-- Friday, October 31, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:47 PM
Oh, great. Look how ugly my ceramics is. -.- A snail & a cup. FUGLY!
Made it when I was in P5. -.-
Happy Birthday Papa, I LOVEEEE YOU TOO. ♥ :D
Hahas. Today like a bit fucked up. -.-
Early in the morning, we have to choose the fucking song for the P6 graduation thingy.
From Top of the World - The Carpenters, to I Have a Dream - ABBA, to Spongebob Theme Song, to Miley Cyrus song, to HSM3 song. FUCK! SO PEK CHEK.
I HATE ALL THE SONGS. Vitamin C de Graduation Song already used twice.
Stupid Miss Campos made us stand in rows. Me & Pris SO tall made us stand with the shorties on the 2nd row. _l_ la. -.-
Then she said, " Do you want Farrer Park Primary to remember P6 2008 singing this Spongebob song? " LOL WE LAUGH LIKE HELL.
Got back, practiced the Top of the World - The Carpenters & Vitamin C - Graduation Song. LOL.
We were the worst class. All class singing except us. Teacher found us too soft. Ask our class sing solo.
COMPLETELY NO SOUND. LOLLLL. Then Miss Bay said, " Come on! 6/3, SING! Don't disgrace me! " LOL. Then still nobody sing. All like don't give a fuck. -.-
At last, made all of stand. We didn't even wanted to stand. -.- Then made us sing. Still no sound. Think they gave up ehs. Then, that MISS CAMPOS made us stand. Purposely. -.-
Then finally as P6 sang together la. At least better, got sound alr.
Me & Pris at behind talk about someone. Laugh like fuckzxzx! LOL.
At last decided on Top of the World & Graduation Song I think.
After that, went back to class. Talked a while, recess. Then go com lab.
HAIIIIIIIIII! Also so sian lahxz. Use com till half way, Julieann ask all the girls go 6/1.
Practically, it's for some " GIRLS TALK " . About sexual thingy.
Miss Cardoza shared some of what she experienced with us.
Then SOME people, laugh finish alr still must turn back see us one sia. Like NEVER see us before. -.-
Back to com lab. A while. 6/2 came. FUCK. Become so noisy.
SOME people with her big group of friends, like SO inconsiderate can. Open music SO loud. Can't even do the project properly. -.- Plus SOME of her friends keep STARE & STARE, like NEVER see me before. 小心我dig out你的眼睛, 死八婆!
Ohhhh, thank god! Priscilla has finally realised that she wasn't a good person at all. Well that's GREAT! HAHA. :D Because she stared at her too. (:
After that, went to collet ceramics. We were late because Pris went toilet, I accompanied her & thers went to class take bag. We also go take.
Reached Art Room, THAT MISS CAMPOS, said that WE ladies take our own sweet time. Guhan & Ifthar there all also. Then she said we roll our eye balls at her, then what stare stare. Stupid. -.-
Felt kinda pek chek. zzz. Then collect ceramics, went back com lab. School end alr. Alrights, that's it. HAHA. :D

-- Thursday, October 30, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:41 PM
Happy Birthday, Mama. I Love You. <3So many things has happened, overnight. Moreover, it's sad things.
Disappointing & heart-breaking.
Fortunately, I have Jonthan & Priscilla to cheer me up. Thanks, ily. <3
Today, been sad the whole day. Misuderstandings to clear up.
z.z cried for like so long. -.-
Bro woke up, he played, I watched TV. Slept for quite a long time.
Woke up, a terrible headache & sore throat... Feel sick. -.-
Brother played Maple. Gone to lan or friend's house. Think he's gonna zak. Hah, good luck...
I think he's gonna chiong level 70 on maybe tomorrow or Sat. So maybe won't be able to online.
Hais, sian, tomorrow need go school... Discuss that fucking I&E. Hate it.
Ok, need some rest. Seriously not feeling well. Bye.

-- Wednesday, October 29, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:22 PM
OMG. THE ALIEN'S SEXY! LOL! So is the devil. :D Both is Pris. :D

Haha. Yesterday hell lots of fun can! LOL. :D SO HAPPY.
Actually, yesterday was going to the Labourder ( Idk how to spell ) Park. For what stupid Battlefield thing? Oh, it's some exhibition & games. Bo liao.
Was at hall, watching classmates skate, while waiting for Miss Bay with the other 10+ people from my class.
So regret going to the Battlefield thingy. I said that I didn't want to go. Then Miss Bay asked someone to take my place. :D
So, went to skating! Was kind of bored. So tired. Then leg cramp. ZZZ.
Finished skating, then back to class. Took photos, chatted with Priscilla.
Miss Song came, then taught us about some sexual things. Lols. So stupid. -.-
Finished the talk, recess, back to class, used com at com lab. Found some nice things at blog shop. Gonna buy it with Pris. :D
After school, Pris, Me, David & Maverick went to United. Walked all the way there.
Was like gonna die half way. Scorching hot & no energy. x.x
Walking half way, gonna cross the big big road, as in jay-walking. Miss Yaw & Miss Low caught Colin & Maverick. HENG AHS. I haven't cross. LOL.
Reached then. Was hungry. Looking for KFC. God, it's at Novena. ZZZ. Walked again. Actually, we don't know we go United for what. -.-
Lols, while eating, so funny cans. Inside KFC too many people, had to sit outside. lol.
5 people. Sit on a table with 4 seats. Extremely squeezy.
Lols, Maverick dragged another chair, sit with us. LOL, when buy finish, table too small!
Our tray all that too big. Ended up stacking all our trays under Colin's. LOL.
So.. When eating half way. We talked about CHEESE from our CHEESE FRIES.
That reminded me of a show that I watched. LOLS. It's disgusting.
They leave the cheese to rot for a very long time. Then when take out got maggots. Crawling around.
I told them all these. Then Colin say stop it. He'll lose his appetite. LOL. Then Pris interested, so I told her. LOL. Then they say I say very loud. I purposely make the action of how the maggots crawl. LOL. SO FUNNY. LAUGHING LIKE HELL.
Then, eat finish, go walk walk awhile.
Went to Toys R' Us. LOL!!!
WENT MAD LIAO. We took the hats, wore it, took pics. LOL.
Then played with the swords. Press all the things that babies play.
Take soft toy, play with it, take pics. LOLS. Look for guns for I&E also. xD
Then Colin took the gun, pretending to shoot me. LOL FUNNY LA.
Then went to the Halloween corner, got masks all that. Pris wore the masks. I took pic.
DAMN FUNNY LA! The Alien one is SEXY man. LOL. :D
After that, went home alr. Very quickly 4 plus liaos.
Not really went home, went to sit outside the Mac there. Was very tired.
Went to the bus there. Colin said he could fly. { CRAP }
Bus gone. He blamed us for not flying there. ZZZ. Like as if he could fly.
Just because he injured his hand during skating, he gave excuses for saying he couldn't fly when I asked him to. Lols. Was playing around with him. xD His flying means, jumping 4 steps. How lame ~
Went home after that. Haha. End of post. :D

