PM):
mwiie lurbb hym iin fiirst siiqht .
eee whhart lurbb at fiirst siiqht! hex sh0 uqly!! LOL.
I'm mad. Been twitting like fuckxz. Eww. LOL.
& omg! I HAVE PANDA EYES! NOOOOOOO! Must sleep early. Have been sleeping so late. ~.~
& here, a picca of me. HAHAHA. LOL. :D

Signing off with a big smile. :D

-- Friday, November 28, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:01 PM
Hai. Seriously bored.
& then, another 1 ask for patch. -_______- Tired of it. ~.~
Sian pls. Nothing to do.
Muhaha. Think I buying mini hair straighterner. :D
Changed blog song. (:
End. ~.~
Come back quick please,

-- Thursday, November 27, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:33 PM
{Edited}Woah, take a look at this blog.
http://www.thetiarateam.blogspot.com/Made up of pathetic little kiddos!
They're practically protesting ahlians.
Because they see ahlians buay ge yan, I guess.
& so, they gather up pics & stories of them, & then posting in their blog.
Do you think that's what they should do? Not considering other people's feelings?
I mean, pls la, it's their business what, what has it got to do with them?
They hate ahlians then must post about them mah? Lame kids.
" Well, because I think that her pictures that she takes are ahlian-ish, and so I'm just showing to people what this ahlian wannabe does, to show how idiotic they can get! :) "
Pls lor, although the story has nothing to do with ahlians, they see her pic like ahlian so scold that girl.
Siao kias. Look like ahlian jiu scold? GROW UP LA! -.-I think your doings are much more idiotic than them pls.
You all think you all set up this stupid blog then ahlians will vanish forever from this world? -.-
Just wanna tell you lame kiddos, grow up & get a life pls. Your so immatured. Time to grow up! (:
Here's the story of a big copymeow,This girl I knew, was so friendly.
But it turned out that, she loves to copy, basically, everything I use. -.-
Well, I'm not the first person pls. She also copied everyone, like nobody's business.
Even my friend see her buay song. lololsxz.
It's not the first time she did it. My friend went to ask her, & added me in. In Msn.
Then we politely tell her, she starting scolding us. Like what the fookzx. -.-
Then after she scold scold scold finish, she left. Lame plsxz! z. -_______-
She asks people how they do something so unique, so nice. But wow, when you ask her, she wouldn't tell. HOW GENEROUS. {:
Ok, guess I should end. Back to what happened today.
Oh, today, another oh-so-boring day. ~.~
Rot at home. Talked to people in Msn. ._.
Lols, Bro's girlf talk to me. Then they on webcam.
Cause she say my Bro wanna see me. I was like, " ...? LOL? "
Oh well, never mind. Then web cam awhile. :D
He will be back at midnight, that means I can use till very late. YAY!? :D
Waiting for someone to talk to me & for Pris to online to pei me.
I so frigging sian pls!
& now, I know it's so
dangerous for me to fall in love. ._.
Because if I choose 1 guy, others sad like fuck, & Idk how to clear the mess?
So better to stay single. {:
Ok, end. :D
I've alr told you, now, it's up to you.
I respect your decision.
So just tell me your answer.