-- Tuesday, October 28, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:09 PM
Hais. Just now fight with Cheryl Mei about copying stuffs.
Then Meiko made me jealous by saying he is buying her Spongebob soft toy? ...
Forget it. Buy jiu buy.
Tomorrow... Going Idk what Battlefield at Labour Park? Idk how spell...
Hais. Not in the mood at all. Idk wtf is wrong with me. Problems again...
Everyday like that, hais. Another jealousy case? Sometimes I really cannot be bothered anymore.
Just wanna jump down & end everything lahs... Hais. Goodbye, ending here...

-- ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 5:13 PM
yesyes, today's another fine day ~
Hah. Friend said my hair colour was too obvious. So many people stare me, plus scolded by Miss Bay. D: Some people like see me buay song when I dyed my hair? _l_ you people ~
Then, today. After assembly. o.o Mr Murlis called out about 20 male & 20 female. HAH. Including me, Colin, Priscilla & David. ^^
So.. Was puzzled why our names was called out? Oh, so. He said.
" The reason why your here is because you all are the top 20 runners in the 1.6km nafa run. " ( For each gender )
Chua tio pleasexz! I thought I second last runner in my group? LOL. STUPID RIGHT.
He said that there'll be a talk from Bedemeer Sec, about Cross Country, running thing. Saying, whether we're interested to join.
After recess, a talk from Balestier Hill Sec first. Some performances on Wu Shu. Then Judo or something?
Followed by Bendemeer Sec. Hai. Boring k. Some performances, some boys demostrate the Sepak.. Something something. Idk how spell. Psps.
Finally, called the 40 pupils out again, which was us. Then he talked about that running thing.
Write our names, leave our numbers. BLAH BLAH. SIAN CAN.
Very quickly lahs, after school alr. -.- Didn't stay back... Tired.
Okay, the rest lazy type alr.
Tatas, peeps. <3

-- Monday, October 27, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 2:10 PM
Hai, today is like. So happy lahs. Then suddenly. Something spoil my mood. -.-
Yesterday dyed my hair, finally, there's results aye.
Hai. Can't stand my face.
So horrible, ugly. -.-
Oh my! How can I forget!
Today is my blog de 4th month. LOL! :D
Hai, sad for Meiko, bout yesterday.
So.. Yeahs. Today woke up early also. Father & his friend come our house. Made so much noise. Eventually, woke up uhs. First thing, use com. Father forced me to go down to eat. Zzz. Didn't ate much. Early in the morning where got appetite. -.- Chatted with Jon in Msn. Went to Audition for the first time with Jon. Stupid fax machine. Someone called. Then make me dc. Came back to Msn. He sms-ed me, then he told me something. But not telling lah. Played Audi again, with Jon first. Then Marshall. Marshall's friend, & finally him. Can go mad. x.x At first, I played with Jon, was losing yeah. At last minute. Chain x5, then win. HAHAHA. I can't forget that. Woohoos ~ Then alr go mad. Second, played Love Mode, 190bgm. Lols. High until I do fm. But got a bad. Always bad! TT. Plus level 10 & 11. Yeahs ~ First time ~ So happyyyyyy! Continued to play, then suddenly. Someone came in. Oh yes, surprised to see it's his Audi stead? Oh well. Got so fucked up. Ji tao exit from the room & came back to Msn. Didn't felt like replying his messages at all. Suddenly have this thought that he... Oh.. Never mind. Don't feel like telling alr. Spoil my mood. Hais. The happy happy mood gone, & came the moody mood. Didn't even come to Msn to find me. Godxz. Never mind, I don't care alr.
Although I'm sad, I'm glad that I have friends by my side to cheer me up. Thanks, you guys. :D THANKS TO, JONATHAN DUMB DUMB & MARSHALL! :D
Bye, end of post.
So, again. The same prob huh?
What a chio couple you have aye?
Not sms-ing me?
Leave me to die lah?
Do you even understand how I feel or not huh?
I know lah, I very useless la can?
I'm not a good girlf can?
Other girls are better than me lah.
I know I suck, yes, I do.
But don't do this to me can?
Planning to ignore me for the whole day is it?
If your gonna do so. Go on lahs. I won't stop you.
You can ignore, I also can.

-- Sunday, October 26, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 4:39 PM
90th post!10 more to 100~ :D LOL.WOOHOOO. I DYED MY HAIR! OH YEAH. :D
First time no colour. ):
Now second time alr. Still no colour = S T O P.
Abo my hair spoil. Hais.
Phone seriously got prob alr.
Sms him always cannot recieve.
Then get misunderstandings. ):
OH. OH. Brother's out. Shall use com till VERY LATE. MUHAHAHA.
Priscilla's online!
{ RARE! }Haha. Alright, back to msn, shall check my hair soon. (:
{ EDITED }Hahs, so happy.
Yesterday was so sad. Because I wasn't very happy with him.
He promised to treat me better. :D
Created our blog, & I edited it today.
Spent SO much time on it. D:
So tired lahs. Wake up early in the morning.
Bro & his Girlf screaming here & there.
So pissed off. :/
o.o maybe gonna dye my hair to golden brown. Just for fun. xD Maybe only. TT.
Heh! Probably not going to school alr. Oh.
Still need lahs. Do I&E. Stupid project! -.-
Oh, changed new skin too.
Is it better than the old one? lol.
o.o, so.. Here's another survey?
tsktsk, bored okay. lol. D:
Can you answer 50 questions about the
1st person that comes into your mind
right now?
- Yes.
Has he/she ever cooked for you?- Nahs. x(
Is this person older than you?
- A year older.
Have you ever kissed this person?-
Yes. ><
Are you really close to him/her?
How many times do you talk to this person in a week?- Hm. On phone or in cyber?
Do you think he/she will repost this?
- Nahs.
Could you live with this person?- Definitely.
Why did you choose this person?- Because I Love Him.
How long have you known this person??- Not that long.
Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
- Nahs, but to my school, yes.
Have you ever had a sleepover with this person?- Nopes.
If you ever moved away would you miss this person?
Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person?- Nopes. ><
Do you know everything about this person?- okok lo.
Would you date this person’s siblings?
- No lahs.
Have you ever made something with this person?- Made something? Like what? o.o
Have you ever worn this person’s clothes?- noooo. ><
Have you and your person made up a hand shake?- No hand shake. Held hands.
If it was “freaky friday” would you switch bodies with this person?- Is " FREAKY FRIDAY " that freaky that I'd have to switch bodies?
Have you ever heard this person sing?- No, D: .
Do you and this person have a saying?- Wtf is a saying. lol.
Do you know this person's friendster password?- No.
Have you and this person gone clubbing?- No.
Do you know how to make this person feel happy?- Idk lehs. x.x
Do you and this person talk a lot?- A LOT.
Do you like this person?
- It's Love.
Do you love this person?- Yes. :D
Do you want to go out with this person??- Gone out lots of times.
Haha! End of survey. Shall end here. (:
ohgod.jealousy kills! D:felt like so..oh well, it's hard to explain.bo bian lahs, i'm your girlf & i like you so much,hard not to get jealous when your like. so good to her? :\i hope that these feelings would stop making me have hallucinations.because i am having hallucinations. D: ..ily, baby.

-- Saturday, October 25, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 3:27 PM
Rahs. Didn't know that a fight would bring us closer. x)
Hai, has been going out for the past few days. So tired man. D:
Especially yesterday, wasted so much saliva, so much time & energy, to think about our I&E thing. TT. Finally, painted finish the card board, now collecting bottles, I think. None of us gives a damn. -.- Priscilla didn't came. GRR. Left us to do & think of the things. ): There's still a power point. HAI. Still so stressed after PSLE. D:
Was looking at bulletins on Friendster. o.o So here's one. xD
LAYER ONE: Spell your name with animals:
Z - Zebra.
I - Idk.
H - Hare.
U - Idk.
I - Idk! >< - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
– Name: Zi Hui
– Birthday: 03July96.
– Nick Name: Ah Hui/Hui.
– Location: Somewhere in SG. :D
– Eye Colour: Black.
– Natural Hair Colour: Black.
– Right or left: Left.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
– Shoes you wore today: Not yet. Just woke up.
– Your perfect pizza: LOTS!
– Best holiday: Thailand.
– Most missed memory: Tons.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LAYER FOUR:– How many pets do you have: 4Hamsters.
– If you got to go anywhere in the world, where would you go: THAILAND.
– Single or Taken: Taken.
– The last movie you saw at cinemas: Narnia & Prince Caspian. So long ago. >< –Who you went with: Friends. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
– Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi.
– McDonald’s or Burger King: BOTH! :D
– Adidas or Nike: Adidas.
– Lipton or Nestea: Ekkks. I hate TEA. Wait, is it tea?
– Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
– Curse: Yes.
– Do you sing: Rarely.
– Get motion sickness: What's that? o.o
– Think you’re a health freak: I'm not. :D
– Get along with your parents: Yep.
– Play an instrument: Nahs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LAYER SEVEN:In the past month
– Drank alcohol: Is Jolly Shandy counted? o.o
– Number of Drugs: Nah.
– Gone to the mall: Yeahs.
– Eaten an entire pizza: Nopes.
– Been on stage: Nopes.
– Gone skating: Yes.
– Made homemade cookie: No, asked Mum to buy the powder but she didn't. TT
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LAYER EIGHT:Have you ever
– Been in big trouble with your parents: Yes.
– Lied about your age: NO.
– Used a fake ID: Nopes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
– Age you hope to be married: When I am big enough to.
– Number of Children: Idk lehs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LAYER TEN:In a man / woman
Best eye colour: Brown/Black.
Best hair colour: Natural Brown.
Age: Older about 1 or 2 years.
Height and weight: Almost the same height as the average boys. Not over weight. lol.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LAYER ELEVEN:– Number of people you could trust in your life right now: Not sure...
– Number of tattoos: 0
– Number of piercings: 2 nia. TT.
Hahhhhhhhhh. So bored luhs. ):
Was it wrong that I accepted you?
You online also don't wanna tell me.
What do you think I am to you?
Do you even care if I'm sad or crying?
No, I think you don't.
Send you so many messages, also don't want reply.
Next day, same old thing. NO MESSAGES FROM YOU!
Do you KNOW or UNDERSTAND how I feel?
I guess you don't.
Because I think I'm NOT in your heart AT ALL. I always feel moody. VERY VERY MOODY.But you don't know, don't care. What's the point huh.You always tell me not to be sad.I tried to. But it seems like there's no reason for me to not be sad.What's the point, seriously.
It's been only 3 days. Hai...
Please, treat me how you want to be treated.
Otherwise, don't expect anything from me.