-- Wednesday, November 26, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:47 PM
Omg lahs, this is like the ugliest thing I've ever heard about that bitch.
PS, I'm referring to who I was scolding yesterday. A, & her lover B. & I got this news.
A was a flirt right? She took pics with boys. But that particular boy, carried her, hugged her. Ya, I've seen it. It's in her Friendster. & my first impression was : Fuck man! What a bitch. She alr has the boy she wanted but she did this. -.- But oh my, that guy that carried her was a gay, ._. lolol.
& about B, her lover, said this : " If I go back to Fillippines, I will stay with A. If I do not go back, I'll stay with XXX. " What the fuckxz! HONGSTER MAN! Cb kiaxzx. If he were my boyf I give him one tight slap, ask him go hong gan man. PS, XXX is anothe girl. Not like A, still love him like an idiot. Back to A. Fuck mansxz. She is like OLDER THAN HER LOVER 1 YEAR? & THEY'RE NOT EVEN BOYF & GIRLF YET!? Plus her lover is a pervert please! Eww, don't you guys find it disgusting? Plus, that guy is a hongster? Wtf. I've heard MANY MANY things about her & her lover. Omgsxz. Her profile is lag like fuck. So many rubbish, all around the place. When you press her profile, you'll feel like you kenna virus. ~.~ She wants to meet elegant, pretty, beautiful, handsome, nice, passionate, cute, honest, intelliget, caring, loving, thoughtful people & so on. The list is long. Wah eh, zhar bor. Wake up la! You think you going for blind date? Meet these kinda people? NEXT LIFE BITCH! Get a life la! Sorry but, I'm not poking my nose into their business. But I seriously see this bitch buay ge yan. Ok, enough. :D
HEYO ALL. MUHAHA. Back from Bugis-ing with friends. Woohoos. :D
Met up with Priscilla, Maverick & David first. Then Marshall called to say he was coming too. So yeah, okays. :D
Waited for Colin, then met with him. Was deciding where to go all that. Had a hard time laughing my ass off with Priscilla in the MRT. :D
Was standing in front of the ticketing booth, wondering what movies to watch. There wasn't any nice movies at all. So didn't watch. Headed to, BUGIS STREET. :D
& then, went to toilet. Took pics also. LOL.
Haha, decided to go arcade for some fun. TOOK PICS ALSO. LOL. :D
Me & Pris played Street Fighter. It was like the only thing I would play in an arcade. Lols. Not really. :D Kinda pek chek I lost. Can't believe it. As I always won in the past. LOL. Changed more coins, played some sort of press one. Sibei fun. Don't know what it's called. VS with Pris. I win all. HAHAHA. LOL. Then changed coins again, played the drums one. With Pris. I team with her. But my points more than her. So proud pls. LOL WTF. Joking. :D Played till hands pain la! By the time finished playing, it was like 4 plus alr. Pris had to reach home by 5. Lols. Pris left without us. ): But never mind. Still have 5 of us left. Pris called me, asking Maverick to leave with her. Lols. Felt kinda bored too, so all left. :D Met at the escalator there, Idk how say. Still at Bugis. Haha, bought some snacks for Mama. I'm so fillial pleasexzxz! LOL. JK. :D Went to Farrer Park MRT slack, while Pris went home. :D
Ooooolala~Ain't my back sexy? LOLS. Taken in arcade. Credits to Pris. :D
Went home, used com. :D
First person to talk to me was Wenwei. (As expected. lolol.)
He is like SO BHB CAN! LOL. :D
Comparing my ex & him, who more shuai. & he keeps saying he's more shuai. LOL.
& I guess he's gone mad?
Okay, end post. :D

-- Tuesday, November 25, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:41 PM
Haha~ Tomorrow going out with Pris they all. Going to give those people who ordered the lipgloss also. (: Submitted the school thing. ~.~ 1st choice is Seng Kang Sec, 2nd: North Vista, 3rd: Greendale, 4th: Yuying, 5th Bendemmer, 6th: Pei Hwa. lolol. Ok, skip. :D Hais. Have been having so much weird dreams a night. & it's for like nearly a month alr. -.- I think I siao alr lahs. Dreamt of Harrie. LOL#&*#@ Shush. Crap. :D
Talking to Priscilla about SOMEONE. Such a slut. She is so bitch pls.
Let's call this slut A. & her lover, B. Firstly, she breaks people's relationship. I bet she was in love with ANOTHER boy before she found her lover. A found B through Friendster. & B is currently studying in our school. But B alr had girlf at that time. & she played the role as a bitch to break both their relationship. Plus his girlf is MY FRIEND. B caused my friend to changed completely. Damn that bastard. & also, B is an arsehole. He is a playboy that likes to play with girls' feelings. He looks damned ugly, so dark like chocolate & super skinny. So I call him Chocolate Pokey Stick. (: Ok, back to A that slut. She at there, act one, " omg B! I'm so happy I found you! (Snatches B from my friend & take it as nothing happen) B, do you remember our happy moments in the past? ... blah blah. " She at there act one SO KE LIAN, want sympathy. Pui la. Your acting so lousy pls. Then, she got B. Omg, she got it, so? Back in her hometown, she was like such a flirt (to me), she took pics with boys & put as her Friendster photo. Oh no, she even SECRETLY took pics of boys eating. Omg, she's obviously sick in the mind! Who would do that man. & she act like she so chio. Take so many pic of hers. All lj bins. Stick out tongue, make her whole face look like lao zhar bor. She likes to act damn lot. She act emo when taking pics. She can act all sorts of things. & her featured friend, all boys! Worse than her lover. She created a photo album of her lover's pics. But there'sother boys pic inside. What a slut. & there was once she did her lover wrong. & so, how does she solve it? Omg the most stupid way to piss people off : By flooding my bulletin. _l_ you man. Plus, everything she wrote was in Phillippines/Tagalog! (I'm not sure) HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE EXPECT US TO UNDERSTAND!? Can't she just use her brains & write something that people from her friend list which is not a Phillippino can understand? Dumb. -.- & when it's her birthday, she wrote in her shoutout this : " HEY IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! PRESENTS PLS!! " Woah, bitch. Aren't you thick-skinned huh? Asking for presents? She even flooded the bulletin saying it's her birthday & she wants present. So? Your birthday BIG FUCK? -.- I commented her, saying that I was pissed off cause she flooded the bulletin. I told her I don't see a need to flood the bulletin telling everyone your birthday. Your birthday ain't so big. LOL. She didn't approve the comment! How sad. Afraid she might lose face wor. :D & her lover, was SO KIND. & guess what's her lover's present to her? Oh dear, it's his precious heart! Which means, he doesn't have to spend money to buy her a present cause his present is his heart. Wow, ain't he kind? (: & her reaction was : " oh... i'm happy to have it... " R-O-F-L! I bet she's thinking, " Wah eh, you sibei stingy la hor? My birthday you give me your heart when it alr belongs to me!? " LOLS. She even has the guts to ask me for more comments. Fuck you man! Want comment go get from your boyfriends la! Idiot. She's also a bootlicker pls. Likes to hong other people. Ekks. People reading this post, some of you might know who she is? (: Stay away from her wor! :D