-- Friday, October 24, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:34 PM
Today was like _l_.
Feel like crying alr.
Met with Colin they all to do project..
Hais. Then something happen, not telling...
Really, I'm very very sorry...I didn't meant for all this to happen...I know that you waited for me for a very long time...But I just couldn't catch up with you...I know I'm not supposed to go out with them, but my friend didn't came.Otherwise I wouldn't be there. Because I know how you'll feel.I'm just VERY sorry...I hope that I'll be able to make it up to you...Please, forgive me.

-- Thursday, October 23, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 6:32 PM
Walao ehs.
Today should be VERY HAPPY.
But then, when I reached home.
D I S A S T E R! Haha, ok la. At least got happy. xDOkay, I'll tell you why.
Firstly, I went to meet Marcus. Because of some reasons after that. That's why I had to meet him. But not telling.
Let's say, I'm going to somewhere else.
So I had to be there by 1pm. I ate Mac, then quickly rush there.
Mother thought I went home alr. But she went home saw I not there.
Si bei angry & worried.
Better not to tell out everything. D:
Then just got home VERY late.
Lols, but also good.
Father say buying new phone for me.
What I said might be comfusing, but I'm not telling everything out. PAI SEH. D:

-- Wednesday, October 22, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 9:03 PM
To Clement,I'm very sorry, that I did not accept you... I liked him a lot.. I know that you love me, but as Jon said, give up the person you love because you want that person to be happy. How I treat you in the past, & how you treat me. I know that I can do nothing to make it up to you. I'd like you to be happy too. Don't be sad over me. Find a new girl if possible. You are the first boy that I've liked for so long. But somehow, feelings do fade... After you've been waiting for months & months, I still did not accept you... For everything that you've done for me, I appreciate it. Don't be sad. Or give up the whole forest for just a wild flower like me. There are still lots of better girls out there, which I'm sure you can find... Although sometimes I find you quite irritating, but you still cared so so much about me. I'm happy with those times when you were with me. You stood up for me when people bully me, you care for me a lot, you pamper me a lot. But I just want you to know, stay happy, do not be sad. Find other girls, forget about me. Because I bring up unhappy memories to you. I'm Sorry.

-- ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:08 PM
ugly, Ugly, UGLY!
Tsktsk. Referring to me. (:
Today... Is like the worse day ever... Ok la. Not that bad... >< Hai. At school sian like siao.
Rashes acting up again. -.-
So disgusting + extremely hot, Hot, HOT!
Hais. ): Asked Miss Bay for medicated oil. She didn't have.
Then ask me go down General Office.
Went with Priscilla, then the teacher, Idk who, say there's nothing that could help. TT.
So.. She tried using some sort of medicine. Yellow in colour.
I was like OMG. The rashes so big patch then she sure put the whole thing until yellow yellow.
Omg lahs. Walao, damn ugly. ):
Washed it away, then flu became worst. Sneeze & sneeze. Felt like sleeping. -.- For 2 days alr. @#&^!&@ YAO MING!
Recess, ate, blah blah.
Talked about Cyber thingy. Walao, sian. -.-
Me & Pris took pics, talk about people, listen songs. I play PSP. -.-
Today everyone like sick. During National Anthem, Colin stomach pain then Joseph also. lmaos. -.-
Walking to MRT, HEADACHE! ARGHHHHHHHH. Plus flu. -_______-
Tomorrow onwards not going to school. (:
Sat at the MRT with Marshall, chat about something. From 1 plus to 2 plus. lol. Because had to wait for someone.
Before going home, went somewhere.
Had so much fun. <3>

-- Tuesday, October 21, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 9:21 PM
Eh XIAO HUI & CHRISTINA.Want spam don't dare write name?One like to act cute the other like nerd.Xiao Hui, you think you very cute? GND LAH.DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW DISGUSTING YOU ARE. _l_You guys wanna talk. Come out talk lah. Always at school stare me, nothing to say ah?Like to stare with Nicolette ahs. I very nice bully hor?At toilet snatch my place, buying noodles cut my queue?& please ah xiao hui. Nobody likes you k. All your classmates hate you.Fuck off, back to CHINA LA. Cb kia. WATCH OUT. TMD. _l_Mariam, I know that your good to me.& your always a good girl.I liked that old Mariam, although you've changed.I don't hold it against you, because people do change right.But I just hope that your not so agitated when people just scold you fuck you.Talk politely. Problems can be solved.I'm happy & I appreciate it when I heard that your praying for me to pass my PSLE.But you too, worry about yourself. Your grades are also not that good.& I also know that you would not let those person off that speak ill of me.But why are you so good to me? Sometimes I don't appreciate it. I find it weird.& your weird, really weird.You act like a lunatic in school. But it's okay. I understand.I'm afraid that what you hoped for didn't come true.As I myself know that I've done badly.Although I don't know what the results are, but I know I did badly.I don't really liked you, because you copy my moves.As you know, I hate copycats. I guess you know it too right?I'm sorry that I didn't want to take a picture with you.Because I'm afraid you might do something to it.Once again, I wanna thank you for what you've done for me & I'm sorry for what I've done to you. Thank you.

-- ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:59 AM
HAI. Fucking flu. TERRIBLE MAN. ): !
Priscilla not coming to school because her Grandma passed away. D:
& then, yesterday was so the sad. ):
Because I think I broke someone's heart.
Sebastian asked for patch but I said no. D: Sorry!
& thanks Jonathan, for helping me. (:
Stupid DAVID. Find the o2Jam thingy until pek chek.
So regretted I deleted it. ): !
Hai, I guess there's nothing much to post.
Maybe not going to school tomorrow.
Cause Priscilla's not going. D:
Okay, that's it.

-- Monday, October 20, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 3:04 PM
Today so pek chek.
Some fuckers in Msn wanna find taiji. -.-
Shan't say about it. Spoil my mood.
So.. Was flying around from blog to blog.
Looking at Friendster profiles.
Then Karen finally said that she doesn't hate me & blah blah.
Alright, friends now.
OH. Not going to watch move alr. Pris can't go. So sian. ):
Tomorrow another boring day at home. D:
Okay, so that's it.

-- Sunday, October 19, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:16 PM
Hmmm. Sunday. Nothing much to post.
As normal, woke up, play com. Brother not at home. Teeeeheee. :D
Audi, then back to Msn. Teached Brenda about the Audi thingy.
Hai. Then met some fckers in Msn. Kpkb. Say wanna rape me. Bo liao. -.-
Don't wanna talk about it. Abo later in bad mood. D:
Didn't had much appetite, didn't felt like eating. Idk wtf is wrong. TT. Just felt like sleeping.
That's it bahs. Shall continue chatting in Msn. Tatas, <3>
Oh, Priscilla said she wanna go watch The House Bunny with me on Tuesday. D: Idk want go or not. TT.

-- Saturday, October 18, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:16 AM
EEEE. So fugly cans. -.-
80th post! LOL. :D
Yesterday went to some restaurant to eat crocodile & turtle meat. SOBXZXZ. ):
Hah, & my brother went to Compass to buy a new speaker. Base very loud. -.- Can feel the table vibrating. -.-
Don't really like it. So weird lahs. TT.
Okay, firstly, woke up & bathe.
Then. Brother's girlfriend help me make Friendster layout.
End up nothing come up. She pek chek. lol ~
Going to Grandma house to meet up with papa.
So, bro's girlf had to change.
Brought KFC & headed to her house.
Ate, watched tv.
Wait for her bathe finish & ok alr, headed for Grandma's house.
Took MRT, the took bus at Potong Pasir. So siannn ~
Reached, they bought drinks, I bought sweets. They smoked, then went up to Grandma's house.
Hai, then Ah Ma ask us go down buy cigar again. So lazy walk. Lols.
So waited for Mummy to come to MRT. Papa to get ready.
Got down, they go buy cigar, I wait. So took some photos lor. -.-
Took so long. Ah Ma said that just say, " Is AH MA want buy want. The wear flower flower shirt one. You tell him he will sell you. " LOL. She say she very big one, everyone know. So will sell.
But my brother at there keep tell then so long alr, finally sell. -.-
Bring me the cigar, got up, passed to Ah Ma.
Ok, then back to car. Went to Mcdonalds at Boon Keng there wait for Mummy.
Came, then went to the restaurant.
Ewwww. Was forced to eat the crocodile & turtle meat. They so ke lian. ):
Father keep taking for me to eat. Still got jelly jelly one. I think is the turtle de shell. LOL. So er xin.
Drank lots of the soup. Ok lahs, actually taste quite nice leh. LOL. I mean the meat. O: !
After that, headed to somewhere in Lavender. See people selling rubbish. All those second hand things.
By that time. Feel like vomitting alr. Didn't had much energy. & didn't feel like eating. TT.
It stinks la. Father bought some things. Idk how to explain. Then I went to toilet.
Back, walked awhile more, back to the car.
Next stop, IKEA! Haha. :D Love it's hotdog bread. LOL.
Still felt like vomitting. Awhile more don't have alr.
I told Mummy I wanna buy cupboard, then my uncle, working at Ikea said if there's extra, he give me. Woohooooo ~ :D
Kor kor bought some cushions & mouse pad.
After paying, went to buy hotdog breads. Bought a total of 8. LOL.
2 for me, 2 for brother, 2 for Papa, 1 for Mummy, 1 for his girlf. :D
I eat until 1 half then cannot finish alr. Gave Papa. LOL.
Then, went to Courts. Cause Papa wanna buy fax machine.
But the whole Courts only got 2 fax machine. LOL.
Saw the stall selling sweets & ice-creams. Actually wanted to buy.
But they didn't wait for me. ): So didn't buy.
Told Papa to go the Pasir Ris there. To diao prawns. LOL, Idk how to say. Like fishing. xD
But they don't want. ): So went home after that lor.
So exhausted. xD & then I feel like vomitting again. siao siao one. -.-
Bathe, then that's it. :D