-- Monday, November 24, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:13 PM
Hey peeps.
Finally ended the fight with Pris. Ok stop this crapsxz.
Bored alright. ): Discussed with friends where to go. Lmaos. Sianzxzxz. Nothing much to post oks. HAHA, my hit counter so fast 7000+ alr pls. -proud. Omg. LOL. :D End la. Lmaos. Shortest post ever.
Heyo. -.-
Why can't I forget you?
Does that means I still love you?
Hell no. No way ok.
I'm not sure myself, who I love. I think it's no one.
But when I see your personal message, I become... Idk how to describe.
Z. I just don't understand why. In my mind I know that, I DON'T LOVE YOU.
But in my heart, I seriously don't know.
You call me Dear when I'm not your Dear.
& Idk you call how many girls that alr.
I shouldn't have added you. I shouldn't even know you from the start.
I was just too stupid. Too stupid to accept you.
& that moment of rashness, caused me so much pain & misery.
& I told myself I WILL NOT accept you ANYMORE.
No matter how many times you ask. NO is the answer.
Your honeyed words, don't work on me anymore.
Because it doesn't come right from the bottom of your heart.
It was just to make me happy. But I'm not any other girls out there.
You have like so many gan meis, gan laopo. Lmao. That's your prob. Why should I care. -.-
I'm here trying my very best to forget you & let go. So don't talk to me anymore.
I guess I should delete you.& when I told you I wanna delete you, your reaction was so big.
You said you still love me.
Is that a lie? Whatever it is, I MUST forget you, delete you.
Otherwise it'll be adding on to my stress.
& i you think I'm selfish, ps, love is really selfish.
Till here,

-- Sunday, November 23, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:06 PM
Yeahs, blogshop have business alr! :D 6 lipgloss sold. Lmaos.
BORED LA HOLIDAYS! Think I'm going Seng Kang Sec alr. ~.~ Pris going with me ~ Maybe nia. Lmaos. :D SIAN. Nothing do.
Just now play Habbo, Snow Storm. 1 boy so fucked up. He hide behind the trees, expect me to stop running around & let him hit me with the snowballs because he wants to earn experience. Damn you bastard. I'm not dumb or retarded please. -.-
Hais. Cheryl Mei break with Sebastian. Then now he wants me back. Omg (!) -.- Ok, stop talking about this.
Wednesday going to give the stocks to those who ordered the lipgloss at Bugis. Haha~ Shun bian pei Pris go Bugis walk walk, buy thing. HAHA. :D ! End post. (:
& oolalaaaaaaaa!
I saw Meiko's Beloved part, about me. WOOHOOS. :D
Now my turn oksxz!