-- Friday, October 17, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:58 PM
Smile For The Camera! (:
Flying Yakults. LOL!
Taken from above the mini ferris wheel. :D
Woohoo. Today so damn tired siaaaaaa.
Woke up very early. 8.10am. D:
Bathe. Didn't ate or drank any water. x.x
Play com. Then I realised I was late. Roar!
Hurriedly left for Kovan.
Everybody at there alr, left me. Tio scolding. >
Colin came too. Surprised to see him there.
David, Priscilla & Colin were there. Marcus waiting at Pasir Ris.
Took bus there. Saw Marcus, came down.
Walk walk walk. Took another bus.
Talked about some bitch. -_-
Then. Reached Down Town. Hungry like fuck.
Of course go buy thing eat first.
Bought Takoyaki Balls. DELICIOUS. >:D
While buying. Saw one siao gao barking like hell. Like gonna tear other people up. Lols.
Quickly went to Escape. Woohoo. >:)
Very first ride; Pirate Ship.
Like fuck. My heart like gonna pop out. -_-
Cause sat at the very end.
Second ride was Inverter.
At first was screaming cause tao tia. & leg pain also.
Haha. Third ride. Love it. Wet & Wild.
Like roller coaster, but is water. Got very wet. ><
Continued going to other rides.
Stopped for a break.
Got out to the entrance there.
Chopped hand, then got out.
As in using the chop chop thing la! Not chop the hand.
Chop liao cannot see anything. Only under light. SO COOL. LOL.
Went for Mcdonalds.
Ate. Lols. Facing the mirror there. Can see outside.
Suddenly one xiao meimei jump up. Open her eyes big big.
Priscilla see she like scream. Lmaos.
Me & David at there laugh laugh.
Hmm. Still raining. Rides closed.
Go the mall there walk walk.
Go arcade. Lols. Actually wanted to take neo-prints. But didn't.
ROAR. So cold. Because of my off-shoulder shirt. ):
Back to Escape.
Rides still closed.
Sat at the stage there, played True or Dare.
Lols. I di siao Marcus. Cause he chose Dare.
I asked him to ask for girls' number. xD
Abo ask him jump down to the water there. LOL.
But he didn't. -.-
Getting more & more bored.
Saw a ride open. Aeroplanes. Lame lahs.
But still went to queue up.
Waiting. See liao sort of regret. All don't want alr. Lols.
Marcus didn't go. Cause he say very bo liao. So he go think of his girlfriend. ( He didn't have any. LOL. )
His cousin de friends come liaos. D:
Go play together. Played Pirate Ship.
Hear Marcus' cousin friends scream like siao gao. -_-
Went to Inverter next. Sort of bored. Not screaming. o.o
His friends don't dare play. We say they xia suay. LOL.
Because we younger than them then they dare play. xD
Was feeling giddy & wanna vomit.
But still went for the Wet & Wild again. Water splashed like hellsxz.
All wet again. Hai.
Went to Pirate Ship again, for the last ride to dry myself. Then went home alr.
With Colin, Pris & David. Marcus stay with his cousin.
Hai. Very tired. Went to Mac again. Sat down & eat.
Went to Idk is MRT or bus.
Haven't decide. Said we're going to MRT. But then again say want bus.
Walk till half way then say take MRT. zzzz. -.-
So took MRT. Lols, me & Pris disturb David. Fun lahs.
But not saying. Something to do with balls. :D
After that. Went home. Reached at around 7 plus. Fuck tired. Stink mansxz! ><
Bought ear sticks for Pris. Got home. Bathe.
Back hen suan! So tired lahs. Think going to be sick. So hot. D:
Hahhhhs, that's it. (:

-- Thursday, October 16, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:14 PM
Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. TT
Today so bored lahs.
Use com for so less time.
Happy lahs, tomorrow going Escape. ^^
But have to wake up early. Meeting friends at Koven at 10.
Yesterday is like. zomfgxz.1 asked me for stead,The other on called me Honey when I'm not his stead,1 more still waiting for answer?TT, Idk what to do ~Okay, that's it luh. :D
Awww, Karen, you hate me?
Let me tell you,
I HATE YOU TOO.I think nobody can stand you la hor.Serious lahs, your friends also hate you.You talk a lot of crap mansxz. I guess, nobody likes you?I pity you, girl.Even your friends hate you. SO SAD!

-- Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:45 PM
Today wasted so much of my time at East Coast.
Thought it was going to be fun. But was damn boring.
Was supposed to be at East Coast.
But the bus driver ended up going to West Coast. -_-
That wasted LOTS & LOTS of our time.
About 1 hour 15 mins.
Other classes reached long ago, started building their castle already.
While we're late, still on bus. zzz.
But still had fun. Took pictures with Priscilla, enjoying the scenery. (:
Reached, got into our groups, listened to intructions, off to building it.
Had less than 30 minutes to build it.
A spot full of moist sand ended up the same.
Not much difference, except some spoilt castle.
So disappointed. SO HOT MANSXZXZXZ.
The intructor, Desmond, chose 5 people, including me to build the thingy while others dig holes.
Hai. So sian, why me. TT.
He didn't allowed us to go wash our hands.
He said without his intructions cannot go.
Others go alr, we do everything LAST.
Washed up. Then still cannot have our refreshments.
Had to clean the tools, leave them to dry.
Eat liao still must pick the litter around us.
Talk about what Graciousness, Idk how spell, Apadability. SIAN LAH HOR.
For 6 years I hear this crap from the starting of every year. ZZZ. SIAN.
Go out to excursion for last year also cannot have fun.
Alright, picked up everything, still need to introduce.
What for when we're off the same class & we knew each other? -_-
Took pictures of the beach too. But forgot upload. Lazy upload alr. :l
Priscilla came & find me, & offered me a drink.
Walaos, I drinking she go squeeze the bottle make the water go into my nose.
Fuck pain!
Was crying. Zzz.
Then went to line up, going back to school.
Sand went into my eyes.
TMD SO SUAY SIA. @%^#%!^#@
Back to school. Slept on the bus. Extremely tired. Hai.
Haven't 1.15pm yet, so went to hall.
So boredddddddddddddddddddddddddd.
Eeeyer! Priscilla told me that SOMEONE so er xin sia.
PE shorts pull until so short.
Take it as FBT like that.
Pigu so big alr, still want show off?
Might as well don't wear shorts la! ER XIN.
Like to copy me so much ahs?
They way I talk, walk, do everything also must copy? GND LAHS.
Fucker. People think your siao mansxz.
But I think, seriously you are.
You can't even talk to people properly, in a nice manner.
You have to shout like a siao zhar bor, acting like an Ah lian.
But you know what? Seriously, you look like a siao zhar bor that needs to be sent to the siao lang geng. I pity you.
Haha! Fun part!
1.15pm, went to Staff Room to get our $30 to buy the I&E stuff.
My friends, ( Colin, Marshall, David, Marcus, Priscilla & Me ) went to Compass Point. Near my house.
Went to buy everything that's needed first. Saw Daniel Kor. O: !
Went to Pizza Hut next, to eat.
Lols, talked about stupid things there.
Colin started everything.
About CUPS. Which is equal to... Bra the cup?
Hmm. We sat on a big round table, which he refers to is Cup Z.
There's Cup A-Z. zzz. Couldn't drink my water properly. Kept laughing.
There's more, but not telling. Quite stupid. -.-
Going home soon, went down, walk walk.
Felt that my hands were like so itchy.
Saw that it's all red. Lols. Something on it.
Rashes ~ Arghhhhh!
So itchy plus hot. ):
Hahhh, brought my friends down to the MRT there, wait until they go then I go home.
Mother said that it had something to do with the wind. Lols.
Oh yes! I think I'm going Escape with my friends on Friday. YEAH! :D
Hah, that's it. :D
Knew this guy in Friendster, ended up adding me in Msn.
Asked for my number. -.-
Still told me so many...
Weird things. Not telling. -_-
I can't get off your mind?Why not?When I know you for less than 5 days?Y O U A R E E X T R E M E L Y W E I R D. O: !

-- Tuesday, October 14, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:54 PM
Firstly in the morning have In-Line Skating. As in roller blading.
Fuckxz, I look like a RETARD when wearing the helmet. -_-
& then the stupid Yi Jun push me fall down. ):
So tired after the skating. I stink because of the equipments. -.-
Cleaned up then back to class.
Watched Art of the Devil II, continue one & 4Bia. So bored.
SOME people, which is an EYE SORE to me, make me si bei buay song.
Watch one show cannot sit down quietly to watch. Don't even know what the show is doing anyhow tell people. Still step cute. EEEEEEE. -PUKESSSSSSSSS. Er xin. -.-
So lazy to type down liaosxz. ):
Recess then back to class, do the same thing, watch show play PSP.
Ohhh, got it wrong!
East Coast Park trip will be tomorrow. YEAHS!
Happy like mad mansxzxz! :D
Hahhh, plus AhBEN KOR talk to me in Msn. Happy happy. (:
He said that I'm a pig. ): Keep oink oink. GRR.
Heh, but never mind. That's what my friends call me.
Ok, lazy type alr.
Shall end here. :D

-- Monday, October 13, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 9:11 PM

Aww, look, don't we look stupid? LOL.
Priscilla on the left, me on the right! :D
Hmmm, today should be very fun!
Cause we're supposed to have In-Line Skating.
But the person could only take 2 classes at a time.
So we're having it tomorrow. Sand castle building is on next Wednesday. Hai ~
Today come school, after assembly straight go down to canteen to discuss I&E de project.
So fucked up. Can't even think of anything.
Group members all playing. -.-
Then back to class, Priscilla take out her laptop.
I brought 3 CDS; Art of the Devil II, Soul & 4Bia. :D
Watch Art of the Devil II first. o.o
All say it's disgusting. xD
After recess, go com lab.
For about an hour.
Play PSP & use the com.
Kah He go Yahoo.
He say if we type " Maria " can see one sexy zhar bor.
Lmaos, press enter liao laugh like hell. -.-
Go Youtube, saw a video.
A man put a whole Big Mac inside his mouth. Damn funny. LOL.
Then back to class, continue watch show.
Went to Marcus' house. Haha.
His stupid hamster bite me. PAINNNN.
My hamsters more guai. ^^
After that, jiu go home lerrrrr.
That's it. :D

-- Sunday, October 12, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 8:13 PM
Made a new gan, lmaosxz.
SEBASTIAN GAN LAO GONGGGG. LOL. :DOh, another one, from Audi.
BENDAN KORRRRRRRRRRRRRR. :DHmmmmm, Sat & Sun nothing much to post about ahs.
Can't wait to go to school tomorrow.
Bringing Thai ghost shows to watch. :DPris bringing laptop. YEAH.Ah, today as usual.
Wake up use com then brother use com then again the same.
Then Someone in Msn show me attitude.Fucked up man. -.-He sent me a total of 40 messages.Hai, I'm seriously tired okay.Everytime like this.I said that I'd forgive you now.& it's your last chance.I won't forgive you the next time.& I MEAN IT.

-- Saturday, October 11, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 4:49 PM
Happy Late Birthday, Jonathan. 10/10/08.YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
My Mama bought me a off-shoulder shirt! WOOHOOOOOOOO. :D
Hmmmmmm, rotting at home.
So boredddddddddddddddddd. ):
-happyhappyyyyyyyyyyyyy! ^^
Okay, that's it I guess. :D

-- Friday, October 10, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 10:13 PM