Heyo Meiko GIRLF. lolol~
Well, it's normal for gans to help each other mahs! Your welcomed lehs. :D
If you have any probs, just tell me oks! I will try to help you derhs. :D
Yeahyeah, I'll try to meet up with you deh.
HAHA. Ya, we met in Habbo right? xD So long ago le!
There was a time you didn't come online for SUCH A LONG PERIOD. I thought you gone missing. LOL.
Ya luhs, scold people very fun hors. LOL. :D We always got a lot of copycat taiji then we scold scold scold. :D
Ehs, "koko" VERY CUTE LEY! :D But you don't like then I don't call la. HAHA~ :D
& yeh, you will never be forgotten toos. <3

-- Saturday, November 22, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 4:33 PM
Siannnn ~ D:
Lols. Helped Pris to sell her lipgloss. Hais. SUPPORT LEH. At my blogshop. -.-
Then Maple pirate job need restart. Wtf. -.-
Sian lor today. Hais ~ Still deciding what school to go. Lols.
& then Wenwei ask me play private server Maple. Sian, download the thing till so pek chek. Cause was deciding my Maple name at that time. -______-
Today nothing much to post, kay, end post. :D

-- Friday, November 21, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:13 PM
Hais... -___________-
Today so sian...
Yesterday helped my hamsters bathe. They so ke lian. I bathed it cause it stinks. But my mother, said it still stinks. Nag at me to change the things inside. Changed, still stinks. Wtfook. -.-
Never mind lor. Change. She bring them to bathe. Walao. Her bathe is like killing them la. She put inside a tank, use the shower thing, open the water, just put in water. Until half the tank. I got in, see some of them swimming for their lifes, some drowning. Fuck... Heart so pain when see them like that. Hais. I rushed in & got them out of the tank. My mother still use water spray them. >:( Mum said they were enjoying it. They were shivering please. Hais. So sad lor. Like that treat them. I got a towel to dry them. ): Glad to see they were drying themselves & were dried. (: ..
Hais, end post alr lah.

-- Thursday, November 20, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:06 PM
CAUTION: This will be a fucking long post. Don't read if you think I'm writing crap. Tyvm. :D
MUHAHA. Got my results today. First, met up with Priscilla at Farrer Park MRT station. Cause we wanna have breakfast. She took so long! >:( I hate waiting. Lols. Headed to Boon Keng for Mcdonalds. I had the same old thing which I had for years, student meal filet burger upsized~ lolol. Pris tried MEGA MAC. O: ! So mega mans. I see she eat until so xin ku. LOL. She couldn't eat finish, still take away. I did some drawings of Mr.Noodles & Susan. Omfg, they're sexy please! :D Then, talked about some things, about Pris' lipgloss, which I'll be helping her to sell. Lols. Didn't had much appetite to eat that much. Too full. 12pm supposed to reach school. 11.45am, we're still in Mac. But who cares. There's still Biao Kai, Dexter & Shafika. Pris kept hurrying me to walk faster till I almost vomit. -___-
Saw Marco while walking to school. Pris squeezed her MEGA MAC inside his bag. Lmfaos. Quickly got up. Anxious for my results. Colin, David & Marcus were already there. There's still some space, managed to sit with them. Mr.Mansor talked, Mrs.Niar talked. TIME FOR RESULTS. Omfg, everybody cut queue. So of course we had to cut queue too. Abo sit there wait like idiot. I sat down with Pris in front of Miss Bay, & this is what she said : " ZiHui... Aiyo... You got U grade for your Maths... Your gonna retain..." Hohoho. But too bad hor. I saw my marks before she said so. >:) But I did get an U grade. Which is, Maths. Most lousy subject. lol. But, never mind la! & surprisingly, I got 180. WTFOOK. SO OVER THE MOON LA. WOOHOOS~ But kind of disappointed my English get B! ): I got A for Chinese, B for English, C for Science, U for Maths. ): But nehmind. What's done is done. :D!
Next, went to Pris' house. Colin, David & Marcus waited downstairs. Lols. I used her toilet, get some things, changed clothes, then went down. We took very long. lol. We don't know where to go, so went to MRT to look at the map, on where to go. Finally decided on Vivo. :D Went to GIANT. Woah, really very giant. lol. Colin lent $1 from Marshall cause he wanna use the trolley. Lols. Then left our bags in the trolley. Walked the whole Giant, only the lower floor. Didn't went up. I was on a search for my SUSHI. So disappointed. Whole Vivo no Sushi nor Takoyaki. Omg. -____- So, never mind. Walked passed a scanner. That scanner can scan how much an item is. LOL. We took all sorts of items go there scan scan. LIKE IDIOTS. LOL. & then. Went to counter. Guess what, whole big trolley only got 2 packets of chips. LOL WTF. Then, went to walk walk I think. Went Burger King. Still haven't eat. Because of morning la. Eat so full. I bought fries. Sat at the playground there. lolol. See so many kids playing. Even naked ones. LOL. Ok then, went up the water there. Woohoos~ Me & Pris took off shoes, headed for the water! :D But the rest don't wanna play. Hais. Guess they've all grown up. Except for the 2 of us. xD Took some pics too. :D
Haha~ How's it. O_O. After playing, we went to walk walk. Marcus went home. Priscilla, too much money, wanna buy something for me. & Colin. Lols. She bought me the FLIPFLOPS I WANTED FROM MINI TOONS. YEAH! HAHA. THANKS A LOT GIRL. :D & she brought Colin a Voodoo doll. Omgs, & I walked to Cold Storage. ( In hope to find some Sushis. ) & FUCK! A BIG SIGN THERE : SUSHI. #^!#&@ Aiya, don't care la. Bought some. Went to MRT. Eat while waiting for the train. :D That means we're going home ~ & took so pics again. -______-
Haha~ Focus on the reflection! Not them! xD Got home sibei tired. & here's some pics of myself ~ xD

-- Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 12:49 PM
Sian boooooooo. Today wake up so early.
So tired lah. Mother never work. Today supposed to go out. But due to some probs, it's canceled. ):
EARLY IN THE MORNING, which is 9 plus, my mother came in my room & said " 臭人!起来了!很晚了!" I ask her what time. She say 9 plus. WTFOOK. SO EARLY. Say very late. >:( I don't care la. Continue sleep. Then she lie down beside me. Make it so hot & squeezy! She started taking my hands, turning & twisting them around. LOL. Saying my bones are so flexible, good for dancing. She said that like 1000000000 times. So, she kept waking me up. Then say go down eat. I told her my hair so ugly you ask me go down. Lmaos. So she force lor. Go down eat. Hai ~ Eat liao, walk to NTUC. Buy thing. Sian, so tired. -____- Went home. Used com till now. :D Then, help mama to move the cupboards. & chatted with Wenwei & Priscilla. Wenwei kept saying he wanna call me. Lmaos. ~.~ So sian. Hai. ANY JOBS TO INTRO!? ): Sian la. Tomorrow results day, = die. ): Haha, ok la. End post. :D

-- Tuesday, November 18, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 3:54 PM
Haha, last day of school. Taken by Ziying. :D
I&E Day. :D
See, what's the difference? LOL.
Ha-Ha-Ha. Some overdued photos. But those 2 of me are not. :D
Rotting at homeeeeeeeeeee. TOMORROW GO OUT. Muhaha.
& I can't wait to get my hoodie & tees please. TT.
Hais. As usual, the everyday routine, wake up, check phone for messages & use com. BUT TODAY. I saw Mama I think? Early, very early. I was still sleeping. So kinda blur. Thought I saw Mama taking things from table. I was like, aiyo! so early, I wanna sleep la. Who cares. ~.~ So I continue sleep, yah. Sleep till 1 plus. Wake up, didn't saw Mama. -_____- Saw her handbag at home, but she herself not home. Well, maybe out. lolol. So blur at that time. (x Woke up, used com la. Use till now. That Meiko har! Keep asking send song. 1 after another. LOL. Played those Msn games with Benny. & he is like, so du lan. x_x. Haaa, maybe will edit this post later. SIAN OK!?
HAHA. This time we discuss where to go discuss dao so farny. LOL.
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:45 PM):
it's tampines. lol.
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:45 PM):
Colin. says (6:45 PM):
english no good how..
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:45 PM):
no choice so anyhow spell lorhs
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:45 PM):
just remember is pines.
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:46 PM):
behind PINES. P-I-N-E-S.
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:46 PM):
HAHA. I also like that remember. xD
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:46 PM):
ya. really what.
Colin. says (6:46 PM):
wat fuck is pine
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:46 PM):
xs--david@hotmail.com says (6:46 PM):
lol.what pines????
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:46 PM):
ya. P-I-N-E-S.
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:46 PM):
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:46 PM):
xs--david@hotmail.com says (6:46 PM):
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:47 PM):
really wan them?
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:48 PM):
aiya pris.
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:49 PM):
don't start your, I-SO-HATE-MARSHALL-CRAP again.
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:49 PM):
marshall will sure kp alot
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:49 PM):
' ♥ L.AhHui {!} - & it's Z for ZIHUI oksxz! says (6:49 PM):
xD. So sian la. Hais~ Can't wait to go out tomorrow. Otherwise it's another day rotting at home. Lmaos. :D