Didn't went to school today.
So regret it.
Because I missed out a lot of fun. ):
Friends said that they brought laptops & PSP to play.-JEALOUS.But I at home also got com to play. LOL.
Priscilla said I pang seh her.
Hahhhh! Pai seh ah. LOL.
Slept like a pigxzxzx.
So shuang. :D
Hmm, but woke up quite early.
Because I know I today cannot play the com for whole day.
So chionggggggggg to Brother's room to play. Heheheh!
But at last he went out. So here I am, playing the com! LOL.
Oh yes!
My friends discussed about the I&E day thingy.Hahhh, I didn't come. LUCKY SIA.Hmmm, my group consists of 8 persons.Marcus, Maverick, Marshall, Colin, Priscilla, Ron, David & ME. :DStill thinking of what to make.-HEADACHE!Heard from Branson that pig that Arshath watch porn from his laptop or PSP?! O: LOL.
& then, heard from Priscilla that.WE'RE GOING TO SOME BEACH ON IDK WHAT DAY & THERE'S SKATING!ZOMFGXZXZXZXZ*&#*!&*#&~!*)@SO HAPPY MANXZ. LOL!Can't wait. ><Oh yeahs, going swimming with Priscilla on I think Sat or Sun, together with my Mama. HAHA!So damn happy mansxz. WOOHOOO!Awww, but I've got headache. DAMNXZXZ IT. xDHahhh, ok, going to Audi already.
Oh yes, anybody miss me since I didn't go to school?HAHAHA, JOKING. :DOkay, that's it.
Ohhhh, I hope you enjoyed those photos.
Just took it today. Although they look almost the same. :l
Awww, so ps.I put so many of the same pics. LOL!Pai seh. Cause other pics don't fit the above thingy.Pai seh ah. LOL.Ohhhhhh! I spend so much time doing that thing up there. ):So, I decided to disturb my friends with something.
I said to Branson this.
(11:32 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : Branson.
(11:32 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : I have a secret to tell you.
(11:32 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: ??
(11:32 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: about amrcus?
(11:32 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : Nope.
(11:32 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : A very serious secret.
(11:32 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: oo
(11:32 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: wad
(11:33 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : The...
(11:33 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : GRASS IS GREEN.
(11:33 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : LOL!!!!!
(11:33 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: =,=
(11:33 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: everyone knows
(11:33 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: grass is green
(11:33 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : LOL.
(11:33 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : LOL.
(11:34 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: lol
(11:34 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: dumb dumb piglet
(11:34 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: =,=
(11:34 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: grass is not green
(11:34 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: got other colour
(11:35 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : What?
Got what colour?
(11:35 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: red
(11:35 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: =,=
(11:35 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: yellow
(11:35 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: the
(11:35 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: dried out one
(11:35 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : YOU STUPID PIG!!! LOL!!!!
(11:37 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: --
(11:37 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: a very serious secret is grass is green
(11:37 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: u sure bo?
(11:38 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : Of course not. Just a joke. LOL.
(11:38 PM) - 我是XiaoPig: =,==
(11:38 PM) -- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} : LOL.
& then. I disturbed him again, with this.
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:39 PM):
Remember Bran. The grass is green & the world is round. (:
- XiaoPig says (11:39 PM):
i know
- XiaoPig says (11:39 PM):
then wad
- XiaoPig says (11:39 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:39 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:39 PM):
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
not serious
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:40 PM):
Then will we be " square-headed " if the world is a square?
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:40 PM):
pig jiu shi pig!
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
one women mad
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
she online for 44hrs
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:40 PM):
- XiaoPig says (11:40 PM):
stupid maple chiongster
- XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:41 PM):
i know that woman is you right
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:41 PM):
ya la i know.
- XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
- XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:41 PM):
don't need say.
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:41 PM):
- XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
- XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:41 PM):
& then he spout nonsense like this.
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
low the sound
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
low the song
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:41 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:41 PM):
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:42 PM):
is boobs with the furs?
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:42 PM):
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:42 PM):
-- & ' ♥ 阿 Hui -- Piglet, {♥} says (11:42 PM):
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:42 PM):
wolfteam leh
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:42 PM):
- 我是XiaoPig says (11:42 PM):
there will be blood
I think I'll go Audi or chat in Msn. Hahhh! BYE!

-- Thursday, October 9, 2008 ♥
Sealed with a kiss @ 7:53 PM
Ahaha! Today no school! But tomorrow got. So sianxz. Hai! Today so sian. Woke up at 11 plus. Force myself to wake up. Scared my brother come back home jiu cannot play le. Blogged, talked in Msn. BORED! ): Heard my hamsters screaming & screaming. They were fighting with each other. GAHHHHH! Ok lo, today nothing much happened. Watched Sun Wu Kong with brother & his girlfriend since 1 plus till now. Lols. Okay, that's it.
I remember, the first time we met.You & your friends came to my school as passers-by,Walking around, disturbing other people.You looked scary, with your gangster friends.You said " Hi " to me, with your scary friends.You walked away, & came back at last.You dare your friends to ask for my number, & you've got it.You contact me & we spent happy times chatting together.You told me that you fell in love with me.I guess I did too.But your friend, who also has my number said he liked me too.It was a tough decision, as to who to say I Love You to.Your friend asked me to be his girlfriend, but I just kept quiet.Because I'm waiting for you to ask me to be yours.We met up, together with your friends.We looked at each other, with shy faces.Went to Novena, sat down & have a chat.Your friend was like closer to me.He sat together with me on the bus,Lent me his cargidan when he knew that I was cold,& even asked other people to give him the roses which he had & gave it to me.I felt so touched then, but also disappointed at the same time.Because you just sat there watching.But I think you felt sad too.Because he & I were playing games, chatting happily, writing letters.He even brought me to the MRT when I had to go home.I can see you looked sad.You told me that you were sad too, because you were afraid that I'd be his.But one day, you told me that he was a flirt.At that time, I felt sad & decided to accept you.We were happy at that time.I missed the times when we were together.You hugged me when it was raining so heavily,You held the umbrella & me under your arms when we were walking.Because I couldn't meet up with you or go out everytime, you suggested we broke up.I felt really sad, but I was sorry too, for not being able to be there for you.After a while, we didn't contact each other.You smsed me first, & told me that you wanted a patch. I accepted you.But I didn't felt happy like in the past.You didn't treat me that good.But I understand, because you had to work.You said you had to work, because you had no money.As you were in the Lion Dance Troupe, I can understand how busy you are.But it's like as if you didn't want to care for me at all.Sometimes when I called you, you would give me attitude.I couldn't stand it anymore, & suggested a break up.Again, we didn't contact.But after some time, you smsed me again.You told me you wanted to patch & that you still liked me.You said that you were afraid you would disturb me.As you thought that I had stead. But I don't have any.You wanted me to accept you, but I couldn't.There were reasons why I couldn't. You felt sad.I am too, but I can't do anything.You said that you'd wait for me to accept you.Although I didn't really liked your attitude, but I still told myself to look on the bright side.But soon after, you didn't smsed me. Like you always do. I didn't too.But I'm looking forward to the day that I'll see your message again.I miss those happy moments...